Minggu, 28 Februari 2021

Courage on United Flight 93

There are varying viewpoints on the making of a movie about United Flight 93. My piece is not intended to take any particular position about the movie's production. My purpose is to honor the courageous actions of the flight's passengers. Courage that should be honored and emulated.

Ive read various theories about the final minutes of United Flight 93. But for me there is only one certain truth. The courageous actions of its passengers.

Whether or not we think a movie should have been made about this flight doesnt change the fact that its part of our American history. Our national narrative. The unfolding saga in the war against terrorism. A war that often seems without obvious rules and clearly against an enemy without country or ethical boundaries.

Its certainly not the first time that Hollywood made a movie depicting a national tragedy. The same could be said for numerous books and songs. We seem to be a people who like to record our events and feelings about those events.

Without question the actual details of those final minutes can only be guessed. Phone conversations between passengers and relatives tell us passengers became aware their hijacked plane was likely to be used as a terrorists weapon. And . . . that they must do something.

So, the courage of everyday people is told in a movie some refuse to see, some feel they must see, some criticize, some praise.

And what of courage?While there are numerous stories of courage described in the Bible, the one which comes to my thought first is David battling and conquering Goliath. David was a shepherd-boy who volunteered to do what trained soldiers feared they couldnt.

Ive always loved this story. The setting was army against army. An enormous and frightful soldier from the enemys camp, Goliath, made a challenge for one man to fight him. David wasnt in the army. But his brothers were. Their father had sent David to his brothers army camp to bring food.

He was obedient. He wasnt looking for fame and glory. Davids noble desire was to help and he believed with all his heart he could.

At first the army leader questioned Davids ability to face such an experienced soldier since David was a mere boy. He said, You cant go and fight this Philistine. Youre too young and inexperienced and hes been at this fighting business since before you were born. Yet leading spirituality author, Mary Baker Eddy wrote, individuals strength is in proportion to their courage.

What kind of courage did this young boy have, which I believe was also the kind of courage Eddy was speaking of? Not animal courage often flaunted by impetuosity, brashness or daring. But moral courage, exhibited by Davids fortitude, determination, and undaunted spirit.

And its these qualities of moral courage that I have no doubt strengthened the hearts and emboldened the actions of passengers on United Flight 93. Qualities that must surely be part of the foundation of all right thinking and acting.

What greater actions are there than to do what is right? Actions impelled by pure and selfless motives. Not prompted by ego or inspired by grandeur of self.

Do you think such qualities are reserved for the few?With God the Father-Mother of all, my hope and expectation is that surely all of His children have all they need at every moment. Would not this include moral courage as an ability that is instilled in each of us by God? Completely independent of and unlimited by physical prowess.

Moral courage guiding our thoughts, decisions, and actions shows us how to be better men and women. Gives us the strength to overcome seemingly overwhelming human odds. Enables us to fight the good fight.

I have no doubt the passengers on Flight 93 fought the good fight. Theres no question their actions were compelled by moral courage. I deeply wish the outcome of their success could have resulted in their lives continuing with their loved ones. But their example of courage lives on.

Their example assures you and me that we are also armored in the strength of moral courage. That we can go forward through our lives prepared to battle and disarm any Goliath.

Whether or not everyone goes to see the movie of United 93 doesnt stop us all from honoring and remembering its passengers. Everyday people with moral courage. Courage we can discover within ourselves. Courage of better men and women who people a better world.

Sabtu, 27 Februari 2021

Waiting For Synchronicity

Do you remember the scene in the movie The Minority Report where Tom Cruise is escaping with the psychic or ... and they are being pursued in the mall? In that scene, the psychic keeps te

Do you remember the scene in the movie The Minority Report where Tom Cruise is escaping with the psychic or precognitive and they are being pursued in the mall? In that scene, the psychic keeps telling Tom Cruise to Wait! Waitwaitwait. Shes telling him to wait for the moment of perfect synchrony, when a man with a huge bunch of balloons will stand in just the right place and hide them from their pursuers. The whole time shes telling him to wait, though, Tom Cruise is anxious and ready to run.

Now doesnt that sound like scene from our own lives? At least, thats how the Universe would see us as we go about our daily activities. Heres what it sees: we ask the Universe to bring us something and the Universe immediately leaps into action to bring it to us. But rather than simply waiting for that moment of synchrony, when all the factors come together in perfect order, we leap into action and try to make everything work. If we would just wait for the moment of perfect synchrony, as Tom Cruise did in the movie, we would find that it would come to us easily, peacefully and without fuss.

In this society, we have an extreme bias for action, productivity and achievement. We believe that we must do everything in our lives, so were always in motion. In fact, its worse than that. Not only are we in motion almost every waking moment of every day, but weve also planned out our active motion for the coming days, weeks and months. Whether its work, PTA meetings, hobby-type activities or sports, we are completely booked. Or even if we arent physically booked at every moment, were so mentally busy trying to figure it out that we might as well be doing something physical!

The result of all of this scheduling and mental gyration is that we dont have any room in our lives for synchronicity. We have literally left not even the smallest crack through which the Universe can squeeze through that which weve asked for and we wonder why the Universe doesnt deliver!!

Manifestation, contrary to popular belief, is neither a totally active sort of thing nor a totally passive waiting. It is an active anticipation of whats to come, a joyful expectation accompanied by inspired activity. In manifestation, you get a boost of anticipation followed by inspired ideas, followed by joyful activity, followed by yet more anticipation.

Its like walking a winding, hilly trail. When youre at the bottom of a hill, all you can see is the top of the next hill or curve and you anticipate what you might see at the top. Youre so excited by what you might see, that you take action and walk up there. Once there, you see a magnificent view, and also the next phase of the trail. This leads to more anticipation drawing you forward, more action and more pleasure. You see, it is an active participation in life of all your senses physical, emotional, mental and spiritual with appreciation and pause regularly interspersed.

If it seems like the Universe isnt delivering what youve asked for, you might not be leaving enough room in your life to let it in. To create some room, take one day a week, if possible, and schedule nothing. Let that day be a blank canvas on which the Universe can paint its perfect synchrony. If you cant take a full day, take at least a few hours for yourself every week and see what magic unfolds! Enjoy!

Start Downloading Your Favorite Wii Games

The new Wii console has become increasingly popular over recent time, which has led to a vast amount of people wishing to know if they can download free Wii games. When conducting a simple search onli...

The new Wii console has become increasingly popular over recent time, which has led to a vast amount of people wishing to know if they can download free Wii games. When conducting a simple search online, there are a wide variety of sites that offer Wii game downloads and the possibilities of obtaining the games. Whether these particular sites are in fact reliable as well as being virus free and providing games that are of quality is difficult to verify.

Older games will be offered on good Wii sites as well as new releases. Classic Nintendo games are supported by the Wii so you have the ability to download your old favorites, as well as demanded new games. Perform a search for a site which offers a good variety of different games if you wish to download free Wii games. Your personal information and money should not be given to a site that you do not trust, or one that does not feel quite right. Remain with sites that have been well designed and will not sell your personal information or overload your computer with malware.

They are usually two different types of ways websites offer Wii game downloads. As opposed to each download costing you money, access to an unlimited number of downloads is possible if you pay a one-time flat rate. The kind of website you pick should depend on how many games you require. The best choice for you would be the offer of unlimited downloads if you wish to download extensive Wii games. For one special Wii game that you cannot locate anywhere else, it will be cheaper to pay for that download only and may be the better choice.

You may be required to download special software in order to download free Wii games. To enable you to download the Wii games that you require, you may either be connected to the main server of that site, or connected to other users of the site. It is important you remember to play downloaded games on your computer but don't forget you will also need to locate an emulator that operates in exactly the same way that the Nintendo console would.

It can be a little more difficult to select a site from which you wish to download the games than it is to simple to locate a website that allows you to download free Wii games. All available sites should be checked cautiously prior to selecting one for downloading. Register with the website of your choice and within only a few minutes you could be downloading your favorite Wii games.

Article Tags: Download Free

Jumat, 26 Februari 2021

How to optimize your video for the web

This action, often known as streaming video, must be achieved carefully in order not to loose an important amount of video quality on the process. Due to the great amount of data a video or movie cont...

This action, often known as streaming video, must be achieved carefully in order not to loose an important amount of video quality on the process. Due to the great amount of data a video or movie contains and the big size it file would have, transferring it or playing it over the web with its original quality might be not easy sometimes.

The PC or equipment the person who will watch your movie has will be one of the main factors you should consider at the time of sending your video to him or letting him download it. Depending on the equipment, the video a person plays over the web will be played with good quality, bad quality or it might not be played at all.

