Rabu, 30 September 2020

Funny Movie Quotes

City Slickers Quote ... You know that's such a lovely image... "fuck her brains out." It ranks right up there with that other classic: "bang the shit out of her. ... Quote ...

City Slickers Quote Page
Mitch: You know that's such a lovely image... "fuck her brains out." It ranks right up there with that other classic: "bang the shit out of her.

Dodgeball Quote Page
Patches: It's like watching a bunch of retards trying to hump a doorknob out there.

Dumb and Dumber Quote Page
Harry: Yeah I called her up, she gave me a bunch of crap about me not listening to her, or something, I don't know, I wasn't really paying attention.

Half Baked
Thurgood: Yeah, get me a box of condoms, and what was that thing we used to eat back in the day? What was it? Oh yeah, pussy.

Mean Girls Quote Page
Regina: I gave him everything! I was half a virgin when I met him.

Meet the Fockers
Bernie Focker: If its yellow let it mellow, if its brown flush it down... Opps, looks like I forgot my own rule!

Miss Congeniality
Miss Rhode Island: Once I stole a pair of red underwear from the department store. My mom wouldn't buy them for me. She said they were Satan's panties!

Office Space Movie Quote Page
Michael Bolton: If we get caught, we're not going to white-collar resort prison. No, no. We're going to federal POUND ME IN THE ASS prison!

Royal Tenenbaums, The
Royal: I'm very sorry for your loss. Your mother was a terribly attractive woman.

Van Wilder Quote Page
Van Wilder: I know Ms. Pac-Man is special. She's fun. She's cute. She swallows.

Zoolander Movie Quote Page
Derek Zoolander: Rufus, Brint, and Meekus were like brothers to me. And when I say brother, I don't mean, like, an actual brother, but I mean it like the way black people use it.


Selasa, 29 September 2020

Canon Digital Video Camera

The canon gl2 minidv digital camcorder is a movie lovers dream. This product not only takes great pictures and video but it is of such high quality that its features are used by professionals. With great features at an affordable price the canon gl2 minidv digital camcorder provides you with professional features that produce perfect photos and videos every time you use it.

Canon has produced a new product that is the top of the line in video recording and picture taking. The canon gl2 minidv digital camcorder is a movie lovers dream. This product not only takes great pictures and video but it is of such high quality that its features are used by professionals. With great features at an affordable price the canon gl2 minidv digital camcorder provides you with professional features that produce perfect photos and videos every time you use it.

The canon gl2 minidv digital camcorder contains a charge-coupled device system known as a CCD. The CCD takes colors that pass through the lens and reproduces the color in outstanding detail and brightness giving you the best image possible. This camera also has fluorite installed in its lens. The flourite element creates sharper details and a cleaerer image. It also increases the quality of resolution an brightness to produce the perfect photo or video. The canon gl2 minidv digital camcorder also contains larger pixels than other camcorders. Therefore this camera produces greater detail and allows you to shoot in dark places and still produce a bright scene. The 100x digital zoom lens allows you to capture images that are farther away. You don't lose anything by zooming in, the images appear just as clear as they would if the video was being shot from 2 feet away.

The audio quality on the canon gl2 minidv digital camcorder is simply amazing. The microphone that is installed on the product produces very realistic stereo sound. You can also adjust the audio preferences to your liking such as if you want to record two channels on one track or if you want to separate them. Another great feature is the optical image stabilizer. This feature eliminates the problem of camera shake. Therefore you don't have to worry about accidently moving the camera while shooting. The canon gl2 minidv digital camera will detect camera shake and automatically correct it so you always take the perfect photo and videos with no blur.

You can also plug the canon gl2 minidv digital camera into your computer with a USB cable. You can display your favorite photos and videos on your computer and ultimately print photos. This product also has three different shooting modes; digital photo mode, normal movie mode, and cinema-like frame movie mode.

The canon gl2 minidv digital camcorder is a great value as you get professional video features at an affordable price. You can read reviews on this product and buy it on learning-about.com/canondigitalcameras

Submit Video Press Release with MPG or AVI movie file attachment

If you plan to extend your company news, personal internet article or author blog with short video rollick, here we would like to give you guidelines.

Press releases in some cases could be placed to trusted internet media sites for free and, considering this fact, you can beef up your internet page rank, improving SEO or head out of such traps as google sandbox, for example

1. PR header. Here you should incorporate few of your keywords as well as make this name very natural. Press Release typically allows you to make its header longer than the header in article or weblog

2. Introduction. Here you should continue adding your keywords. Plus this introduction section typically is copied via RSS feeds to news announcing web sites. Considering these facts, you may decide to make your introduction a bit intriguing, encouraging readers to read the main section of your video news

3. Author or company logo. If this is just photo, then BMP or JPEG should do the job. However if this is clipart or something which should slide over background graphical image, the make it GIF

4. Main Section. Consider enumerated paragraphs, as in this publication, or open each paragraph with bullet. In main section, as SEO strategy, consider placing exact keywords combinations

5. Video file attachment. Here the question is about video file format. Considering modern PC screen resolution to be in average 1024x768 (try to be conservative and do not expect people surfing from public libraries use wide screens), please consider making your movie clip resolution something like 320x240, and deploy either MPG or AVI

Senin, 28 September 2020

Your own private island that goes wherever you want

Project Utopia is a man-made floating island that looks like it would be more at home in a science fiction movie than on the high seas.

If you fancy your own private island but cant decide where, this could be the answer.

Project Utopia is a man-made floating island that looks like it would be more at home in a science fiction movie than on the high seas.

The islands diesel powered azimuth thrusters mean it can move in any direction at a top speed of fifteen knots. And if you suffer from sea sickness theres no need to worry; the structures four legs keep it stable even on the heaviest seas.

Project Utopia is one hundred metres in diameter and has the same deck space as a modern cruise liner. The basic engineering is not much different to an oil rig. But thats where the similarities end.

Utopias eleven levels have over two hundred berths for guests and seventy for crew.

Two of the decks are dedicated entertainment zones where you will find a cinema, a casino, restaurants, bars and nightclubs. And if you fancy a bit of shopping theres a whole deck given over to retail shops.

Obviously as the proud new owner you can design your own interiors and features to suit yourself. But something you probably wouldnt want to change is the swimming pool and sun lounge. Located on the top deck this is covered by a huge, sliding glass canopy which can be opened and closed as weather conditions dictate.

At its highest point, sixty five metres above sea level, Utopia features an observation deck.

Four helipads make travelling on or off the island easy. And at sea level wet docks with retractable jetties on each leg provide access and storage for boats and jet skis.

Project Utopia was developed by British company Yacht Island Design and BMT Group naval engineer Nigel Gee. The final design was unveiled on 19th September at the Monaco Boat Show.

Yacht design director at BMT Group, James Roy, commented; Visions of the future are often constrained by familiarity with the present or reflection on the past. Much is made in todays design community of starting with a blank sheet of paper yet many, if not all yacht concepts revert back to the traditional form - the perception that a yacht should be a form of transport becomes an immediate constraint. Utopia is not an object to travel in, it is a place to be, an island established for anyone who has the vision to create such a place.

The price? No one seems to know. But it is rumoured to be in excess of 100 million US dollars.

Family Safe Movies - Editing Hollywood To Create Clean Films For All The Family

The ... moral ... of society, fuelled in some large part by the ... media and ... movie ... has been much bemoaned by parental groups, ... ... and other

The declining moral standards of society, fuelled in some large part by the television media and mainstream movie industry, has been much bemoaned by parental groups, religious organisations and other guardians of our collective morality but without an awful lot of impact being made. The perceived decay of traditional values and weakening of moral fibre continues daily to a point where things which would have made a dock worker blush 30 years ago now proliferate into mainstream network media channels and even into children's programming slots with sensory-numbing regularity.
There can be few parents reading this who haven't sat through a movie they would have loved to have shared with their children but for one or two unsuitable scenes. Or who have been simply unable to enjoy a movie everyone is talking about due to the level of sexual content, violence or other unsavoury content. Renting a Hollywood movie is almost guaranteed to ensure you an unhealthy dose of sex and violence and with the censorship boards becoming increasingly liberal, the PG rating bar allows more and more questionable content to limbo under it.

Well now, all that is starting to change with the help of a few of society's good guys. We've all heard of the slogan "sex sells", but hey guess what? "NO sex sells just as well and has opened up a whole new industry for DVD rental and retail sales.

Family Edited movies are the new 'big thing' to hit the entertainment world with a few pioneers such as Cleanfilms.com stepping up to scrub Hollywood clean!

A family edited movie is basically exactly the same movie you find on the shelves of your local rental store but with all the offensive content edited out. Edited scenes typically include the removal of foul and offensive language, including non-religious reference to deity, the removal of graphic violence, nudity and sexual/overly suggestive imagery and reference to them and basically anything which is liable to cause offence on moral or religious grounds.

The editing is akin to that seen on network television channels with professional editors ensuring there are no obvious breaks in the flow of the movie, so that the only clue the viewer has that they are watching a family edited DVD is that there is no offensive content. Of course, you will not find every movie can be edited in this way, so choices are limited, simply because a lot of movies will not longer be watchable after the adult content has been removed!

Surprisingly, considering a whole new market has been opened up for their movies and a demand has been shown, Hollywood is not too happy about such services and rather than jumping on the bandwagon, has actually voiced opposition to the perceived dismemberment of their 'art'. However, under copyright laws, so long as the editing company holds a copy of the original, unedited movie in their offices for each one they sell, or the customer owns a copy, then the editing process is both legal and irreproachable. Score one for the good guys!

