Jumat, 11 September 2020

The Great Jessica Simpson Acting Debate

Is there as much air in Jessica Simpson's head as many people think? If so, does that mean this blonde bombshell shouldn't be pursued for movie roles? Let's get to the bottom of this pressing issue!

With all the controversy surrounding Jessica Simpson and her burgeoning movie career, you'd think this former Newlywed were running for president. Whether or not she'd do better than the current schmo in office is a question for another time.

Right now, the issue is simply this: who cares?!? Ms. Simpson isn't trying to be the next Meryl Streep, so why are critics looking down on this singer's attempt to expand her fields of vocation? As offers for roles in films such as Dallas and Baywatch pour in, pompous pundits seem to be castigating this beauty for choosing to star in movies that don't necessarily require, well, acting talent.

But there's plenty of room for lovely faces on the big screen, even if they won't be taking home Oscars any time soon (see Alba, Jessica; Hewitt, Love Jennifer). If every actress were vying for a gold statue with each performance, we'd be deprived of such classics as Can't Hardly Wait and Bring It On. At least Ms. Simpson isn't trying to be someone she isn't; she knows her place in entertainment. And most guys are quite appreciative of that.

Let's let Jessica Simpson be Jessica Simpson. She may not have the acting chops to guest star on Grey's Anatomy, but she's also not Britney Spears. The new Mrs. Federline starred in one film, Crossroads, basically playing herself. She also can't sing. At least Ms. Simpson can carry a tune and, as the decent returns for past work in Dukes of Hazzard proved, a movie.

Now, about that airhead of a president ...

Article Tags: Jessica Simpson

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