To start with, a person should have a good Internet connection based on cable or DSL in order to be able to play or watch your movie over the web. If they do not have high speed connection, accessing and watching your movie would be almost impossible, since in case they were able to play it, it would be of very low quality and probably would go blank sometimes.

In order to optimize your video or movie and avoid as many of these web- movie related problems, there are a few things you should have into account. First of all, you should compress your video using an appropriate technology, such as, for example, Real Video, or any other which was meant for this specific purpose.

There are several different compression technologies which were developed in order to help movie makers uploading and transferring their videos over the web. In order to choose a good compression technology, you should check it allows you to compress your video without causing it to loose much of its original quality. You should always consider that maybe it is preferable that your video is transferred less quickly and looses not so much quality than it is transferred very fast and looses an important amount of data.

10 Most Romantic Movie Scenes

We all have our favourite romantic scene, whether it adheres to the conventional sort of romance or not dont matter, it is more the warm feeling inside that counts. We have teamed up with La Senza to bring you some of the best moments in cinema.

10 Things I hate about you

Heath Ledger proves that people will do anything for love by breaking into song and dance to serenade Julia Stiles character Kat. Brilliant, because of the dancing on the school bleachers and also as it is so out of tune with Mr Ledgers bad boy persona in the film.

Love Actually

The hit British film with an all star cast offers a number of brilliant moments. However the scene where Juliet is visited by her boyfriends friend Mark, who is dressed as a Christmas caroller and shows her cards with romantic phrases on it, is very romantic. Mark bears no ill will towards his friend and just wants her to know his feelings. The scene is made all the better as Juliet always believed Mark hated her, whereas he was just awkward around her.


The film that made a million teenage girls swoons. Jack and Rose have made huge sacrifices for each other, though Jack makes the ultimate one by giving up his life to save her from certain death. Even though its cheesy, its the ultimate in romance.

Never Been Kissed

Though it is usually men who make the romantic gestures on celluloid, it is Josie Geller who asks the character of Sam Coulson to kiss her - her first kiss by the way - in this film. Set to the music of the Beach Boys, this is a sweet cinematic moment.

Love and Basketball.

Quincy is going to marry the wrong woman, not his childhood sweet heart, who then challenges him to a game of basketball. If he loses he must put off marriage the next day, though if he wins he gets married. After a number of shots and a couple of nail biting moments he tragically wins, only to leave the court before then turning with the phrase double or nothing.


Once Glen Hansard and a flower girl bond over music and though she is married there is certain chemistry. She resists, leaving him broken hearted and London bound. However, he leaves her a gift before he goes a piano.

Shakespeare in Love

Though William cant be with the one he wishes Viola. He does his best and dedicates a play to her. The line For she will be my heroine for all time, and her name will be . . . Viola is heart melting and so the scene is included in our top ten.

Pretty Woman

The atypical story of poor girl and rich man has been done countless times, however the scene where Richard Gere tackles his fear of heights and climbs the fire escape to present Julia Roberts with flowers and asks what happens next?, only hear the words rescues him right back is one of the best in cinema history. Save with a La Senza discount code and get this for your collection.


The CGI film has one of the most romantic lessons of all time self acceptance, which Shrek teaches Fiona. Fiona waits to get married so the curse can be lifted. However, Shrek gives her a lesson and ensures she wants to be an ogre forever.


Though she became pregnant through experimentation, Juno realises she is in love with the father of her child Paulie Bleaker. Her gesture of posting his favourite orange tic tacs through his door is a sweet and memorable one. One of the girls and one of our favourites at La Senza

The Wedding Singer

Finally, Robbie doesnt want to let Julia marry her cheating fianc and so decides that the best way to show this is to not only crash the party but also to write a song as a testament of his love to her. A funny and amazingly romantic moment in film and one we thoroughly enjoyed.

All of these amazing films will have you crying and grasping for the tissues. Get a La Senza discount code to ensure you get the best value in womens underwear.

From Movie Updates, Box Office Reports to Juicy Gossip - All at one place

India's greatest filmindustry, Bollywood, is continually buzzing with news about new movie releases,movie reviews by pundits, Bollywood actor interview, box office reports, film tattle, rumours aboutbollywood stars

India's greatest film industry, Bollywood,is continually buzzing with news about new movie releases, movie reviews bypundits, Bollywood actor interview

, box office reports, film tattle, rumoursabout bollywood stars, discussions and identity crashes, and the most recentstyle patterns of male and female superstars. In such a situation, stayinginformed regarding the most recent happenings in Bollywood might be anextremely troublesome errand.

As opposed to going to bland sites thatadditionally concentrate on general news and give Bollywood news as a bit ofhindsight, you would do well to depend on sites that have some expertise ingiving the most recent data and news identified with the Hindi film industry inIndia. In the event that you are an excited fanatic of Hindi motion picturesand Bollywood film stars, then such a choice will help you stay breakthrough atall times.

The industry is constantly swirling withnews about new tasks being propelled and new movies being marked by the fatcats of the industry. Exhausting and standard films have been replaced bycreative and inventive scripts recorded by youthful and old chiefs who are notfrightened of leaving from the attempted and tried methodology.

The fan of bollywood industry can't standto take their eyes off the business for a moment. Many websites create rumoursabout actor, actresses and movies, just for the sake to grab attention ofviewers. The best and the most secure choice is to depend on a site that staysinformed regarding the latest news and Bollywood actor interview

Simply concentrating on new releases andfilm industry reports can get to be extremely exhausting unless it is joined bya look into the energizing tattle encompassing the top stars in the business.The latest information and news about movie release in the cinema world willhelp you plan your next film without any bothers. Websites permitting viewersto post their comments about distinctive videos and stories, additionally willhelp you comprehend what other film fans are considering.

The most brilliant option would be todepend on a solitary site that gives access to the most recent news, designpatterns, tattle and goodies about the private lives of the Vips. Nothing mightbe additionally humiliating for a genuine fan to find that he or she was thelast to look into an intriguing advancement in the Hindi film industry. Turnall your companions green with jealousy by offering the most recent news onyour long range interpersonal communication profiles. Simply verify you pickthe right site in any case.

Kamis, 25 Februari 2021

Run Raja Run Telugu Movie Review and Rating

Run Raja Run Movie Review, Run Raja Run Telugu Movie Review, Sharwanand Run Raja Run Review, Run Raja Run Movie Review and Rating, Run Raja Run Telugu film

Release date : Aug 01, 2014
AuthorRating : 3.25/5
Director : Sujeeth
Producer : Pramod Uppalapati, Vamsi Krishna Reddy
Music Director : Gibran
Starring : Sharvanand , Seerat Kapoor

Story: -

There are a series of kidnappings happening in the city, and a special officer Sampath (Dileep Kumar) is appointed for the task. On the other hand, Raja (Sharwanand) is an eccentric young man who breaks up with girls only to find her perfect match.One day, he meets Sampaths daughter Priya (Seerat Kapoor) and falls for her. Knowing this, Sampath Raja assigns a specific task to pin the kidnapper to save her daughters hand. A small twist in the tale happens, and things take a powerful U turn.What is the twist? How Raja solve the mystery of the kidnapping? How is it associated with all the events? For answers to all these questions, you need to watch the movie on the big screen.

Plus Points: -

Let's start with Sharwanand. It has a role tailor-made in the film, and has once again proved the interpreter of a power house it is. The way he goes about his character is superb. It surprises us with its uber cool look and exhilarating energy in his performance. It is a complete make over him, he offers with great authority.Yet another major advantage of the film is the story interesting. The various twists that were presented are quite unique and will surely impress the audience. Debutante Seerat Kapoor's ok for her first film, and provides the necessary glamor. Adavi Sesh is the surprise of the film. His character was written intelligently, and the handsome actor plays the role of a police officer with great conviction.
The first half of the film is very entertaining. He has the necessary romance, comedy and sudden twists. Dilip Kumar Mirchi fame, did a superb job of a police officer to the soul. Vennela Kishore impressed in his cameo innocent but cute.

MinusPoints: -

major negative film, is the first 15 minutes post interval. After setting up the film beautifully through the first half, the pace of the movie completely bogs. unnecessary scenes and songs, come in. As mentioned above, at least one song have been cut.Although the film has enough twists, once the twist is revealed, the film gets predictable towards the end. As we prepare for an interesting climax, it was a bit rushed.

Technical aspects:-

Run Run Raja is quite good in its technical aspects. From the look of Sharwanand the production values, UV creations should be commended for giving this film a great look cool and fresh.the work of the camera is good, because it presents the film in a new light. The selected locations, and how the songs were slaughtered is also good. Ghibran music is quite fun, and so is the background score. Coming to the Director Sujeeth he impressed us with his first attempt. The way he manages the history and tells a romantic and entertaining way is impressive.screenplay is quite good, and how the twists are revealed is also very good. Installation is about right, and at least five minutes of Love Sharwa the track in the second half could have been cut.