Unfortunately, this kind of messing around does mean that family edited movies do cost more than their unedited counterparts . As edited DVDs can not be sold as edited DVDs, you basically pay for the original DVD movie plus the cost of editing it. Effectively this amounts to a few dollars more on top of the normal retail price of a movie. However, for those who do not wish to pay more, there are a number of family safe DVD rental services around which are just like say, Netflix, but offering nothing but movies with edited content for rental.

Despite the inflated prices of family edited movies, these kinds of services are invaluable for anyone who yearns for the golden age of movies, is tired of having their entertainment spoiled by questionable scenes, or for parents who seek to protect their children from Hollywood's often dubious standards of morality. If that's not worth paying out an extra dollar or two, I don't know what is!

Useful Links:

Cleanfilms.comM - Edited movie retail and rental.

- Independent review of cleanfilms.com and past/present customer comments.
DVD Rental Services - Online movie rental services compared and contrasted.

Minggu, 27 September 2020

Music/Movie Artist Crossovers

The flow of talent between the music and film industries is steadier than ever before. As performers gain celebrity status, they look to expand their presence in the entertainment world, with agents a...

The flow of talent between the music and film industries is steadier than ever before. As performers gain celebrity status, they look to expand their presence in the entertainment world, with agents and executives only too happy to indulge them. Knowing that their existing fan base will follow them into a new genre, these stars are considered safe investments, at least safer than an unknown.

Elvis Presley was one of the first stars to successfully negotiate a change of genre in the middle of his career. His good looks, fine voice and universal appeal made the transition easy. Early roles demanded little in the way of acting ability, allowing Elvis to ease into the film industry. Eventually, he took on slightly more challenging movies, although the critics were never really convinced of his acting chops. Still, his movies were huge commercial successes and established a precedent for musicians hoping to become actors.

Several years later, Barbra Streisand proved that women could successfully bridge genres as well. After taking the music industry by storm with her 1963 debut, she was an Oscar-winner five years later. Her talent as a performing artist has allowed her to excel in theatre and on television, as well as in the music and film industries.

There are also good examples of actors reinventing themselves as singers. Hilary Duff is one such teen sensation, earning a large following on the big and small screens. Best-known for her role as "Lizzie McGuire" on the Disney Channel, Duff increased her star wattage as Natalie Connors in the 2003 film "Agent Cody Banks". Because most of her movies were little more than Hilary Duff vehicles, the acting involved was hardly demanding. Still, her appeal was significant enough to net her a record deal, and her singing was good enough to make her album a commercial success. Whether Duff will flame out like Britney Spears or thrive like Barbra Streisand is anyones guess, but for now, she has established herself as both an actor and a singer.

Not all crossovers are successful. William Shatner, had an enormous following when he tried his hand in the music industry. However, not even an ocean of "Trekkie" enthusiasm could disguise the fact that his rendition of the Beatles' "Lucy In The Sky With Diamonds" was shockingly bad. Even before the novelty wore off of Shatner's musical endeavor, everyone realized just how abhorrent his singing really was.

Madonna's dramatic efforts were inconsistent at best. An edgy singing career brought her huge popularity, and studio executives saw an opportunity to cash in on her fame with a series of mediocre movies. Serviceable performances 1990's "Dick Tracy" and "A League of Their Own" neither hurt nor enhanced her reputation. Her fine acting in "Evita" was no doubt helped by the film's many musical numbers, though she did perform respectably for the rest of the film.

Needless to say, these experiments meet with varying degrees of success. Attractiveness and charisma can only carry one so far, since a complete lack of talent is hard to disguise. Still, as long as they continue to get offers, performing artists will continue to pursue opportunities in other genres.

Speedunnodu Telugu Movie Review and Rating

Release date : February 05 2016

AuthorRating : 3/5

Director : Bhimaneni Srinivasa Rao

Producer : Bheemaneni Suneetha

Music Director : DJ Vasanth

Starring : Bellamkonda Sreenivas, Sonarika Bhadoria

Story: -

Shobha (Bellamkonda Srinivas) is a happy go lucky man is going to thirty-six lengths for his friends. It has a lot of five friends and one of them always tries to seduce the beauty of the village Vasanthi (Sonarika) but eventually fail every time.No choice, Shoban takes things in hand and decides to help his friend. But during this process, Vasanthi falls for Shobhan. As these situations are presented in a rather funny way, twist in the tale arises when the father of Vasanti (Rao Ramesh) fixed the marriage of his daughter to one of the best friends Shobana Jagan (Kabir Singh).Rest of the story is how, Shoban erases all its problems among his friends and wins her love.

Plus Points: -

The story of how was woven around five friends is pretty good. Probably for the first time, the heroes of friends have powerful roles in a Telugu film. Bellamkonda Srinivas is impressive in his second outing. The way he led his role and gives a performance all is appreciable. He worked hard on his strength and will surely be a promising player in the future.Srinivas Reddy did a decent job in his role. His comedy works well during the first half. All teasing and romantic scenes that are presented during the first half are ok. Kabir Singh minimizes the villain well and impresses with his act.Second half is where the film moves at a rapid pace. The twist is presented during the height is good and has been treated in an interesting way. Song Tamanna is a huge plus in the end and was also shot very rich. Actor Madhu gets a meaty role and does his best. Chaitnya Krishna Prakash Raj and make their characters as required.

Negative points: -

As the film is based on friendship, there should be some scenes that highlight the link between close friends. The story does not move at a steady pace during the first half. It was possible to more comedy that policymakers have failed to use it.
Although Sonarika looks good on the screen, its role and performance should have been better. As the story revolves around her, a little bigger stars could do wonders for the film. Post interval, the film becomes routine family with unnecessary emotions.

Technical aspects: -

Music of the film is quite impressive that all the songs sound good and have also been slaughtered richly. background score is also nice and elevates the film to a decent level. The installation is correct, but a song featuring the actor Satya could have been removed. The production values are superb and the camera work manages to showcase the most natural possible film.Coming to the Director Bheenineni he did a decent job with the film. He introduced the young hero quite well and also put the film on a decent tone. Had he grown a little comedy and raised the bond of friendship further, the output would have been even better.


Overall, Speedunnodu has an interesting story line that is located in a rural set up. Bellamkonda Srininvas impressed with his all round skills and does its job very well. interesting twists during the climax and sumptuous songs are huge assets. Unless some dull moments during the first half and the lack of emotional bond between friends, this film can be given a shot for the overall package.

Movie Review Ratings,telugu cinema news

Sabtu, 26 September 2020

The Core: Movie Review

Ready for high-energy, heart-pumping drama? The Core , starring Aaron Eckhart as Josh Keyes, spins viewers into a nail-biting, edge-of-the-seat theoretical scheme of unimaginable catastrophic events! ...

Ready for high-energy, heart-pumping drama? The Core , starring Aaron Eckhart as Josh Keyes, spins viewers into a nail-biting, edge-of-the-seat theoretical scheme of unimaginable catastrophic events!

If you're aware of the recent Ring of Fire Tsunami, then this spine-chilling movie will have you questioning whether our electromagnetic field is in working order.

In line with earth changes, The Core is a dynamic theatrical experience that combines heart-pulsing graphics and impromptu version of The Day after Tomorrow meets Bruce Willis' Armageddon.

The Core is a remarkable film that integrates incredible imagery with broad intelligence. Enlightening, The Core will hurl you into the center of the Earth and just when you think everything is in the clear, the thrill-ride is just about to begin!

Written by Cooper Layne & John Rogers, directed by Jon Amiel and brought to you by Paramount Pictures, The Core is a prophetic depiction of modern-day earth changes and humanity's restoration of hope. See a Preview of The Core: www.thecoremovie.com

The Core is rated PG-13 and is available on DVD and VHS. An invigorating film, I rate this movie 4 stars.

*See this and other articles like this one at HolisticJunction.com today!

The Core: Movie Review
Copyright 2004 - All Rights Reserved by C. Bailey-Lloyd
aka. LadyCamelot
Public Relations' Director
Staff Writer
www.holisticjunction.com www.mediapositiveradio.com

Article Tags: Movie Review

Jumat, 25 September 2020

The way to rip DVD to the new ipad?

I have a DVD of The Hunger Games and now i'd like to rip this movie from the DVD to my new ipad (Ipad3). I've attempted a lot of free transformation tool on the web, however all of them turns bad quality.

could anybody advise some qualified software program to rip DVD to the new ipad to ensure that I can easily effectively delight in the Hunger Games on my ipad? i'd like to keep the subtitles along with audio languages.

First, Id want to claim that video quality is sure to loss while switching a video from one codec to another. an experienced conversion tool can easily minimum the quality loss. As a result, to rip DVD to the new ipad, i am likely to advise you one of the worlds best conversion tool - DVD ripper.

If you're a Win user, the win version DVD ripper can be your choice since this DVD ripper will certainly allow you to to rip along with convert DVD to the new ipad further as maintain the video quality. The built-in player will certainly let you to preview the loaded DVD movies. Moreover, it'll let you to select subtitles along with audio languages for output. Edit function is also provided for strengthening the output movie along with settings function is obtainable in making exact output.

If you're a Mac user, Mac DVD ripper will certainly allow you to a lot. It can properly rip DVD to the new ipad, other mobile devices and different video formats. Likewise, you're able to decide on subtitles along with audio languages prior to conversion and even alter audio along with video parameters such as bite rate, video codec, video size, etc in settings in making the output video much more works with the new ipad. Prior to the transformation, you're also allowed to revise the video by simply trimming, cropping, adjusting brightness, contrast, saturation along with adding watermark for bettering output. Watermark function will certainly allow you to to credit your work.

Other than, both the win along with mac edition DVD ripper supply you 3D function for converting 2d DVD movie to 3D movies. As a result, you are able to even delight in 3d The Hunger Games on the new apple ipad.