Overall, Run Run Raja is a perfect back for Sharwanand. Although the film bogs down a bit after the interval, elegant and entertaining character Sharwanand, various twists make this film a Breezy artist. Recommended.

3 Idiots The Great Indian Movie

This article is about a Bollywood's movie 3 Idiots (2009) which is directed by Rankumar Hirani, with a screenplay by Abhijat Joshi, and produced by Vidhu Vinod Chopra. It stars Aamir Khan, R. Madhavan, Sharman Joshi, Kareena Kapoor, Omi Vaidya, Parikshit Sahni. and Boman Irani and is loosely based on the novel, Five Point Someone by Chetan Bhagat.

Aamir Khan starrer comedy-drama "3 Idiots" has created a record by grossing over Rs.100 crore in its first four days. Reliance BIG Entertainment, distributor of the film, released about 2,000 prints across 40 countries.

This Christmas had been wonderful in the company of Rajkumar Hiranis 3 Idiots. The film has not only garnered audiences appreciation from all-over the globe but also has earned immense collections for the Box Office. The Vidhu Vinod Chopra production rewrites Indian Cinema Box Office History, by grossing over Rs 100 crores in 4 days.

Reliance Big Pictures which released 3 Idiots in 2126 screens worldwide including 366 screens overseas the widest release for any Indian film so far has reported unprecedented box-office response from all over. The film has set new records in ticket sales in towns and cities across the world. In just 4 days the film has grossed over an astounding Rs 100 crores worldwide. The film continues to draw record crowds and is setting new benchmarks for Bollywood films.

Inspired from Chetan Bhagats novel, Five Point Someone the film chronicles the tale of three friends together in an engineering college. What seem to have touched the right chord in peoples heart is the witty writing and terrific acting and the incisive look which the film takes at the education system in India. The screenplay is impressively done, with the credits going to Rajkumar Hirani, Abhijat Joshi and Vidhu Vinod Chopra.

Shot on location the film has caught the audiences imagination like never before, thanks to the cinematographer C.R. Muraleedharan. From a small town like Wardha to a city like Chandigarh, from Mumbai to Delhi and from New York to Sydney theatres have reported record-breaking collections. The film which has also been critically acclaimed has already begun attracting repeat audiences. Said a college student coming out of a suburban multiplex in Ahmedabad that she was coming back again tomorrow with her family to watch the film.

Commenting on the huge success of the film Producer Vinod Chopra said, "Response has been overwhelming from all over the world. Aamir, Raju and I knew from the responses earlier on that people liked the film but this is something else We have got reports from places like Australia that they have reduced Avatar shows and increased ours."

"3 Idiots is the highest grossing Hindi film ever in Australia on its opening weekend. Similarly in the US, I have been given to understand that 3 Idiots would be highest ever for a movie songs Hindi ," he added.

Film Information, an Indian trade journal that tracks box office performance commented "Bollywood should be dancing, singing, rejoicing, shedding tears of joy 3 Idiots has come like a tornado to smash box-office records and create new ones which may not be broken easily, at least in the immediate future."

Rabu, 24 Februari 2021

Hitudu Telugu Movie Review Rating

Release date : December 11, 2015

AuthorRating : 2.25/5

Director : Viplav

Producer : K.S.V

Music Director : Koti

Starring : Jagapathi Babu, Meera Nandan

Off late, Jagapathi Babu has become an extraordinary character artist. This family hero’s latest flick is Hithudu which has him in the lead role. This emotional drama has hit the screens today and let’s now find out how the film turns out to be.


The story begins in a village called back Paderu. Sitaram (Jagapathi Babu) is a former Naxalite who leaves her band and implements a Paderu school to encourage education.On the other hand, Abhilasha (Meera Nandan) is a happy go lucky girl who is very brilliant in his studies. Seeing his talent, Sitaram takes responsibility for his education. One day Abhilasha it lands in enormous difficulties.Citing these problems, Sitaram arranges and sends it to another village to continue their studies. Rest of the story is how to help Abhilasha Sitaram manages to complete his studies in spite of all these problems.


Jagapathi Babu did complete justice having good variations of his character, which consists of three different shades. He uttered a few powerful and meaningful dialogues effortlessly. Meera Nandan is well suited his character. It offers a magnificent performance as a village girl.Viplav young director managed to convey his program through powerful dialogues that include significant human values. Benerjee was pretty good as Naxalite.

Negative points:

The lack of necessary commercial elements is the major drawback. Although the basic idea of the filmis good, the director has failed in its implementation in most part of the film. So many sub plots that come in the middle of the film creates enormous confusion.The scenario is slow and not interesting. After 10 minutes, the film becomes quite predictable. The running time is long enough and all the songs break the procedure of the film. There is no clarity on the immediate realization of the villagers.Technicalaspects:Coming to the music, Koti background score is very good for the emotional scenes, but none of his songs are good. Director of photography presented Bharani places Vizag a splendid manner. The production values are good.Film editing is very annoying that the film becomes very long and dragging. Most part of the film could have easily cut. Director Viplav managed to extract good performance molten lead. While the concept is good, the performance is very bad.


Overall, Hitudu has extraordinary performances and the interesting story line complemented by some worthy dialogues. The film has a flavor of art and complete film will not impress the regular public. All those who like realistic movies with slow narration can try. Rest can take easily.

telugu movie news, tollywood news

Hollywood Sneak Previews

The original article can be found at MovieFanfare

Additional articles on movies, movies information and fun movie information can be found also at MovieFanfare.com

Growing up in Southern California was a movie-lovers paradise! Myhome base of Bellflower, California was relatively equidistant to LongBeach, Hollywood and Westwood each with an abundance of movietheaters to tempt my attendance. Beginning in 1955, at age 10, myparents allowed me to take the bus every Saturday morning to mygrandmothers house in Long Beach, where I earned a dollar an hourdoing yard work. I arrived very early Saturday mornings so myafternoons would be free to see as many movies as possible before the6:00 pm bus would deliver me home. Then when I hit my teens, my parentspermitted me to add Hollywood and Westwood to my weekly movieexpeditions.

Hollywood being the movie capitol of the world, I soon discoveredthe tradition known as the Major Studio Sneak Preview. There are twokinds of sneak previews: those shown nationwide in promotionalcampaigns designed to help spread word of mouth for a new movie, andothers, mostly shown in and around Hollywood, that are legitimate testscreenings attended by studio execs to gauge audience response anddevelop marketing strategies. Since the titles are kept secret, thesegenuine sneak previews are included free with the admission paid tosee whatever is playing that week. Audiences are occasionally asked tofill out survey cards and rate the movie after the screening.

The excitement of attending genuine sneak previews was in notknowing what new movie would be screened. They were usually scheduledon a Friday or Saturday night with only a small notice in the newspaperatop the ad for the regular feature that simply said: Major StudioSneak Preview Tonight at 8:00. Secrecy was important, as the studioswere seeking a genuine response from an audience not already inclinedto favor the stars or genre of the film being tested. To assure I gotin, I would routinely arrive around 6:00 and sit through the regularfeature even if Id already seen it. I would know it was an importantscreening when several rows of seats were roped off and reserved forthe studio brass.

The biggest thrill was seeing What Ever Happened to Baby Jane(1962) as a sneak preview at the State Theater in Long Beach. As themovie got underway, the audience grew increasingly restless. The moviewas in black and white, and the very long extended sequence before theopening credits had many in the audience booing the screen, especiallywhen little Baby Jane began singing Ive Written a Letter to Daddy.The booing morphed into cheers and wild applause once Bette Davis andJoan Crawfords names finally appeared. According to the preview cards,the studio was concerned about retaining the scene wherein Bette servesa dead rat to sister Joan. Imagine that being a concern today!

A similar reaction attended the first quarter hour of the sneak for Play Misty for Me(1971). Clint Eastwood had not yet attained his iconic status, andafter a casual start the audience had no idea where the story wasgoing. Groaning and seat shifting permeated the theater. Once it becameclear the film was a thriller and the Jessica Walter character apsycho, the roller coaster ride was on and the audience fully engaged.Clearly Eastwood had established that not only could he act, but couldadmirably fill the directors seat as well.

Another disconcerting audience reaction was at the sneak for Days of Wine and Roses (1962). We were used to seeing Jack Lemmon excel in comedies like Some Like it Hot and The Apartment,but Im sure I wasnt alone at the outset in waiting for the laughs tokick in as Lemmon delivered his incredible Oscar-nominated performancewhich earned enthusiastic applause over the closing credits.

The most fun I had at a sneak preview was attending the first public screening of Blazing Saddles (1974)at the U. A. Theater in Westwood. This was early in Mel Brooks filmcareer, and he had the audience rolling in the aisles from the openingmoments - and especially during the infamous campfire flatulencescene. After the movie when the lights came up I noticed an exhilaratedMel Brooks sitting in an aisle seat in the roped off section, alongwith Harvey Korman and several other actors in the film.

Other special moments I recall enjoying at sneak previews include Ann-Margrets titillating performance of the title song in the opening and closing sequences of Bye Bye Birdie (1963); the inspired pairing of John Wayne and Maureen OHara in McLintock! (1963); Rock Hudson in the underrated The Spiral Road (1963); and Kirk Douglass brilliant portrayal of a modern day cowboy in Lonely are the Brave (1962).

I vividly recall one Friday during my junior year in high schoolbeing excited about attending a sneak preview announced in the L.A.Times that morning. The ad included a hint that it was to be JerryLewiss newest movie. Sadly, that Friday happened to be on November22, 1963. Anticipation turned to anxiety and shock when our politicalscience teacher announced to the class that President Kennedy had justbeen assassinated. The preview was cancelled, of course, as were mostentertainment venues.

At the outset of the 1970s it seemed to me that the quality of lifein Southern California was beginning to deteriorate, as was theexperience of going to the movies. The long established onscreentraditions of verbal discourse and human behavior were shifting into anew realm of anything goes, and with increasingly little left to theimagination. In 1977 I abandoned a beginning career in real estate andmoved my family to Southern Oregon in search of greener pastures and amore purposeful life. Three years later my passion for classic moviesevolved into a new career recreating the movie-going experiences of the1930s, 40s and 50s for PBS in an original TV series called Matinee at the Bijou.

Thelast sneak preview I ever attended was on a trip to L.A. on behalf ofthe Bijou series. Being a political junkie it was especially gratifyingfor me to be in the audience for a sneak preview of The Formula (1980);a big oil conspiracy thriller starring Marlon Brando and George C.Scott. During the intermission prior to the screening I learned whilechatting with an usher that along with the studio execs in attendancewere several major oil executives checking out the proceedings. Thefinal shot of the film lingers on a congested L.A. freeway interchangeand resonated for me as a kind of deeply personal affirmation of my newlife in Oregon.

Selasa, 23 Februari 2021

Women Influencers: How Do You Pay It Forward?

Change that begins with one person can have a huge impact.You may be familiar with the movie based on the bookPay It Forwardby Catherine Ryan Hyde. The premise of the story is that people who are on the receiving end of a good deed, in turn, pay that forward by doing good deeds for three other people, thereby creating a chain of good deeds that eventually spread around the world.

You may be familiar withthe movie based on the book Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde. Thepremise of the story is that people who are on the receiving end of a gooddeed, in turn, pay that forward by doing good deeds for three other people,thereby creating a chain of good deeds that eventually spread around the world.

Change that begins with one person can have a huge impact. I love the idea ofpaying it forward, especially teaching our children this principle to live by.In fact, there is a Pay It Forward Foundation that does just that. They showchildren, parents and teachers what it's all about. What a wonderful way toinspire our next generation!

I've often been on the receiving end of someone who has cared enough to dosomething really nice for me without being asked or even knowing who I am. AndI return the favor many times over. In this day and age, people want morepersonal connection, as technology and our fast-paced world typically drive usapart. Don't you find there's nothing worse than trying to have meaningfulshared experiences while on the run? It's like catching glimpses of what'sreally important in life - the time we spend with each other and the ways we loveand support each other.

Aswomen, we have an innate sense of giving, so in many ways, we are programmed tonaturally pay it forward. Here are some thoughts on how you can make aconscious effort in your everyday life to make a difference to those around youby paying it forward:

1. Mentor ayoung woman. The world can seem a little scary to our female teenagers andyoung women. Their families may be a good source of support but as they growand start to become who they are, they can use all the guidance they can get tounderstand life and make choices that will serve them well today and in thefuture. Do you have a younger sister in high school, a niece in college thatyou cangive your time and advice to? Is there ayounger colleague at work you could take under your wing? As well, there are a lot of community organizations like BigSisters that are ideal for helping our younger counterparts.

2. Perform a random act of kindness. This concept can sometimes make usthink we need to get on board with a majorly important cause like helping thehomeless. But little acts can still go a long way. Your neighborhood and yourcommunity are all great places to start. Do you know of an elderly neighbor whostruggles with getting to the grocery store? Maybe you can organize someone totake them (if you don't have time). Next time you're on the bus and someonedoesn't have enough change to make the fare, pay it for them. Even just helpingsomeone reach the top shelf of the pasta aisle in the grocery store fits thebill!

3. Become a Volunteer. Volunteering is one of the most recognized waysto pay it forward. Oftentimes volunteering in an area of personal interest canbe very rewarding and satisfying. Do you have a hobby you can share withsomeone? If you're a rower, offer to help the local rowing club to publicizetheir events or be the one in charge of the inventory. Love to dance, garden,or read history books? Whatever your interest, there is bound to be a groupthat could use your help. But again, you don't have to go the group route. Youcan find connections with like-minded people in so many places; at work, at thenight school course you're taking, at the gym, etc. Just offering to help oneperson get ahead with what they want to accomplish has plenty of pay it forwardstyle!

Paying it forward in whatever way you choose is a great way to help others and win friends and influence people at the same time. As the oft-described female Dale Carnegie, Ihighly recommend it!

Senin, 22 Februari 2021

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Watch Happy Feet Two Movie 2011 Online

Hollywood Movie

Parents need to know that in this sequel to 2006's Oscar-winning animated musical Happy Feet, Mumble (voiced by Elijah Wood) is now a dad to young Erik (Elizabeth Daily), who runs away because he's just not into dancing like his toe-tapping father. Pop star Pink replaces the late Brittany Murphy as Mumble's mate, Gloria, and Robin Williams returns as chief Adelie penguin, Ramon. Families looking for a family treat this Thanksgiving will be shuffle-hop-stepping to the theater for this chilly treat, which looks just as kid friendly as the original.
Watch Happy Feet Two Movie 2011 Online
What appeared fresh and fun back in 2006 now feels like recycled goods in Happy Feet Two. The first time around, the sight of multicultural penguins singing and dancing in a gorgeous, environmentally threatened setting seemed disarmingly novel. But while a number of new characters have been introduced into the zoologically varied cast, the format and themes have a shopworn air that even the 3D Antarctic vistas and intermittent cleverness can't surmount. Commercially, however, there's no reason this splashy sequel won't perform similarly to the original, which pulled in $385 million worldwide.

It's now been 13 years since George Miller directed a live-action feature and the thought that he's devoted nearly half that time to this sequel, no matter how remunerative, understandably agitates devoted fans anxious for him to get on with his Mad Max retooling or some other project.

On the other hand, tykes will be delighted to return to the icy climes inhabited by Mumble (now a dad), Ramon, Lovelace and a host of new creatures, who face the challenges of life with varying amounts of trepidation and grit. But the minute the film opens with a massive musical number featuring what could be thousands of penguins singing and dancing in precision unison, at least some viewers will want to side with Mumble's little misfit son Erik for not succumbing to the pressure to conform by joining in the forced jubilation.

But, alas, this is not to be a penguin The Catcher in the Rye. While little Erik does run away, accompanied by two fellow Emperor tots and his dad's riffing friend Ramon, it's not really in rebellion, and the script fragments in a way that illustrates the variety of life forms on, under and around the seventh continent,the backdrops of which, as before, are vividly captured in a hyper-realistic animated style.

A more engaging quest of identity than Erik's, all the more appealing for being so absurd, centers on a pair of krill energetically vocalized by Matt Damon and Brad Pitt. Resembling tiny red shrimp, krill exist in uncountable numbers at the lowest end of the underwater food chain, there to be scooped up by the mouthful by a multitude of predators. No creatures could be more anonymous or less prone individualization, so when Will proclaims his unique identity--I am one in a krillion, he insists in just one of many such punsit's hard to not to be taken in by such unlikely hubris. Not only that, but the interplay between Damon and Pitt is especially spirited, giving their scenes an energy that feels natural rather than cranked up by music and in-your-face effects.
Watch Happy Feet Two Movie 2011 Online
The feeling is palpable of Miller and his colleagues searching for new ways to present the Antarctic setting, to come up with something fresh to justify this sequel. But ultimately they fall back on such reliables as comic shtick in a variety of accents and soul/funk/rap numbers mixed with tired '70s and '80s anthem rock refrains. Indeed, the only truly inspired musical touch, which hits like a bolt from the heavens, has little Erik delivering, in a pivotal moment, a unique rendition of the 'E Lucevan Le Stelle aria from Puccini's Tosca.