A thought of Bollywood Karaoke Songs for Hardcore Music lovers

Bollywood is like a heroine to the Indians and it has well mixed up with the Indian culture. The most important thing in a Bollywood movie is the song due to which the ratings of the movie increases and if the storyline is isn’t that much interesting, the song makeup that boring portion of the movie. The industry releases a number of movies in several languages like Hindi, Gujarati, Tamil, Marathi, etc. And the songs in these movies are quiet heart touching.

As the Indians are addicted towards Bollywood movies and songs, likewise they are also addicted towards the Bollywood karaoke songs. In the history of movies and songs, the Indian songs have a huge impact on the hearts of many people. Maybe in those days the picture quality of those movies was not up to the mark, but those music and their karaoke are still remembered by every Indian as they have become an undying legend. Those music are still present in the hearts of many Indians. The karaoke of those music is so much emotional and heart touching that it can touch the sentiments of any individual anyone can fall in love with those legendary songs.

Karaoke is the unspoken language of music in India and it is loved and appreciated by every Indian. There are several hardcore music fans of karaoke songs and like the many generations of those music, there are several generations of their lovers. Mostly, the senior people are hardcore fans of the old Indian movie music and karaoke that were sung by Mohammad Rafi, Ghulam Ali, Pankaj Udhas, LataMangeshkar and some other music legends. But, on the other hand, the younger generation is in love with the latest Bollywood songs and their karaoke, which are currently running and several latest and talented new generation singers are composing those tunes. These new generation legends include Atif Aslam, Mohit Chauhan, Arijit Singh and some other sensational music voices and composers.

You can download theselatest Bollywood karaoke songs for free. Several online music sites offer these karaoke tracks without charging you a single buck. Even there are several apps in your smartphones from where you can stay in touch with the latest and upcoming karaoke tracks. So, stay tuned and updated with the latest and upcoming Bollywood karaoke releases.

There are several sing tone software that can convert your favorite song into tune. These software are very famous all across the globe and you can also share those beautiful tunes with your friends and colleagues. These apps and software have brought a new revolution in the music industry. They have been given legal rights so that they can convert these upcoming latest releases and these software are very famous among the youth of India. These sing tones are also used as mobile ringtones. These software can also give some special effects to those karaoke tracks and can be easily transferred from one device to another over infrared, Bluetooth or Wifi.

Get white teeth fast at home with this teeth workout

You don't need to go to dentist for white teeth - see a simple 5 step plan to make your teeth white or whiter than they already are without spending thousands of dollars and also... See the only 4 ways to get super white bright teeth like the movie stars got

Follow these 5 steps for whiter teeth

1. Start using a soft toothbrush and never brush your teeth with a firm or medium toothbrush again! Firm & medium toothbrushes scrape away the pretty white enamel of your teeth over the long run.

2. Use any kind of toothpaste but use whitening toothpaste or baking soda with or without salt to quickly get whiter teeth.

3. Instead of only 1-to-2 minutes - you are going to start brushing your teeth for at least 2-to-5 minutes 2-to-3 times a day and to help you keep track of your time brushing your teeth - use a stopwatch, kitchen timer and/or watch TV as you brush your teeth.

4. Brushing with a soft toothbrush protects your white enamel and using whitening toothpaste or brushing your teeth with baking soda and/or salt are light abrasives that will scrub and clean away any dirty stains on your teeth without damaging your enamel.

5. As you do this daily (meaning you brush your teeth 2-to-5 minutes at least 2-to-3 times a day) - your teeth will begin to get whiter and whiter and go back to its original off-white or white-grayish color and...

If you want to get super white teeth like a celebrity

You need to have your teeth bleached super white with hydrogen peroxide and here are 4 ways you can do that

1. You can go to a dentist which is the most expensive and most effective way to get bright white teeth or

2. You can use an at-home teeth whitening tray which is like going to a dentist but you have to be your own dentist and performing the teeth whitening on yourself can be very uncomfortable but overall Doing your own teeth whitening tray cost way less than a dentist and it is still very effective for whiter teeth or

3. You can use crest white strips if you cannot afford the whitening trays or dental procedures but the white strips only do a good job on the teeth you see when you smile or

4. You can use a teeth whitening pen but these are really only good to help you maintain already bright white or regular white teeth but whatever you do for white teeth

You have to maintain your white teeth by

  • Not eating or drinking anything that can stain your teeth like sodas, citrus fruits, or wines and just remember if it can stain a white t-shirt it can stain your pretty white teeth and
  • Do not use firm or medium toothbrushes and
  • Avoid snacks and sugary foods that cause acid buildup in your mouth that makes your teeth yellow and if you must drink soda or anything else that will stain your teeth
  • Drink those drinks using a straw to minimize contact with your teeth and/or
  • Eat high protein foods like cheeses, nuts and meats and milk with any snacks and sodas to neutralize the acids to prevent yellow teeth.

Free New Movie Downloads

The advent of the internet has revolutionized the entire concept of entertainment. If you thought that the internet was just for information or downloading songs and listening to music online, think a...

The advent of the internet has revolutionized the entire concept of entertainment. If you thought that the internet was just for information or downloading songs and listening to music online, think again. The latest internet utilities allow you to watch movies online, download and store them on your computer.

There are websites that gain access to movie sneak previews, copy the movie files, process them and put them on the net for people to download or view. Yet, watching movies online could mean that you are compromising on quality. The picture might be blurred or constant flickering might distract you. To correct this problem, you need to download and install certain software that will make watching online movies a worthwhile experience. However, you must keep in mind that not all movies can be downloaded. Some can only be viewed online. Assuming the movie can be downloaded, you need to have a dial up, broadband, DSL and cable TV connection. You should have movie-playing software like Windows Media Player, Real Media or Quicktime.

Free movies are available through public domains. In most cases, the movies available for download are ones whose copyrights have expired. There are also new films available for public viewing that are free of charge with no royalties involved.

You must also keep in mind that these movies are usually streaming mpg or mpg4 files. This means that you cannot start watching them as soon as you log on. Depending on the speed of your connection, there may be a small buffer space on your computer before your movie begins.

Kamis, 24 September 2020

Tiger Movie Review and Rating,story,public talk,collections

Release date : June 26, 2015

AuthorRating : 3.25/5

Director : Anand

Producer : Madhu B, N.V. Prasad

Music Director : S. Thaman

Starring : Sundeep Kishan, Rahul Ravindran, Seerat Kapoor

Story: -

Tiger (Sundeep Kishan) and Vishnu (Rahul Ravindran) are childhood friends who are very close to each other. Tiger is very aggressive in nature and can not do anything for friendship. As time passes, Vishnu falls for Ganga (Seerat Kapoor) who rebel training Kasi.
Things go badly wrong for Vishnu as Gaga's parents come to know the love story of their daughter and decide to kill the couple. Rest of the story is how Tiger is in the image and saves his friends from the chaos.

Plus Points: -

Tiger is an attempt to showcase Sundeep Kishan in a ground role, and policy makers are behind with their decision. Sundeep is dynamic in a robust role and carries the entire film on his shoulders. His body language, the ease in battle and trust in the dialogues are quite impressive. Tiger should be a turning point in his career and make him some great artists of fiscal policy in the future.Rahul Ravindran is pretty good in his role and balance the film with his subtle approach well. All his scenes with Sundeep Kishan came out pretty well. Thaman should definitely be credited for the success of the film score beating his background elevates emotions to another level. The message is presented regarding honor crimes is quite new.The crisp execution time is a huge bonus that procedures are wrapped in no time. First half has some teething times while the second half is very emotional. It is also very good to see that the director stuck to the plot and not add a love for track Sundeep just for the sake of a commercial aspect.

Negative points: -

Seerat Kapoor is about right in his role and has not much to do in the film. Second half of the film becomes a bit serious and not a lot of entertainment. There is some logic that is lacking in the film and they can be easily identified. Details about Vishnu's parents and several other logical errors have been forgotten.Story of the film is nothing new and has been tested many times before. Lack of familiar faces for the role of the wicked also decreases the depth in emotions.

Technical aspects:-

As said before, background score Thaman is a huge bonus. Scenario is quite simple as all the scenes in the first half are well designed. Dialogues are cool and appropriate to the nature of the film. camera work by Chota K Naidu is brilliant and shows the sequences and action movies in a beautiful light. Sundeep Kishan how was raised with these mass visuals are very good.Coming to the Director Anand, he did a wonderful job with his narration and does not beat around the bush. He skillfully presented Sundeep and not go too far in its elevation and manages to engage the public decently.


Overall, Tiger will be a movie career change to Sundeep Kishan. It is quite impressive in a mass avatar and has all the attributes to go to the next stage as an actor. Thumping background score, beautiful graphics and crisp narration are huge assets. If you can ignore the line of the predictable story, you will definitely end up liking this artist emotional action.

Latest Tollywood news, Tollywood Latest news

Article Tags: Sundeep Kishan

Gustav Klimt and the Power of Danae

When watching the 2010 Hollywood movie "Clash of the Titans", masterworks in the world of art are not the first thing that comes to mind, at least not the visual arts. Yet the story has its roots in a story that has inspired artists for centuries. The story about the daughter of the king of Argos and Eurydice who was foretold that he would be killed by his daughters son and subsequently locked her a tower of bronze.

Here she was visited by Zeus, in the form of a shower of gold, who thus impregnated her, leading to the birth of Perseus. The king threw them both into the ocean in a wooden box, but they were rescued and thus begin the epic movie about the legend of Perseus.