As the film bounces along, much of the incident and action feels increasingly arbitrary and unmotivated. Compared to the best recent animated features, the script just isn't very funny, tending towards nutty hijinks rather than wit. Even where the disarming krill are concerned, some of their close shaves feel reminiscent of the misadventures of the desperate squirrel in the Ice Age series.

And speaking of Ice Age, the global warming theme gets another earnest workout here in a way that will win nods of approval from the Al Gore faithful but provoke irritation among those tired of being spoon fed the politically correct line. The penguins' world is seen to be melting, with puddles and wet ice in evidence, and an environmental crisis puts the vast avian population in peril requiring a desperate rescue effort. Scientifically true or not, on this subject, as well as artistically, Happy Feet Two is treading water.

The Many Uses of Unitards

You may think unitards have only one use but ifthats the case you are sorely mistaken. Unitards have been used for manypurposes all the way from pop stars to making movie magic.

Traditionally, gymnasts,acrobats, circus performers and dancers wear the unitard. The unitard coversall of a person's body, but does not restrict movement in anyway. Lycra isblended with either cotton or polyester to create a stretchable fabric. It is aone-piece garment that is basically a combination between a leotard and tights.Now we know what unitards are, lets take a look at some famous pop cultureicons that have worn them.

The Rock Star Unitard

The 1980's saw an influxof hair-sprayed rock stars scissor kicking their way across the stage wearingthese outfits. Freddy Mercury was the first of a new breed of rock star tosport the garment. He paved the way for other flamboyant musicians to expressthemselves on stage. Every pop siren knows the effect a stylish unitard canhave on their fan base. Popular pop stars of today have shot promotional musicvideos wearing them as well. From the iconic Britney Spears videos to the newsingles being released by Lady Gaga.

The Cinematic Unitard

The garment can be usedfor more than fashion or performance. The unitard has been used to make motioncapture possible. These sensors would be picked up by a special camera and thenpainstakingly digitally transformed into an animated character. The characterGollum in the Lord of The Rings films made possible by a unitard. The actorplaying the part wore the tight fitting garment that had motion detectorsattached to it. The same process was used in the hit movie, Avatar.

The Super Hero Unitard

The man responsible forsuperheroes dressing like this was Lee Falk, who created "ThePhantom". This superhero first appeared in a newspaper cartoon in 1936 andin its prime was read by over a million readers ever day.

The superhero is alwaysseen fighting crime whilst wearing a unitard. Spiderman, Superman, Batman: theyhave all sported the tight fitting outfit. Falk got his inspiration for thesuperhero unitard from the images of Robin Hood and thus, the superhero outfitwas born. If you watch the re-runs of the 60's Batman episodes, you will noticethat both hero and villain are wearing the tight-fitting costume.

Whether you are acontortionist, a theater performer or a professional dancer, the chances arethat you have worn one and taken advantage of the unrestricted freedom ofmovement it gives you. As you can see, this garment has cemented its place intopopular culture.

Minggu, 21 Februari 2021

Brake Repair In Hollywood - Movie Myths About Cars

After seeing a car chase scene in a movie you might be tempted to bring your vehicle in for brake repair. Movie magic, however, greatly embellishes potential risks and malfunctions of braking systems.

Brake repair and maintenance is necessary to keep drivers and pedestrians safe, but that doesn't mean if you delay some work that your vehicle will suddenly explode. Hollywood movies have propagated several myths about cars, many of which revolve around either seemingly horrible braking systems or magical ones. Brakes seem to fail at just the right moment or are able to screech to a halt from 100mph in a split second. Then there are the cars that suddenly burst into flames or flip over due to a braking malfunction. But rest assured it's all for show and not grounded in reality. Here are some Hollywood braking myths busted.

In the classic comedy Cannonball Run a car racer tries to weasel out of a police stop by claiming his car is malfunctioning. While he manages to shake off the cop, he discovers that his brakes really are jammed and won't work, subsequently flipping over his truck. While it may have been comedic gold, there are several reasons why this isn't plausible in reality. Most people upon discovery that they can't hit the brakes would do what most sensible drivers would - pull up the emergency lever to help slow down the vehicle. While it wouldn't abruptly stop a car moving at high speeds, transitioning to a lower gear and gently pulling it up will help the driver slow down and eventually stop. If that isn't an option, the driver could always release the clutch and allow the car to stall. Unless you're driving down a steep hill, losing total control is unlikely.

Vehicular Sabotage:
Drivers must have huge brake repair bills in films, considering their lines seem to be so easily cut by villains. Sabotaging a car's braking system is a common trope in numerous films such as Starsky and Hutch, Superman Returns, and Thirteen Ghosts just to name a few. While severing the lines is possible, it is highly improbable that it will cause a dangerous or even a fatal crash. Few people hop into their cars and rev into high gear. They have to slowly back out of a parking space, which would mean they would need to immediately apply the brakes. Upon noticing the problem, they'd pull up the emergency lever and they'd stop without a fiery crash. Cutting the lines will result in instantaneous failure, whereas timing is the crucial factor in sabotage.

Smoke and Skids:
Have you ever heard your brakes screech to a stop? It happens when you need brake repair and the pads are worn down, or if you slam on them while traveling at high speeds on the roads. Your car, however, won't squeal each time you accelerate or stop, and it certainly won't leave a puff of black smoke behind you. Take the classic film The Road Warrior. Mel Gibson races around the Australian outback, screeching to sharp stops on the dirt roads. While it can happen, it is highly unlikely and the only dust that should be kicked up is whatever is on the ground.

Article Tags: Myths About Cars, Brake Repair, Myths About, About Cars

Sabtu, 20 Februari 2021

Movies, movies, movies in your own home movie theater

We all love to go to the movie theater to relax after a long day ofwork. Even if you need to tide traffics jams to go to the movietheater, you are willing to endure this to be able to watch a movie.The sight and sound of a movie theater is what makes us go back thereevery so often.

We easily get lost in the movie scene because of the bigger than life pictures and surround sound that takes you there beside the characters in the movie. This may prove to be costly in the end but we continue to do this because we love to go to movie theaters and see movies. If you can bring home a movie theater, it will be good and I am sure you will love the idea. However, before you say no, think again. Going to the movie theaters every single day is definitely costly in the long run. Additionally, if you know the basic components of a home movie theater, you may not think twice and will definitely leave right now to acquire your own home movie theater. A complete setup of a movie theater in a big room is definitely only accessible to the rich and the famous. However, if you have meager budget, you can have the home movie theater for yourself knowing the basic components and setting up the home movie theater in a smaller room. You may convert you den to a home theater room. You only need the three basic components and you may already enjoy watching movies with no limit.If you have a television set, which I know you do, that is about 27 inches, you run away spending for the first major component of your home movie theater. The second major component, which I think you have, is the DVD player. If your DVD Player has progressive scan that is wonderful, however, even without progressive scan, your DVD player may work as the second component for your home movie theater. The final piece of the puzzle, which I want you to spend on, is the home theater speakers. You need three high-quality home theater speakers for your home movie theater. You need to place one on the right side, one on the left side and one on the rear center of the room. These are the three basic components of your home movie theater. You may now start enjoying unlimited movie and enjoy watching movies with your whole family. I am sure you will agree with me that this is the best part of owning your own home movie theater.The set up for your home movie theater with the three basic components is the best perfect setup for small rooms. However, if you have a bigger room for your home movie theater, I am sure you have a bigger budget for your home theater. Then you may want to consider the recommendation of home theater experts, you may add more speakers up to six home theater speakers and may need to compliment it with subwoofer to maintain the surround sound effect for your home movie theater. If you want a bigger picture, you may want to consider buying a home theater projector. You may also acquire home theater seating and television cabinet if you want to compliment the home theater design to make up a complete package for your home entertainment. All these additions to the basic components may be necessary if you have a bigger room. If the room is smaller, then you may only need the three basic components for your home movie theater.Having to be able to bring home the sight and sound you run after in movie theaters may be very efficient and less costly. Aside form the fact that you enjoy life with your family beside you watching movies after movies in your very own home movie theater.

Article Tags: Home Movie Theater, Three Basic Components, Home Theater Speakers, Movies Movies, Home Movie, Movie Theater, Movie Theaters, Basic Components, Home Theater, Three Basic, Watching Movies, Theater Speakers

Jumat, 19 Februari 2021

How to edit flip video with Windows Movie Maker

Flip to WMM Converter converts flip MP4 video files to WMV for Windows Movie Maker, import flip MP4 to WMM, edit flip MP4 video on WMM.

Windows Movie Maker is a video creating/editing software application, included in Microsoft Windows Me, XP, and Vista. It contains features such as effects, transitions, titles/credits, audio track, timeline narration, and Auto Movie. Most people edit video with Windows Movie Maker due to its convenience and friendly use.

Those who have fun from taking shoot of videos with Flip camcorders also desire to edit the flip clips and create their own family video with Windows Movie Maker. However, clips form Flip SlideHD, Flip Mino HD , Flip Mino HD, Flip Ultra, Flip Ultra HD are in MP4 format, which often arise error when they are imported to Windows Movie Maker.

A better solution to edit flip video with Windows Movie Maker is toconvert MP4 files to WMVfrom Windows Movie Maker, as WMV with the full name Windows Media Video is the most welcomed video on Windows by Microsoft program.

There are a batch of software range from free online converter to commercial download shareware developed to cope with MP4 to WMV conversion. In consideration of the bad quality of picture loss or sound miss, people who have higher requirement of video quality prefer to use reliable shareware, which is also easy to function and handle.

Take DoremisoftFlip to WMM Converterfor example. Flip to WMM Converter developed by Doremisoft acts excellently to convert MP4 video from Flip camcorder to WMV for Windows Movie Maker. Steps to edit flip video in Windows Movie Maker with the help of program Flip to WMM Converter are simply as follow.

Import flip MP4 video from camcorder to program Flip to WMM Converter.

Select the WMV format from the Profile list as the output format.

Convert flip MP4 to WMV.

Finally, import the generated .wmv into Windows Movie Maker for editing.

Details of editing flip video in Windows Movie Maker is on http://www.flip-converter.com/articles/edit-flip-video-with-windows-movie-maker/

Hotels in Dubai to enliven your mood!

Dubai is not the most happening place for nothing. The hotels there are live with excitement, sometimes you would find them coming straight from a movie set, Titanic for instance. Belly dancers, the superior quality stuff served there, when people talk of the Hotels in Dubai, they find hotels like the Le Meridian Hotel, Holiday Inn Hotel, Dubai International Hotel worth being mentioned.

As the gang landed on the floor of Jumeirah Beach Hotel one of the bestHotelsinDubaithey were pretty cool to be the denizens of this lovely place that would be a fun at the beach kind of place where die-hard lovers go crazy, hanky, panky in love. Come lets fall in love again! all of them cried. You, shameless creature! Dingy spitted fire as her BF of two months Samer pulled her closer. Im all aching babe, you are the pain killer! Samer said, half-laughing! The resort had a striking wavy design, was a five star resort and stood like a crazy structure calling people to board in.
It was a raunchy evening and all six of the group were playing the ball game, indoor interactive. All were ready to dance and jive while chomping their favorite foods. Samer and Dingy, Laila and Sermin, Vegna and Mandy all were back after a long drive from the great mall to their homes. We are lovin it! Mandy sat smiling lipstick on his lips saying Im the McDonalds joking man come sit on my laps, I wearing short lowers. You are fun dodo! Amazin Vegna said, Me on your laps, what a cool pose Im also going to love it, I would rip off your lipstick too, you shoddy boy friend! All are not so lucky like Vegna, no we are not coming have fun you two!
FujairahHotelsthat include the likes of Fortune Royal Hotel, Hilton Fujairah Hotels, Emirates Springs Hotel Apartments and City Plaza Hotel were the kinds of hotels where they wanted to stay but destiny had it otherwise. Not bad, they went traveling and had fun to the hilt. These Hotels were like lovely pieces of architecture.
Ras Al KhaimahHotelsat UAE were the lofty cool no.1 bitchiest spots Vegna commented. Id like to munch some stuff here, before we all leave. Why did you say so there is so much space, they are crafted nicely, you have everything here, and you still wanna go back the beach resort! Thats why I am saying this, these resorts are cool. Id wanna bitch about them when I go back home from holidays. The trip to hotels was an excellent one. All were marveled to see every inch of the hotels the service, the food, the wines, the stuff used in furniture everything had something of a Royal kind in itself. Master crafted to success. All agreed. Dubai was sure on their list for two three more comebacks. Throughout their travel whether to the grandest of hotels or to any other, the nostalgia never ended, the memory never faded and thoughts lingered on.

Kamis, 18 Februari 2021

Ways to Remove DRM Protection from Amazon Video on Demand?

Exactly what do you know about amazon video on demand (amazon VOD)? Amazon video on demand is the very best source to get a lot of television programs and films. All kind of videos can be found there. You can lease or buy your favored videos there. Amazon Video on Demand is a streaming video service for television and movie.

What do you find out about amazon video on demand (amazon VOD)? Amazon video on demand is the best source to obtain a lot of tv programs and flicks. All kind of videos can be found there. You can rent or buy your favorite videos there. Amazon Video on Demand is a streaming video service for television and film. At the launch in July 2008, more than 40,000 film and television has been offered this link. But although there are a great deal of videos that you can receive from amazon video on demand, but you can just play the videos in certain and specified video players due to the fact that it has been safeguarded by DRM (Digital Rights Management) system. You can't play the videos and flicks in your portable gadgets too such as ipad and you may just play them on approximately 5 computer systems only.

For users of the iPod or iPhone which is frequently gotten music from the amazon video on demand or other video sources like itunes, Netflix, smash hit, BBC iplayer, then certainly they will often encounter problems too when they want to play the music on various other devices for instance computer or various other transportable player. This is triggered by the protection of DRM from the amazon video on demand. DRM is a technology used by the copyright owner of a digital product such as music, movies, etc to limit the usage of these items. However you don't should fret because you can unleash the limitation by remove drm from amazon video on demand by using amazon drm removal software. The following question is exactly what is the best and most recommended amazon drm removal application that you can make use of to do it? I am sure you will find a great selection of amazon drm removal in the market and each of them is providing its distinct features and rates to the users.

If you are trying to find amazon drm removal which is easy and individual friendly and also have the competitive and sensible rate then you can shop aimersoft remove drm. Aimersoft brand name is quite popular as video converter too. Therefore using this aimersoft drm removal, you could likewise transform the amazon videos to various video formats such as MP4, FLV, MKV, AVI, and so on. Don't need to fret about the legality due to the fact that making use of aimersoft to remove drm from amazon video on demand is 100 percent legal act. You will not be sued because of this action. Aimersoft can remove drm from amazon in a very quick time. aimersoft software itself has actually been claimed as the most powerful amazon drm removal tool. You will not be sorry for to buy this aimersoft software since exactly what you get will more than exactly what you pay.

The price of this software is simply $36. It is quite cheap for the amazing and amazing amazon drm removal like this, isn't really it? Because of its simpleness then you can quickly follow the steps about how to utilize this drm converter to unleash the drm protection from amazon video on demand. The minimum System Requirements to utilize this aimersoft software is at least your computer should utilize Windows NT4/2000/2003 / XP/Windows Vista / Windows 7 / Windows 8 for the operating system and 750MHz for the processor and 256 MB or even more for the RAM. And you ought to spare a minimum of 100 MB or more HDD area for the setup of this software. Instead of windows, aimersoft drm converter can be set up on Mac Os too if you are making use of apple items. So what are you awaiting? Get aimersoft amazon drm removal to remove drm from amazon video on demand now.

Article Tags: Protection From Amazon, From Amazon Video, Protection From, From Amazon, Amazon Video, Aimersoft Software

Hrudaya Kaleyam Telugu Movie Review and Rating

Telugu cinema news, Telugu Movies Updates, Latest Movie reviews in Telugu, Telugu cinema reviews, telugu movie reviews, Tollywood, Box office collections, Telugu Movie show times, Theater List, telugu cinema tickets

Release date : April 4, 2014
AuthorRating : 3/5
Director :Steven Sankar
Producer :Sai Rajesh Neelam
Music Director :Rk , Srikanth Pendyala
Starring : Sampoornesh Babu , Sunil Vedangi , Samatha

Story: -

The entire police department is a clue person (Sampoornesh Babu) is behind huge thefts in the city. officials deployed a special team to nab Sampoornesh Babu.They work hard for the case, and finally get a clue and manage to catch Sampoornesh Babu. Here's the real twist in the tale. The officer NABS Sampoornesh Babu, he and his love life in the past knows.The officer asks Babu, in what situations have led to all these flights. Rest of the story is how Sampoornesh Babu reveals her past love affair, and also why he has done all these flights.