Except that for most artists, the best part of the story is already over. The slaying of medusa, the travel to the underworld, the rescue of Andromeda and such are all well and good, but for the true artist, another part of the story carries much more interest, namely the impregnation of Danae by the shower of gold.
This part, which The Clash of the Titan actually ignores instead placing Zeus human shape in bed with Danae, has been the subject of numerous artistic depictions. From the artists of antiquity to Titus, Rembrandt and Klimt, Danae has been depicted on numerous occasions as she receives the shower of gold. Titus alone painted four versions. But what is it that strikes a chord with artist in this story. What is it that makes it so appealing to portray this particular scene?

There is of course the duality. Did Danae know about the shower of gold and what it would do? Did she enjoy this contact with the god or did she shun it? Was there any love involved? Titus e.g. has Eros included in one of his depictions, while in the work of Klimt, there is little done to hide her sexual ecstasy. Still, we are dealing with forbidden love and feelings, of going against the wishes of her father and of giving herself away. There is a loss of innocence in the scene, of letting go and maybe dealing with the consequences afterwards that many an artist finds fascinating. It is partly an expression of the hooker - Madonna complex as the virgin is turned.

At the same time, there are also strict parallels to another virgin who was impregnated by a god many years later. And while the church certainly did not in the mid-twentieth century allow the graphic depiction of that scene, Danae was still fair game. As such, some depictions of the scene do allude to that other later event, creating a somewhat ambivalent expression.

The re-emergence of interest in the classic arts and legends during the renaissance also contributed. With this re-emergence came the legends and heroes of old. Gustav Klimt also had a well established love for Greek myths and portrayed not only Danae but also Pallas Athene herself.

However, in the end, with all the other legends of Perseus and his exploits taken into accounts, why is it Danae that we see time and time again? Could it be down to the basics of a beautiful young woman, seduced and/or taken by a man she is not supposed to see, and potentially being a willing participant in this act? While other parts of the story deals with the fantastic, the basic principles here are the mainstays of human nature, of love and lust, innocence and betrayal. These immortal characteristics have always driven men and inspired artists and in Danae they found their muse.

Article Tags: Gustav Klimt

Anaganaga Oka Chitram Telugu Movie Review Rating

Release date : December 11, 2015

AuthorRating : 2/5

Director : J.Prabhakar Reddy

Producer : J.Prabhakar Reddy, Kodali Subba Rao

Music Director : Vinod Yajamanya

Starring : Siva, Shinde, Megha Sree

Continuing with the trend of small budget films, yet another film which has hit the screens today is Anaganga Oka Chitram. Directed by Prabhakar Reddy, this film has hit the screens today.

Story: -

Soma Raju (Shiva) is a carefree youth who takes responsibility for the compensation (Megha Lanka) all financial problems of his girlfriend. On the other choice, with his friend kidnaps a wealthy man (Sayaji Shinde) from a bar.Unfortunately for them, the rich man proves to be the DGP of Hyderabad. Hell breaks and a fear of death Shva decided to postpone the DGP to the police. The moment is about to do a dreaded naxal group kidnaps the DGP with Shiva and his band.Rest of the story is how Shiva sorts things and frees everyone from the Naxalites trap.

Plus Points: -

One plus point of the filmis based Vennela Kishore. He is the only actor who gives his best and trying to save the film itself. Her character was written very well and evokes a comedy when he's around.Prabhas Seenu doing his job and trying to provoke a few laughs during the first half. Hero Shiva has not much to do and play their role to the best of his ability. Sri Megha looks good but has no scope for action. Sayaji Shinde and Suriya perform their roles extremely well.

Negative points: -

This movie makes absolutely no sense that the proceedings move randomly throughout the film. None of the characters whose hero has no weight in the film. People continue to arrive regularly and irritate the audience much time.First half of the film is going for a draw that some illogical scenes and silly narration center stage. Film is painfully slow pace that procedures have to ever conclude. The pre-climax, the entry of Pruthvi and silly comedy makes matters worse for viewers.

Technical aspects: -

Songs from the movie are somewhat decent and were also shot well. The edition is horrible at least 20 minutes of the film could have been cut blindly. Scenario is a huge disappointment that procedures have absolutely no clarity and meaning.Coming to the Director Prabhakar Reddy, it makes a huge mess of a decent story line. The film that looks good on paper is murdered by his performance leaves extremely low. Not once during this film, you can see something interesting.


Overall, Anaganaga Oka Chitram is a huge disappointment in the form of its execution. Except for the sincere approach Vennela Kishore, there is not much hope in this lack of lusture film and can be safely ignored this weekend.

Movie Review Ratings,
telugu cinema news

Rabu, 23 September 2020

New Releases Movie Accosted By Befitting Indian Movie Reviews and Movie Photo Gallery

In the modern world, information and knowledge is considered as a verypowerful force to influence different subjects. And when something thatinterests the audiences and public is channelized through suchinformation sharing, it is bound to be in demand. Indian cinema has hada great influence on the society since a long time.

In the modern world, information and knowledge is considered as a very powerful force to influence different subjects. And when something that interests the audiences and public is channelized through such information sharing, it is bound to be in demand. Indian cinema has had a great influence on the society since a long time.

The makers of Indian cinema have taken advantage of the prevalent medium of information sharing to bring forth to the public, news and reviews related to cinema. This encompasses the Indian movie reviews, news and views about the actors and actresses and the life of the stars beyond the camera. With print and electronic media contributing towards making the news known to people, another chapter that has been added to the world of Indian cinema is that of the life of the stars outside the screen.

Enough is said about the new releases in the Indian movie reviews, where the content of the story is messaged is a short, sweet and cryptic manner. Hints are dropped in well framed vocabulary in these reviews where the star protagonists are mentioned along with the credits to the directors and the banners. Expert critics are roped in to present their views on the movies. These kinds of movie reviews can be found in the newspapers, on a week to week basis. Television programs are aired on weekly basis with experts speaking about their views on different movie releases and they are presenting them without mincing words. A further extension of the movie reviews is presented in the form of bollywood actress photos as well as movie still images attired in glamorous fashion apparel of the recent days.

Movie photo gallery with the costumes, gestures and stealth show of action from the movie is presented before the public. Internet is being used as a potent medium to bring in front of the enthusiastic viewers, the movie photo gallery which shows the actress photo in the attractive poses with pouting lips and appealing attires. The sole purpose of such presentations is being the popularization of the movie among its fans and spectators.

Apart from the movie stills, people are also getting an exciting dose of the life of their favourite actors and actresses behind the screen. These celebrities are indulging themselves in different social activities and spend time in their personal affairs. Nothing, these days, seems to be unhidden from the prying eyes of the camera as the paparazzi bring to the public, hot and happening news in the lives of these celebrities. It can range from the romantic affairs of the favourite actors and actresses to the dresses that they are wearing in different functions and social dos.

Life of the celebrities is coming in front of the public in the most exotic manner and this has further accentuated the interest that the movie crazy fans of the country possess. It is nowadays, about the baring of the news of the celebrity actors and actresses in front of the public and letting them decide the course of the Indian movies.

Article Tags: Indian Movie Reviews, Movie Photo Gallery, Indian Movie, Movie Reviews, Movie Photo, Photo Gallery, Indian Cinema

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Selasa, 22 September 2020

The Legacy of Wallace D. Wattles

In 1910, Wallace D. Wattles released his book called the "Science of Getting Rich" which inspired the hot movie of 2006, "The Secret". The movie "The Secret", showed how you can have whatever you want in life and be able to create all that you desire.

What is the big deal about "The Science of Getting Rich".

Wallace D. Wattles wrote, "The ownership of money and property comes as a result of doing things in a certain way. Those who do things in this certain way, whether on purpose or accidentally, get rich. Those who do not do things in this certain way, no matter how hard they work or how able they are, remain poor. It is a natural law that like causes always produce like effects. Therefore, any man or woman who learns to do things in this certain way will infallibly get rich."

The movie "The Secret", showed how you can have whatever you want in life and be able to create all that you desire. So why is it that money is so important?

Here's an amazing statistic. If you take 100 people and follow them from the beginning of their working career and follow their progress for the average 40-year working career until the retirement age, this is what you will most likely find:

1 person will be wealthy

4 will be financially secure

5 will be working because they have to, not because they want to

36 will be dead

54 will be broke - dependent on Government welfare or any other means to survive.

What this means is that only 5% of people will be successful financially and 95% will be unsuccessful.

The wealthy people actually understand the Law of Attraction which is the premise of Wallace D. Wattles book, "The Science of Getting Rich". Wealthy people recognize that there is abundance around us and it is up to each one of us to attract abundance into our lives.

So why is money important?

According to one of the teachers from "The Secret" and the new program called the Science of Getting Rich Seminar, Bob Proctor, "We need to make a game out of making money. There is so much good we can do with money. Without it, we are bound and shackled and our choices become limited."

With that is mind, some of the teachers from "The Secret" have created The Science of Getting Rich Seminar that is designed to show everyone how to use the Law of Attraction to work for you and be rewarded in all ways in your life.

To find out more about The Secret Science of Getting Rich Seminar, go to: http://thesecretsite.thesgrprogram.com

Article Tags: Getting Rich Seminar, Getting Rich, Rich Seminar

Superstar Kidnap Movie Review and Rating,story,public talk,collections

Release date : July 03, 2015

AuthorRating : 2.75/5

Director : Sushanth Reddy

Producer : Chandu Penmatcha

Music Director : Sai Karthik

Starring : Nandu, Aadarsh Balakrishna, Poonam Kaur, Tejaswi Madivada


I (Adarsh Balakrishna), Nandu (Nandu) and Bhupal (Bhupal) are three close friends who have goals in life. One day, they get caught in a serious problem and need huge money to get out of it. No choice, they decide to kidnap superstar Mahesh Babu and ask for money for his family.
Will the trio manage to kidnap the superstar? What are the problems they face during this process? Which forms the rest of the story.

Plus points:

The main attraction of this film is its plot that revolves around the kidnapping of superstar Mahesh Babu. The cameo performance by Manchu Manoj, Allari Naresh, Nani and Tanisha gives a good boost for the film. introductory scenes of all the main characters were presented.
block interval is also performed decently. All young players performed well and especially Nandu and Adarsh Balakrishna displayed superb emotions and did full justice to their roles. Vennela Kishore did a decent job in his role and all his scenes in the second half will entertain the audience much time.

Negative points:

Routine narration of the story is a big setback for the film. Such stories have been used in many films and the process is predictable most of the time.
The pace of the film slows down during the second half, and long scenes are a big drawback. Some comedy scenes are well executed and all the songs are lost and impede the flow of the film.

Technical aspects:

Image Eeswar is very nice and large video capture superb manner. Music and background score by Sai Karthik is good. Madhu assembly should have been better than many scenes looked long.Director Sushant Reddy showed his inexperience by telling a regular story. Its direction is ok but it should have concentrated more on the script. The production values are ok and policymakers have made a decent film in a limited budget.


Overall, Superstar Kidnap some interesting moments from his path. decent performance by the lead cast and intriguing implementation are essential assets. The name of the superstar Mahesh Babu will certainly attract fans. However, the routine narration and very predictable scenes hinder the fluidity of the film ends as a simple watch ok.

tollywood news, telugu news

Article Tags: Superstar Mahesh Babu, Superstar Kidnap, Superstar Mahesh, Mahesh Babu

Senin, 21 September 2020

LA Weight Loss Secrets High Profile Personal Trainer shares the magic formula!

I know you may be fascinated with movie stars, but let me tell you they are just like you and I. They struggle with weight and motivation like we do. Here is what I have told some of the most famous people in the world and I will tell you the same:

In the early nineties I had the opportunity to work with some of the most famous movie stars in the world. As a manager and personal trainer for Kathy Smith and her health club, I experienced first hand the secrets to the stars. Here are a few things they did to look like they do: 

  1. They cross trained: They put variety into their workout plans. 
  2. They never ate a lot of white flour foods: Most of their foods came out of the ground. Mostly natural foods! 
  3. They were more concerned with their body fat levels than their weight: They concentrated more on the balance of muscle to fat, rather than their weight. 
  4. They did a lot of stretching: Palates and yoga was very popular.
  5. They spent a lot of times out doors working out: You may be surprise at the number of people that are in better shape exercise more outdoors. 
  6. There diets consisted of herb and teas: A lot of natural foods were consumed. 
  7. They had outside help. Support systems, trainers and groups. 

I know you may be fascinated with movie stars, but let me tell you they are just like you and I. They struggle with weight and motivation like we do. Here is what I have told some of the most famous people in the world and I will tell you the same: 

Some of you will not like what I have to say, even though it is the truth. And that may be where the problem of Americans health problems lies. No one wants to give you the truth. My responsibility as a high profile fitness expert lies not in if you like me, or even if you buy my e books. My responsibility lies in giving you straight talk with no sugar coating it.  

You want quick fixes to your health problem that has taken years to develop. You get it by purchasing gimmicks that promise you fast results. You fall for it, and at the end of the day you are more frustrated than every. Why? Because you are denying the root of your problems.  

I have counseled thousands of people over my twenty year tender as a personal trainer, health club consultant and best selling author. And in all my travels, the answers to peoples problems with weight come down to one thing: its a matter of choice! 

My approach with people is, either you pay a price now or you will pay a bigger price down the road. I am really tired of dancing around and trying to pat people on the back and say, Its OK you can do it. When all the while, most I know are in the least bit serious about their health, and have no idea what they are in for down the road.  

If you are on the fence of whether or not to start an exercise and weight loss plan, I suggest you either become hot or cold. None of this luke warm stuff. You, America is on the verge of a health crisis. The longer you wait the more of chance you have of having a disease.  

You also have a matter of choice on all these gimmicks out there. Dont waste your money on products that are not long lasting and do not teach you anything. I know you want fast results but you will just waste your money. Let me remind you, until you deal with your approach to weight loss the other is pie in the sky. Here are the keys to weight loss:  

Determine HOW you are motivated 

Determine the REASONS behind the unwanted behaviors.  

Develop a great support system 

Eat for fuel not for taste  

Keep being active.  

Sorry to be so blunt, but its time someone starts telling the truth no matter how hard it is to hear.

Famous English Bulldogs

English bulldogs are popular not just as household pets. Many of them are known as television and movie personalities too...

English Bulldogs are famous in their own right. In addition to being one of the most popular household pets, they have also been widely featured in movies and television shows. Here is a collection of English Bulldogs known throughout the world.

Butch the Bulldog.
Butch is a Bulldog with a ferocious snarl, big, sharp teeth and sharp studded collar that was first introduced in the Pluto cartoon Bone Trouble in which Pluto tried to steal Butch's bone. Butch has been antagonizing Pluto ever since then and sometimes vie for the affections of Dinah the Dachshund. Other Disney characters like Minnie Mouse, Morty and Ferdie Fieldmouse, Hunky, Fifi the Peke and Figaro the Kitten are familiar with Butch.

Francis the Bulldog.
Francis is a character in the Disney's animated feature film Oliver and Company. Francis is a bulldog with a British accent in Fagin's gang. Fagin is a poor man who lives on a house-boat with his dogs including Francis who appreciates art and theater. Francis doesn't want to be called Frank or Frankie.

Hector, a muscle-bound bulldog is an animated character in the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies series. Hector has gray fur, walks pigeon-toed and wears a black collar with silver studs. His usual role in several Tweety and Sylvester series is to protect Tweety from Sylvester, usually at granny's request.

Also from Warner Bros. Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies, Spike is a burly, gray bulldog who wears a red sweater, a brown bowler hat and a perpetual scowl. Spike usually appears with Chester, a small and jumpy terrier with yellow fur and brown, perky ears. Spike and Chester starred in only two films, Tree for Two in 1952 and Dr. Jerkyl's Hyde in 1954.

Marc Antony.
Marc Antony is a burly dog that usually appears with Pussyfoot. These two are also animated characters in the Warner Bros. Looney Tunes and Merrie Melodies. This brown bulldog with tan belly and black ears is utterly devoted to Pussyfoot. Both were first introduced in the 1952 film Feed the Kitty by Chuck Jones and later in Kiss Me Cat (1953), Feline Frame-Up (1954) and Claude Cat later in 1954.

Spike (Tom and Jerry).
Spike, also referred to as Butch or Killer is an animated character from the Tom and Jerry series by William Hanna and Joseph Barbera. Spike made his first appearance in the 1942 Tom and Jerry series Dog Trouble. He disapproves cat but a softie when it comes to mice thus Jerry would often use this characteristic to get Tom in trouble with Spike.

So you see? English Bulldogs are indeed popular, not just as household pets but also as television and movie personalities.

Article Tags: Warner Bros Looney, Bros Looney Tunes, English Bulldogs, Warner Bros, Bros Looney, Looney Tunes, Merrie Melodies

Minggu, 20 September 2020

Ra Ra Krishnayya Telugu Movie Review and Rating

Ra Ra Krishnayya Movie Review, Rara Krishnayya Telugu Movie Review, Sundeep Kishan Ra Ra Krishnaiah Review, rara Krishnaiah review, Sundeep Kishan Ra Ra

Release date : July 04, 2014
AuthorRating : 3/5
Director : Mahesh P
Producer : Vamsi Krishna Srinivas
Music Director : Achu Rajamani
Starring : Sundeep Kishan, Regina Cassandra, Jagapathi Babu, Kalyani

Story: -

Kitty (Sundeep Kishan) is a taxi driver happy go lucky in Chennai. He works under Manikkyam (Tannikella Bharani) who cheats on him with his life savings. A Kittu upset, gets drunk and Manikyam reached the house and threatened to kill her daughter Nandeswari (Regina)Moving a bit in the flashback, Nadeswari is extremely upset with his father for fixing her marriage without her permission. She confronts her father and reveals his opinion. Just at that moment, Sundeep Kishan began threatening her money and kidnaps Nandeswari. As she is not interested in marriage, even she luckily escaped with Kittu.As both keep running away from Manikkyam, a cute love story starts to develop between the two. When things seem happy and settled, Nandeswari is again removed by Jaggu (Jagapathi Babu).
Who is Jaggu? Why did he Nandeswari Kidnap? What will Kittu do now? For answers to all these questions, you need to watch the movie on the big screen.

Plus Points: -

The first half of the film is a major advantage. It has some cute romantic moments with entertaining comedy. Again, Sundeep Kishan chemistry with Regina is first class. Both of them share a good atmosphere and that shows on the screen.Sundeep Kishan has upped his game and screen presence with this film. He looks much ease and perfectly carries his role. He minimizes his character so well and allows Regina to continue with its dominant character precisely.Regina is the highlight of the film. It has a dominant character and did a great job. She look glamorous and director etched his character of a lively and entertaining way.
Again Jagapathi Babu made a sincere work in the film, but could not be used completely. More on that later. Film songs are definitely a highlight. All were shot and executed well.
Ramesh Tagubothu entertains you decently in the first half. Ravi Babu, Brahmaji and Satyam Rajesh doing their bit.