Plus Points: -

Undoubtedly, Sampoornesh Babu is the largest and the only asset for the film. As expected, Sampoornesh does not disappoint at all. He dances, fights and the most hilarious part is he even invented a computer by name Samputer.When it lands on the screen, the crowd goes crazy. His dialogues and the way he showed crazy expressions are hilarious. punch dialogues mouthed by sampoo are very entertaining.How some satirical sequences were executed look good on screen. The actor who has performed well the role of police officers.The first half of the film is high on comedy and is the highlight. Female lead Kavya Kumar, looks good and works well in his role.

MinusPoints: -

As expected, the logic will completely miss much of the film. Although this film is satirical, some scenes go a little overboard.Other than sampoo efforts, there are major issues in this film. A number of scenes are left unanswered through the film. Clarity on the role of first heroin, and several other characters lack justice.After a decent first half, second half is dragged at least 10 to 15 minutes and we lost the excitement. Those who are not aware of Sampoornesh Babu, and can not handle more emotions the best will not enojoy this film.

Technical aspects:-

the camera work is decent. Even if it is a low budget film, visuals seem rich. Production values are good and so is the rest of the distribution.Although the songs are just average, they do not spoil the flow of the film. Dialogues need a special mention. Coatings writing for sampoo are hilarious and remembered for a long time.The assembly is OK, but at least five to ten minutes in the second half should have been easily cut. screenplay is pretty good because it holds the public only with the presence of the sampoo screen.Director Stephen Shankar has done a decent job for his debut flick. He has amalgamated stories of successful films and has cleverly put satirically.Hrudaya Kaleyam Telugu Movie Review and Rating


Overall, Hrudaya Kaleyam is a crazy hat on the film masala above, that will be appreciated by the public multiplex. hilarious act Sampoornesh Babu is the only point of this drawing film. Those on social networking sites, and aware of Sampoornesh Babu will love. Others may remain outside thereof.

Rabu, 17 Februari 2021

Kanche Telugu Movie Review Rating

Release date : October 22, 2015

AuthorRating : 3.25/5

Director : Krish

Producer : Saibabu, Y. Rajeev Reddy

Music Director : Chirantan Bhatt

Starring : Varun Tej, Pragya Jaiswal

Kanche is probably one of the most eagerly awaited films in Tollywood. Directed by the highly talented Krish, this film has Varun Tej and Pragya Jaiswal in lead roles and has hit the screens today. Let’s see how the film turns out to be.

Story: -

Kanche takes place during the tragic moments of the second world war where nearly two lakh Indian soldiers fought the greatest war in history. The film tells the story of Hari Babu (Varun Tej) who falls in love with Sita Devi, a rich princes (Pragya Jaiswal) of the upper caste.Twist in the tale arises when their love is strongly disputed by the brother of Sita Eeshwar (Niketan Dheer). What will be Hari Babu doing now? How could solve its problems? and how it will land in the prestigious war of all time?For answers to these questions, you must be careful Kanche on the big screen.

Plus Points: -

We need Krish credit manager to think something different and putting a Telugu movie in the middle of the Second World War. Varun Tej's amazing that Hari Babu and makes an amazing transformation of his first film. The way he carries the entire film is quite impressive. All those who had doubts about his abilities actor need to look Kanche believing. Varun looks dashing soldier that aggressive and at the same time is simple and friendly during flashback episodes.Kanche will be a turning point in the film career of turning Pragya. She looks beautiful and should thank Krish for her big break. Pragya has an amazing screen presence and is a star to watch. Niketan Dheer made an impressive start and is perfect for the role. All his scenes with Varun were well designed.Visuals are top quality and credit should go to the camera department to represent realistic war scenes. It's nice to see the veteran actor Gollapudi in a key role. Srinivas Avasarla was presented with humor and he, too, did a wonderful job. First half of the film is quite striking with some interesting war and romantic scenes.

Negative points: -

Kanche is a film that has not any commercial angle. It is purely a movie with the agenda at a single point and flows on a very serious note. All those waiting popcorn entertainment masala or measures will be disappointed many times. There is some logic on the war front, which disappear.The story becomes predictable and narration becomes slow during the second half. After a while, the front process of war and how Hari Babu is his mission has not the required intensity.High-voltage emotions that are usually associated with films Krish are certainly missing in Kanche. There is no such specific moments in the film that are awe inspiring or make you feel ecstatic.

Technical aspects:-

As said earlier, some Kanche premier visual. The flavor in the war scenes is of international standards. The credit goes to Suresh Sahi artistic director to represent the film in a realistic way. The way he has lit sets, created weapons and transformed the village back in time, everything looks great.The assembly is correct and so is the music. background score needs a special mention because it elevates the film to a decent level. Dialogues and lyrics are first class and were written with a lot of depth.Coming to the director Krish, he does a decent job and sets the film in the context of war well. His scenario is impressive, but it is reluctant to talk much intensity of the part of the war zone and slows the film down during the second half.


Tollywood has become an industry that is associated with only business leaders. Films like Baahubali, and now Kanche Rudrama Devi, have pushed the boundaries beyondexpectations. Krish must be truly appreciated to attempt a film that takes Telugu film to another level. A realistic drop back, gripping visuals and amazing performance by Varun Tej are major assets. Unless the slow narration, Kanche is a film that is devoid of masala entertainment and should be given a shot for his bold and different attempt.

Tollywood Latest news,telugu cinema news

Selasa, 16 Februari 2021

Hookup Dating Lessons You Get from Romcoms

Inspired by the movie Eat, Pray, Love, we snuggled up to the Blu-ray player and identified thehookup datinglessons from these unforgettable chick flicks.Eat, Pray, LoveIf you can quit your job and...

Inspired by the movie Eat, Pray, Love, we snuggled up to the Blu-ray player and identified thehookup datinglessons from these unforgettable chick flicks.

Eat, Pray, Love

If you can quit your job and decide to travel around the world for one year to get over a badhookup datingrelationship, as what Julia Roberts character Elizabeth Gilbert did, then go for it. However, since you probably cant afford to have time off from work to do this and deal with the horrific credit card debt, try devoting your post-breakup grief time to explore more of who you are and the things that you love, so you can evolve and be a better person on your next relationship.

When Harry Met Sally

Thanks to this Billy Crystal and Meg Ryan classic, many women have pondered on the thought of giving their totally platonic guy friend a second look. Although, in reality the answer is no, there is something to be said about adding spectacular sex to an already great friendship. Just be sure the feeling is mutual and the timing is right, otherwise you just might lose the friendship.

500 Days of Summer

Total hottie Joseph Gordon-Levitt is so head over heels in love with the adorable Zooey Deschanel that he literally trips over himself every time she walks in on him. Spoiler alert: He didnt end up with the woman he longed for, but this film made it clear that there is life after a terrible heart break.

Before Sunrise

The story is about two young travelers backpacking across Europe who meet aboard a train, and then spend the night exploring Paris. Although we dont recommend that you to get it on in the park with someone you just met, the lesson imparts being spontaneous and adventurous can set you up for a life-changing experience.

Sleepless in Seattle

Meg Ryans attempt to fly coast-to-coast and meet a man she just heard on the radio reeks of desperation commonly found in Craigslists Missed Connection section. However, there is still a lot to learn from this movie. For one, you could cut your fianc loose if he bores you to the point of staying up listening to talk radio. From there, learn how to trust your instincts and never be afraid of making a fool of yourself in the search for romance.


Popular for its funny lines and Alicia Silverstones much desired wardrobe, this 90s hit revolved around Chers blundering attempts at playing cupid, all the while not being aware of the chemistry she and her sweet, silly ex-stepbrother have. The lesson? You dont have to look far from your family tree to find romance. Okay, were just kidding. Its really all about how the love connection youre looking for can be right under your nose.

Satellite Direct Reviews - The Internet Television Revolution

With Satellite Direct, you get unlimited 24/7 access to over 3,500 channels. Thats thousands more than cable TV, which include dozens of hard to find international channels, and also all the best premium, movie, sports, news, and music programming.

Satellite Direct Introduces the Internet Television Revolution.

Are you ready for a innovative way to watch TV? Let's say I explained to you that there was a way for you to watch all of your favorite shows, along with news, sports, movies, and even dozens of music stations most of for a one time fee thats less than 50 % of what you currently pay for cable? (And yes, its 100% authorized! )

The internet changed the way you work, shop, book travel, and spend your free time. Now, your computer can easily revolutionize the way you enjoy watching television, too. Imagine: get rid of cable or satellite bills, simply no hardware to install, no worrying concerning bandwidth limits- merely thousands of channels as well as crystal clear picture and sound quality.

With Satellite Direct, you get unlimited 24/7 access to over 3,500 channels. Thats thousands more than cable TV, which include dozens of hard to find international channels, and also all the best premium, movie, sports, news, and music programming. And unlike traditional satellite television, you dont need to worry about expensive equipment or heavy satellite dishes. In fact, you dont even have to wait for installation in any way! Our easy to use software can be downloadable in about a minute this means you are only 60 seconds away from great television, without paying an additional cable bill ever previously again.