Minus Points: -

Although Jagapathi Babu did an excellent job in his role, the director could not use it properly. The elevation required and the depth of his character is absent from the film.
Just when you see the entrance to JB await impatiently a power packed performance. Even if he is good in some comedy situations, the tempo is ever built during his stay.After a promising first half, second half slides down drastically. Just after the break, first 15 minutes is a bit disappointing. Sundeep Kishan has nothing to do. Too many characters continue to come in and out of the film which makes it tedious film.Yet another drawback in the second half or the love track between Regina and Sundeep or the link between the two brothers is treated properly.Climax is cliche and nothing special in it. The lock on the widely publicized lip is almost OK, and do not seem sensual.

Technical aspects:-

Ra Ra Krishnayya is high on the technical aspects. A special word of mention is the camera work. The visuals in the film look absolutely beautiful. The production values are high, and how the entire film was shot looks very good.As said before, the music Acchu is also a major asset. All the songs are very good and were also shot well. Dialogues are correct and have been written well.Director Mahesh Babu is quite OK with his first film. It runs the first half very well, and extract good performance from its star cast. But as said earlier, it goes off the track in the second half and try to add too many commercial elements.film script is good enough in the first half, but could have less withe some scenes in the second.


Overall, Ra Ra Krishnayya essentially functions in the parts. After an interesting and engaging first half, the second half slightly disappoint you. If you go into this film without much expectations, you might also Sundeep Kishan and sizzling chemistry of Regina and beautiful songs.

Generic MLM - Windows Movie Maker How To

Keeping up with the times and trends with Generic MLM advertising methods available on the Internet today involves a quick learner, steady hand, and cleverness. Video is such a popular medium it can no longer be ignored by marketers passing it by.

Windows Movie Maker is free and free is a marketers dream when advertising is taken into account. Chances are very good this is already on your computer, waiting for you to open it up. Generic MLM free advertising methods include online video, but if you are Movie Making challenged here are some steps. Click on your Start menu and check for Windows Movie Maker. After you locate it, open up Windows Movie Maker.You will need a camera system installed on your computer to create a moving video or live video, but if you do not have a camera, you can still create a video. It is a frame video with a talk over or narration. These are the types of how to videos I have made and enjoy watching and learning from others.With Windows Movie Maker, take time to view and get used to the navigation screen. Look down the list of capture, edit, finish, and movie making tips. Under the capture video tab on the left, if you have a camera you would click on capture from device, if not just import pictures and audio.You will either have a collection of pictures or your newly created video on your list area, drag the images or video down to the bar at the bottom, in the order you would like them fall. Adding audio to this bar along the bottom is completed the same way.Video effects and transitions are added after you have everything dragged that you would like in your storyboard bar along the bottom. Clicking the word storyboard at the bottom will change it to the timeline version. To use the effects or transitions, do it from the timeline. The effects go into the box in the lower left hand corner of each image there. The transitions get placed between the images, in the larger boxes between images.All along the way. you can view your progress in the video box on the main page to the right. A good tip here is to set the order up, get your video images or videos in order along the bottom storyboard bar. Before you add transitions or effects, look to the upper left hand corner of your screen and click file and save as. Name the file and save. This is because at times, Windows Movie Maker can run slow and all of your hard work will be lost and you will need to start from scratch if you forget this step.Next step is to edit and add your transitions and effects if you choose. This does make the upload and save times for your computer and for YouTube longer, so keep this in mind.Add some audio now, either music or create a narration by clicking on the microphone near the lower bottom left side. Click along the storyboard bar where you wish the narration to begin, make sure you are not over an audio already placed as the start narration button will not show up if you do. Complete the narration by stopping narration and clicking done. This will materialize in your storyboard bar. Review your video at this point and possibly save from the file tab again.When you are happy with your video, click save to computer. This is the file you will use to upload to sites like Youtube, not the saved one from the file menu.I am looking forward to viewing many great Windows Movie Maker Videos on the net advertising your Generic MLM business opportunities, brick and mortar businesses, and online services. Have fun because fun is truly the best thing to have. Remember happiness isn't real if it's not shared.

Article Tags: Windows Movie Maker, Windows Movie, Movie Maker

Sabtu, 19 September 2020

Top Ten Bestselling Bluray DVD Players - Part 2

These are some of the bestselling Blu-ray Players available right now. They vary in price range and features. Some are award winning players that produce stunning images and sound that will enhance your home movie experience.

Rounding out the top ten bestselling Blu-ray Players are a combination of entry-level players to the more high-end players. All offer a great value for their cost. Featuring 3D capability, Online Streaming Media Services, DVD up-scaling, Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio Essential, BD-Live, Bonus View, Wi-Fi, universal playback and excellent images and Audio. Among them are award-winning Blu-ray Players that should appeal to many first time buyers (LG BD530) or for those looking to beef up their Home Entertainment Center (OPPO BDP-93). Either one will be a fine addition and provide hours of enjoyment.

6. Panasonic DMP-BDT100 Full HD 3D Bluray DVD Players -
Like Panasonic's DMP-BDT300 and DMP-BDT350 players, the DMP-BDT100 provides excellent 2D and 3D image quality (1920 x 1080 full-HD image to each eye) and superior audio (Internal decoding and bit-stream output of Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio Essential). The player is able to reproduce your movies the way the filmmaker intended. It also has VIERA Cast Internet entertainment/applications, which can be access via a wired or wireless LAN connection. Other features include True to Cinema Picture Quality, PHL Reference Chroma Processor Plus, New P4HD Enhanced Full HD Up-sampling and Adaptive High Precision 4:4:4. -- Price you should look for when purchasing -- Under $250.00

7. LG BD530 1080p Network Bluray DVD Players -
The BD530 provides you with stunning Full HD 1080p video resolution and internal audio decoding of Dolby TrueHD and DTS-HD Master Audio Essential. You also get online streaming entertainment such as YouTube, Picasa and AccuWeather. The BD530 will give you access to BD-Live content and can up-scale standard DVDs to 1080p, making your old DVD collection look better than ever before. All these great features for an unbelievable low price. The LG BD530 player is one of the finest entry-level players available. -- Price you should look for when purchasing -- Under $120.00

8. Samsung BD-C5900 1080p 3D Bluray DVD Players -
Samsung is committed to 3D and bringing us the best 3D Entertainment possible to our living rooms. With the BD-C5900 3D player you get clear and sharp detailed images through Samsung's innovative 3D technology. Of course you it can still play standard 2D discs, DVDs and Cds as well. It provides access to Internet(at)TV Content Service, which brings you the best of online streaming media services (Netflix). The player is Wireless Lan-'Ready' (Wireless LAN adapter is not included, does have an Ethernet port for wired connections) and DLNA capability for streaming videos from your computer to your TV via the AllShare feature. -- Price you should look for when purchasing -- Under $150.00

9. OPPO BDP-93 Universal Network 3D Blu-ray Players -
Oppo's BDP-93 is an award-winning player, having been named one of the Products of the Year by Electronic House. The BDP-93 is a Universal player with playback of Blu-ray, DVD, CD, Super Audio CD, DVD-Audio, and support for a host of digital files. Has excellent images and sound quality regardless of what type of media is being played. Other features include Network Streaming (Netflix or Blockbuster on Demand), Wireless N, eSata, USB port, Dual HDMI 1.4 Outputs, IR and RS232 Control and 2nd Generation Qdeo Video Processing. All this adds up to one of, if not the best player available right now. -- Price you should look for when purchasing -- $499.99

10. Panasonic DMP-BD65 Blu-ray Disc Players -
Named the Best Budget Buy player by The Testing Group (TTG), the Panasonic DMP-BD65 offers an array of great features, while costing far less than its competitors. The player has an ultra-fast two second start-up speed, BD-Live/BonusView functionality, Panasonic's VIERA Cast Internet entertainment/applications, an Ethernet Port, is Wi-Fi 'Ready' (DY-WL10 wireless LAN adapter is not included) and includes a USB Port and SD Card Slot (DivX and AVCHD support). Add to this; excellent image and sound quality, Panasonic's commitment reduce power consumption and an effort to be more energy efficient, the DMP-BD65 is easily considered by most experts to one of the best players around. -- Price you should look for when purchasing -- $150.00

Article Tags: Dts-hd Master Audio, Master Audio Essential, Blu-ray Players, Online Streaming, Dolby Truehd, Dts-hd Master, Master Audio, Audio Essential, Should Look, Purchasing Under

Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore Full Online Movie Review

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Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore, the newhousehold pets spy movie, comes nearly a decade after the original Cats andDogs. Cats and Dogs was a $200 million smash back in 2001. This sequel is sure to top that figure. Watch Catsand Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore online for free.

Its been 10 years since the events in the first film Catsand Dogs. In that movie the feline members of the MEOWZ spy syndicate werethwarted in their efforts to defeat the canine spy organization DOGZ and takeover the world. In Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore, a threat sogreat forces the two opposing agencies to work together in order to save theworld. In the process the filmmakers have given nods to classic spy and crimemovies such as James Bond, Batman and Silence of the Lambs.

The threat comes in the form of ex-MEOWZ super spy KittyGalore (fantastic voice work by Bette Midler). Run out of the MEOWZ spy agencydue to her radical ideas and methods, this feline has resurfaced with a vow toeliminate all dogs and humans from the earth.

Her contempt can be traced to 2 recent events. The first eventbeing that she lost all her long, luscious hair when a dog pushed her into avat of permanent hair remover (like the joker in the first Batman movie). Hernew owners refer to her bald appearance as a raw chicken. The second event occurred when her previousowners kicked her out of the house and into the snow on a cold Christmas day.

With these humiliating events as her motivation, KittyGalore hatches a diabolical plan to unleash a sound that will cause all dogs toturn on their owner. But even though Kitty could push the button immediatelyand enact her revenge, like any good evil criminal looking for world dominanceshe delays a few days to build suspense. This gives agents from DOGZ and MEOWZtime to stumble onto her plan.

For reasons I wont divulge, the DOGZ agency is forced topin their hopes on a new recruit called Diggs (voiced by actor James Marsden)and his grumpy veteran partner Butch (Nick Nolte in his old 48 Hours movievoice). Diggs is a disgraced police dog framed for something he didnt do, andhe sees this as a chance to redeem himself.. Diggs and Butch reluctantly teamup with MEOWZ professional Catherine (Christina Applegate) in an effort to stopKitty Galore. All 3 household pets must put aside their differences andprejudices concerning each other and concentrate on finding Kittys hideout sothey can stop her dastardly deed.

The filmmakers must have faced an interesting problem afterwaiting 10 years to make a sequel. The target audience for both Cats and Dogmovies (this and the original) appears to be the under 13 crowd. So 8 year oldswho watched the first movie 10 years ago are now 18 year olds who wouldprobably much rather watch movies about vampires and werewolves than be caughtdead in a show like this. So despite this being a sequel there is no realbuilt-in audience.

Adults will be amused by all the recognizable voices theyhear. People like James Marsden, Nick Nolte, Christina Applegate, Bette Midler,Roger Moore and Katt Williams, Neil Patrick Harris, Sean Hayes, Wallace Shawn,Joe Pantoliano and Michael Clark Duncan have all contributed. Bette Midler isan absolute scream as the antagonist Kitty Galore.

Kids, especially young ones, will flip over the outstandingspecial effects. The animals all talk with a realism not often seen in movies.And the spy gadgets that they use will elicit oohs and aahs.

One work of advice skip the 3D version. Youll probably becharged a premium and those effects add nothing to the experience.

Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore is a fun moviethat the whole family can enjoy together.


For further reviews, cast information, trailers and more for this movie visit Cats and Dogs: The Revenge of Kitty Galore Full Online Movie Links


Jumat, 18 September 2020

Four Positive Outcomes That Free Movie Downloads Have On The Entertainment Industry

And this would be true if it didn't ignorantly ignore the positive benefits, which are far greater for the film industry as a whole. How can free movies do anyone any good whatsoever? In a nutshell, ...

And this would be true if it didn't ignorantly ignore the positive benefits, which are far greater for the film industry as a whole. How can free movies do anyone any good whatsoever? In a nutshell, it is because there are simply more honest people in the world than charlatans. Most people want to pay for your product, Hollywood. They simply want you to give them a product worth paying for. Here are four positive outcomes that free movie downloads have had on the entertainment industry:

Finding new audiences: Hollywood is in business to make money. Therefore, when something becomes mainstream, it pretty much stays that way for a long time to come. But there are 300 million people in the United States alone, and a whole lot more in Europe and Asia. The narrow-mindedness of Hollywood cannot possibly cover everyone. That's where free movie downloads come in as advantageous. By making the product more selective, you actually create a greater following and an eclectic mix of tastes willing to go along for the ride. In other words, why make movies for a narrow "mainstream," when you can simply grow the mainstream larger?

Exposure: It takes all kinds of talented people to make quality entertainment, and like it or not, many people are unwilling to cough up their hard-earned dollars if you're unproven and you offer no real incentive to choose your film over the choices at the Cineplex. That's where free movies level the playing field. If you make a quality film, and you make it available for free, you are more likely to attract an audience and hold its attention. How does that do you any good? In a variety of ways! You can offer a higher quality version of your free product for a fee. You can use the publicity you attract to reach quality distributors looking to pay you real dollars for your product. Or you can simply stay independent and charge for your next film if your first effort garners enough of a following.

Plying craft: With each film that you make, it is only natural that your skills as an actor, writer, and/or filmmaker will grow more impressive. Keep it cheap until you've secured a bigger budget. You may even consider making only short films. These free movie downloads are likely to get more hits and keep audiences watching straight through till the end.

Forcing better product: If you make a better product, then Hollywood will have to make a better product. Whether or not this ever benefits the small-time filmmaker, audiences will be appreciative and that is nothing but a good thing for the entertainment industry!

No matter where you fall within the entertainment industry, free movie downloads are just another tool for reaching a wider audience and strengthening the market. So before you take up a crusade against free movies and free culture in general, just remember that it is a new age for our economy, and every little bit helps!

Article Tags: Four Positive Outcomes, Free Movie Downloads, Movie Downloads Have, Four Positive, Positive Outcomes, Free Movie, Movie Downloads, Downloads Have, Entertainment Industry, Free Movies, Better Product

The Beloved Friday The 13th TV Show

Friday the 13th TV show may not have aired very long, but there are many people that miss it greatly. This television show has no connection to the movie Friday the 13th about Jason Vorhees and the title was a ploy by the producer to bring in audiences.

Friday the 13th TV Show was wildly popular in the late 80s and it was in syndication for 3 years ending in 1990. This television show has no connection to the movie Friday the 13th about Jason Vorhees and the title was a ploy by the producer to bring in audiences.

The show is based on two cousins Micki Foster and Ryan Dallion that inherit an antiques store from their uncle, Lewis Vendredi. What the unwitting pair does not know in the beginning of the series is that Vendredi ultimately made a deal with the devil to sell antiques out of his shop that were cursed. Eventually the deal was broke by Vendredi and the devil came for his soul.

After the two cousins inherit the store they unknowingly sell off many of the cursed antiques left behind by their uncle. They then begin searching for these antiques when they are alerted about the curse by one of their uncles old friends. This is the basis of the story as you follow the pair on their journey to reclaim the antiques that were sold.

Most of the people that buy the cursed antiques discover their power and use it for revenge or other bad intentions. The cousins are on a quest to stop this behavior and prevent others from being hurt by the cursed objects. A human sacrifice must be made for the item to unleash its power and this is why the two are so diligent in finding all objects before this sacrifice is made.

Friday the 13th TV series was known for pushing the envelope and competing with many of the movies that were made at the time with an R rating. This caused a lot of stir but also added to the popularity of the series.

The series was nominated for two Emmys and won other awards and also there were many other technical aspects of the show that received very high recognition. In 2008 a DVD collection was released for the public and this allows the biggest fans to have something on hand to remember this coveted series by.

Friday the 13th TV show may not have aired very long, but there are many people that miss it greatly. With the release of the DVD collection a new fondness for the series has arrived and this has many people reminiscing of the days when this series first aired.

Reasons Why Senior Gambling Exists

Online Casino Gamblingproves to be a very lucrative recreational activity since in the United States alone. Almost 65% of the American population enjoys the activity of gambling.theme parks and movie tickets even if these things were all summed up together.

Online Casino Gamblingproves to be a very lucrative recreational activity since in the United States alone. Almost 65% of the American population enjoys the activity of gambling.

As a matter of fact, there was a study that proves and shows that there are people who spend more money onOnline Casino Gamblingthan they would do on other recreational activities such as video games, theme parks and movie tickets even if these things were all summed up together.

For seniors, bingo is the second most played gambling game according to a survey of 7,000 senior citizens. It can be safely said that gambling in seniors has increased in the past years since 1974 to 50% in 1988. This could be an alarming figure despite the time gap. Since most of the seniors have already gotten their nest eggs, they have more tendencies to get involved in gambling because of their money.

So, why does a majority of senior citizen like gambling?

For one, it is prevalent because of the fact that most seniors dont have anything to do and they find gambling the only activity that is lucrative, as well as gratifying. A lot of older people find gambling as a means of escaping their problems and relieving their stress.

The amount of money they have is also a factor. They probably have their retirement funds already and dont know what to do with it. Therefore, they see gambling as an activity they can try to enjoy and spend their money on.

The great thing about gambling with senior citizens is that they look at it as a recreational activity in which they can enjoy and its not just focused on winning. Because of the privileges made available for them, they find it more convenient and more pleasurable to gamble since they probably wouldnt like theme parks or video games anyway.

In Sportsbook.com, you dont have to be a senior citizen to enjoy the bonuses given away by the site when you sign up and play! Visit the site now and enjoy a round of poker or even a round of roulette using their amazing software and decent flash games available.

Kamis, 17 September 2020

How to choose the best for your home theater system

Watching movies is a neat escape from the stressful lifestyle we livein. Watching movies in a wide screen and surround sound take you faraway and into the movie scene you are watching. You watch it as if youwere there in the movie scene. Of late, we can only experience thisescape in a cinema.

However, modern technology may be able to provide this same sight and sound experience right in your own living room. We will discuss the basic components of a home theater system in this article. Read on to understand how these basic components can deliver the best cinematic experience to a home theater system.Home theater experts state that the most important consideration in setting up a home theater system is the size of the room where you will set up the home theater system. The most important component of the home theater system, which is the television, is dependent on the size of the room. Although, the recommendation is 27 inches television set at a minimum is necessary for your home theater set up. It is also a recommendation that a flat television is good for a home theater system because it exhibits fewer glares and produces a crisper image. Another major component of a home theater system that depends on the size of the room is the speaker. The number of speakers for your home theater system is dependent on the size of the room. You may add up to six speakers from the basic three speakers if you want a more lifelike sound. Adding a subwoofer may also be good to achieve a complete surround sound like in the movie theaters. Three speakers should be the minimum; you may go up to six if the room is big. Another major for your home theater system is the DVD player. It is a recommendation that DVD players with progressive scan will be the best choice. This is because progressive scan produces sharp and flicker-free pictures. This however points back to the choice of television unit; you may need to check if the flat television set supports progressive scan signals. You may also acquire a five-disk carrousel DVD player. This will avoid having to stand up from your seat to change discs every so often. A minor consideration is the power rating that will determine how loud your speaker can be. Of course, almost all these depend on the size of the room to where the home theater system is going to be set up. Small room requires from few types of equipment, bigger rooms may require more and adding home theater furniture to your home theater system may be best. A bigger room thus requires more investments. A smaller room might require fewer but of good quality equipments to avoid the too basic feel of the home theater system.Finally, you may acquire a beautifully designed home theater system if you consider hiring a home theater expert. If you can afford this, it will be best for you because the home theater expert will be able to effectively design and set up your home theater system. Your home theater designer may also add some features like home theater seating and other home theater furniture to be able to give the complete home theater package that closely resembles a real movie theater. Having the finest and high-quality home theater system will give you the most sought after set up that you could flaunt and enjoy to the max.

Article Tags: Home Theater System, Home Theater, Theater System, Progressive Scan

Rabu, 16 September 2020

Online Movie Market Driving the Market Growth Analysis Forecast 2024

Online Movie Market: OverviewOnline movie refers to a service, where an individual can access featured movies online using internet protocol. This platform enables user to watch any available movie ...

Online Movie Market: Overview

Online movie refers to a service, where an individual can access featured movies online using internet protocol. This platform enables user to watch any available movie from the database as desired at any given time and at any place with internet access. Rising demand for online movies is mainly attributed to the increased adoption of smartphones, augmented broadband services, hectic lifecycles, ease of access towards comprehensive movie collection, convenience of watching movies at any place or time and others such notable factors.

Moreover, user friendly interface has influenced maximum users to access broad range of collection through genres, recommendations and augmented filter options. Furthermore, with the introduction of online featuring movies, the competition between online movie vendors and multiplex owners is rising significantly.

Online Movie Market: Drivers

Recent advancements in the Internet have enabled users across the globe to retrieve wide array of movie collection with the help of high speed internet connection through downloading or streaming. Rising box-office success throughout the globe is one of the major factors driving a large number of users to switch to online movies.

Furthermore, increasing efforts by the vendors to encourage more and more users by offering attractive subscription packages are further driving the market growth. Moreover, declining trends of consumers buying physical copies of movies such as DVDs and VCDs is the another key driving factor affecting the market growth for online movies. The online movie market is expected to witness tremendous escalation in the North America market owing to rising success and attractiveness of Hollywood movies. This success is due to advanced graphics, themes and concepts. Also, increase in mobile advertisement spending to bring brand awareness has further influenced the market for the vendors of online movies.

However, rising threat of piracy is one of the major concerns restraining the market growth for online movies market. Introduction of “Stop Online Piracy Act” (SOPA) and the “Protect IP Act” (PIPA) by the U.S. has affected online movies vendors significantly, thereby restraining the market growth.

Get More Information: http://www.transparencymarketresearch.com/sample/sample.php?flag=B&rep_id=11579

Online Movie Market: Segmentation

Online movie market can be segmented on the basis video file formats, types of services provided, delivery mode, end-use device and geography. On the basis of video file formats, the market is segmented into AVI (All Video Interlaced), AVCHD (Advanced Video Codec High Definition), FLV (Flash Video Format), MPEG (Motion Picture Experts Group), WMV (Windows Media Video), and MOV.

Based on delivery mode, market segmentation includes self- hosted websites, software as a service (SaaS), application managed service framework and others. Types of services provided by the online movie vendors includes online streaming, DVD rental service, video on demand, downloading, subscriptions and others. Segmentation on the basis of end-use devices featuring online movies include tablets, smart phones, IPTV, DTH, laptops or personal computers and others. The online movie market has been studied for five geographies namely North America, Europe, Asia Pacific, Middle East and Africa and Latin America.

Selasa, 15 September 2020

The Power Of Charisma

You have seen them on television your entire life: the world leaders, the movie stars, and yes, even the infomercial darlings! These people almost seem incapable of self-doubt as their undeniable confidence exudes from their every pore, almost mesmerizing their audience. They are literally capable of convincing listeners to buy products they dont really need, support causes without question, and follow when one would rather lead. What is their secret? How are they able to do what you or I could only dream of doing, and do it with such ease?

A rare personal quality attributed to leaders who arouse fervent popular devotion and enthusiasm; a personal magnetism or charm.

This is how the dictionary defines charisma and it was precisely what all of those people you see on television have in abundance. Still, it really is not the best of definitions because lacking is a clear-cut answer as to what precisely it, this charisma, really is. The ability to influence the opinions and actions of others is a truly exciting and powerful thing, is it not? Who would not want to have such power? Where would our lives be today had we been born with charisma like all those people we see on the television screen every night? Would we not be an entirely different person had we?

But, just consider this: What if charisma isnt merely something we are or are not born with? If one really thinks about it, isnt charisma just an abundance of self-confidence without all the baggage that comes with self-doubt, which to some degree we all must contend with in our lives? If that were true, then much like math or how to drive, charisma would not be some mystical power but rather something that could be learned given the right instruction! With enough practice, you or I could easily exude the very confidence we see in leaders and news anchorswe, too, could influence other people to do as we deemed fit! Think of the possibilities! Who could you be and how dramatically could the course of your life be altered if you had the self-confidence to direct or at least strongly influence the actions of those around you? The possibilities positively abound, dont they? Our daydreams, once confined to our imaginations, could in fact become reality with charisma! The difference between the life we want and the one we live boils down to just one thing: learning how to develop and harness our own inner-charisma and using it to make our dreams into anything we desire of them! So stop believing that charisma is some rare gift born unto some lucky few and start learning how to unlock that which is already inside of you! You and I both have it, we just need to learn how to develop this thing called charisma!

How to create your own video with free tool

You must have watched many videos created by common users, either sharing their family photos as slideshow or combining their preferred movie scenes into one video, with pleasant songs and attractive visual effects. Why not create one by yourself to feel the creativity? It is easy to do that as long as you download Windows Live Movie Maker.

You must have watched many videos created by common users, either sharing their family photos as slideshow or combining their preferred movie scenes into one video, with pleasant songs and attractive visual effects. Why not create one by yourself to feel the creativity? It is easy to do that as long as you download Windows Live Movie Maker.

What does Windows Live Movie Maker do?
Windows Live Movie Maker is a free video creating and editing software that allows you to easily turn photos and video clips into great-looking slideshows and movies on Vista and Windows 7. The output video file can be shared with family and friends across a TV, PC or mobile device.

Supported source file formats
Supported image and video files include: Windows Media Video (WMV), Windows Media, DV-AVI, Microsoft Recorded TV Show, 3GP, 3GPP, MPEG-1, MPEG-2, Motion JPEG, JPEG, TIFF, GIF, Bitmap, PNG. Windows 7 users can also view QuickTime MOV and QT files, AVCHD, and MPEG-4 video formats.
The source file can be your photos, collected images and video clips from your favorite movies, music videos and dramas.

Download and install
From all download sites, even its official website, Windows Live Movie Maker free download actually launches the installation of Windows Live Essentials. An installation window lets you choose to install Windows Live Movie Maker and any other Windows Live applications. To install Movie Maker only, deselect the other boxes.

How to use Windows Live Movie Maker?
Step 1 Add videos and photos
On the Home tab, in the Add group, click Add videos and photos to import. Or do as "click here to browser for videos and photos".
Step 2 Video and audio editing
After importing a video, video editing tools will be added in the menu bar automatically. In terms of video editing, you can merge, trim, split, speed up or slow down video, add transitional effects, and much more.
Add music from Add group in Home tab, and then music editing tools will be added in the menu bar. In terms of music editing, you can fade music in or out, trim music, change the music volume, and much more.
Step 3 Choose an AutoMovie theme
On the Home tab, in the AutoMovie themes group, click the theme you want to use. Movie Maker automatically adds titles, credits, transitions, effects, and more for you.
Step 4 Save or Share
Preview the movie from the option in View tab, and then save it for DVD, PC, mobile device, and more, or share it to SkyDrive, Facebook, Youtube, Windows Live Groups, etc.

More tools
More video creating and editing tools are available in the software free download website. Compare them and find the one that suits your needs best.

Article Tags: Windows Live Movie, Live Movie Maker, Windows Live, Live Movie, Movie Maker, Editing Tools

Software for Screenwriting Pick Final Draft

The best software for screenwriting without a doubt is Final Draft. There are some other big boys on the block, like Sophocles and Movie Magic Screenwriter to name a few (These are both fine scriptwriting programs). However, the market leader, industry standard and best screenwriting software is Final Draft.

If you intend to get serious about screenwriting then get it. If, on the other hand, you are unsure about how serious you are and you want to just get your feet wet first then perhaps you should hold off on the impulse to buy and explore some less expensive or free screenwriting software first (discussed further down).

Why Buy Final Draft?
  • Download script templates for almost any format of script: registered users get access to their database for templates. Graphic novels, musicals, sitcoms and many more styles are available. Whatever you want to write, you can find a template for it.
  • Ease of use: there is tons of support everywhere for learning this software due to its popularity.
  • Industry standard: the most used screenwriting software period.
  • Cross platform support: swap scripts between Mac and PC and between different file formats.
  • Direct access for registering your work: Final Draft is the only screenwriting software with an authorized agreement with the WGAW online registry service.
  • Simple editing: a host of features allow for drag and drop editing as you look at your script from the top down on a virtual editing table. The Scene Navigator, Scene Properties Inspector, Scene View, and Index Card features are what make script editing and formatting a breeze.

Alternatives to Final Draft?
If the price is outside your means, fear not, because there are some legitimate strong alternatives that cost substantially less or are free. Some of these are marginal, and a few are contenders, but most importantly, they wont force you to live on pasta for the next 3 months due to a blown budget.
If you need free software for independent productions then A Celtix is your answer. It is not acceptable for pro submissions but it is great for independent/small studios with budget concerns.