If you have a computer and an internet connection, you have the ability to cancel your current cable company today, and start enjoying thousands of premium channels right away.

What could you expect to pay for technology that allows you to access the best that television has to offer? Even spending several hundred dollars on a one time fee could add up to thousands of dollars in savings when compared to the thousands you are going to likely spend on cable registration services over the next few years.

But for a limited time, Satellite Direct is offering their ground-breaking software at the incredible price of only $49.95. Thats about half the average monthly cost of cable for a lifetime of television service!

Senin, 15 Februari 2021

What Goes Into A Great Action Movie?

What Makes a Great Action Movie? Everyone has their ownopinions, but usually its hot chicks, hot cars, blood and action. But, look atthe key factors of a movie to really know the meaning of acti...

What Makes a Great Action Movie? Everyone has their ownopinions, but usually its hot chicks, hot cars, blood and action. But, look atthe key factors of a movie to really know the meaning of action and to put amovie in that category.

There has to be a plot line of something that is going to happen. Maybe itstarts off with someone being shot and killed or a bomb goes off or a hostagesituation. That is a good sign there is going to be action and drama. Who arethe bad guys and what do they want or need?

It cannot be an action movie without a chase. The more daring the better. Likehanging out of an airplane at 20,000 feet beating up the bad guy and jumpingfrom building to building. Even better are the car chases where they are flyingover bridges and death defying stunts.

Just the actions of the characters will define action. Maybe its sexy, cooland the way they dress with style or one liners with scary meaning or comicrelief along with what they drive or the type of weapon or gun that is used.

You got to have a little romance going on while on the run, chasing the badguy, or doing kick butt action. A woman that is cunning but gets you to trusther and provide enough action to smoke up the screen.

A great action movie is definitely a chase, catching the bad guy, a hot chick,and lots of explosions and gunfire.

Building a Home Theater using Green Glue or Mass loaded vinyl

Its kind of nice being in the do it yourself kind of business like soundproofing. In todays world taking the family out on a Friday night for dinner and a movie might cost you more than your monthly mortgage payment. That is why many families are opting for their very own home Theater. If you have a spare room or an empty space in your basement or attic, you have a potential Home Theater.

It used to be that the best way to build a home theater or a home studio was to construct new wall within the existing room and then build what we call a Room within a room. Though this method of soundproofing is still quite effective, it is costly and eats up a lot of wall space in your already cramped theater room. A better suggestion is to work with your existing walls by applying a new layer of drywall to the existing walls and ceiling but applying a layer of a product called Green Glue on the new drywall and sandwich it in between the existing wall and the new drywall. If you do this to all the walls and the ceiling you are well on your way to a great soundproof home theater. Now if your home theater is on a second floor, the ceiling now becomes less of a concern and now the floors become more of an issue. Floors can be soundproofed in many different ways depending on what the finished floor is going to be installed. If you are planning on having carpet and pad for the finished floor in your theater, then a soundproof floor underlay would be in order. Something like American Impactless soundproof floor underlay or American Impact Standard underlay. These are both recycled rubber products that would lie atop of the wood or concrete sub floor to stop the airborne sounds of the home theater from traveling down to the people below. The Impactless is a less dense rubber underlay and would be perfect for under carpet and pad. The American Impact Standard would also be effective under the carpet and pad, but is more suited for hardwood and ceramic tile floors due to its sheer mass. Other concerns that you might have with your home theater would be doors and windows. Lets talk about doors for a minute; if you are trying to keep the movie in the home theater, then a hollow core door could be your worst enemy. Most modern bedroom doors are hollow core and do little in the way of soundproofing. Your best bet would be to go to Home Depot or Lowes and purchase a solid core MDF or solid wood door. You could ad an automatic drop down transom seal to the bottom of the door and also a door perimeter seal kit to seals around the door where it closes into the jam. A real soundproof door could cost thousands, with a little time and careful planning; you can get the same results at the cost. The last thing we need to talk about are the windows in your home theater. If neighbors are a concern, then I would suggest building window plugs with the 2 America Mat closed cell vinyl nitrile foam mat. For example, if your window were 3 X 3, you would cut the foam to 31 X 3 1 thus giving the window plug and extra around its entire perimeter. This extra will help to hold the window plug tightly into the window frame much like a cork in a bottle. If the window is 4 or more on either dimension, it is suggested that the window plug be glued to a backer board, something like wood paneling or Luaan. These wood panels can be found at home Depot or Lowes. Well, I think we have covered every aspect of building your very own home theater; next time we will discuss acoustical treatments for your theater, until then, Dr. Bob. Out!!!

Minggu, 14 Februari 2021

Movie Download Access

Easy Movie Access is a movie downloading service. After a friend told me about it, I immediately signed up and haven't thrown away another dollar for a movie since. What is it?

Easy Movie Access is a movie downloading service. After a friend told me about it, I immediately signed up and haven't thrown away another dollar for a movie since.

What is it?
Easy Movie Access is a movie downloading service that is available on the Internet. Anyone can sign up and get access to over 5 million movies and thousands of TV shows.

How Do I Sign Up?
All you do is fill out a quick form and you immediately have access to one of the largest movie databases available today. It only took 3 minutes for me to sign up and I was downloading before I knew it.

How Much Does it Cost?
The service cost a little more than $1 a month. That is about the third of a price of renting a movie at Blockbuster, something I have done for years.

What if I don't Want to Watch Movies on my Computer?
That's fine. I don't like watching movies on my computer either. The downloads are DVD compatible, meaning you can burn them to DVD's and watch them on any DVD player. Once you do this, you have the movies forever. It's a great way to add to your movie collection.

Is it Easy to Use?
It's incredibly easy to use. The site offers a search button where you type the movie you want to download and click search. The movie will appear and with one more click the download begins. If you ever have any questions, customer service is available all day, everyday, via telephone and email.

Does it Take Long to Download?
Downloads take a few minutes. Long movies take a little while but nothing to worry about. Once you start the download you don't need to sit at the computer and wait. You can walk away for a few minutes and when you come back, the movie will be ready for you.

Any Negatives to the Service?
Easy Movie Access is one of the fastest growing sites on the Internet. Since the time I signed up a few months ago, the movie database has grown incredibly as more and more users are joining. The only topic people complain about is having to wait a few minutes for the downloads to finish. This is a valid point, but it will never take as long to download a movie as it would to go to the store and rent a movie.

Article Tags: Movie Access

Sabtu, 13 Februari 2021

John Waters favorite Pink Flamingo Edith Massey a short history

This Article originally published on the movie blog Movie Fanfare.com and can be found in it's original form at the articles home page

Amid the taboo-shattering andpolymorphously perversechaos that is the John Waters universe, she was an oasis of...well, if notsanity, then certainly an off-kilter form of niceness. Few who have seenthe director'slandmark 1972 "exercise in poor taste," PinkFlamingos, can look at an order of deviled, hard-boiledorsunny-side-up eggs without thinking of the snaggletoothed grin,cackling laughand one-in-a-million line delivery that were hallmarks of"Edie the Egg Lady," Edith Massey.

The details of Edith's early life are sketchy, withsources listing her May, 1918 birthplace as San Francisco, while Massey herselfsaid it was New York. As recounted in the Watersbook Shock ValueandRobert Maier's 1975 documentary short Love Letter to Edie, shewassoon placed in a Dickensian orphanage near Denver. Sentto workas a maid at 15, Edith ran away andwound up in a reformatory.Dreams of a show biz career sent her on the lam again, this time to California,where sheclaimed to make her screen debut as an extra in the 1940Claudette Colbert romance Arise, My Love.

Over the next three decades Edith criss-crossed the country,riding the rails and working as everything fromchorus girl totapdancer in a burlesque house to madam. Along the way she also wed and separatedfrom a soldier named Massey. Her wanderings eventually took her to Baltimore'sseedy Fells Point waterfront district, where she became a barmaid whosemotherly, chatterbox demeanorcaught the eye of a certain young filmmakerand his oddball cohorts. Waters cast Edith as herself--and the VirginMary--in his1970 dark comedy Multiple Maniacs.

Two years later, shegot the iconic role of Divine's"mentally ill mother, Miss Edie" in Pink Flamingos. Sitting in aplaypen, clad only in bra and girdle and demanding that someone fix her a plateof eggs, Edith was at once bizarre yet strangely sweet. She also got to have ahappy elopment withbeloved Eggman Paul Swift. Waters' next mutantmelodrama, Female Trouble, found Massey playing leather-clad Aunt Ida, whowished hairdesser nephew Michael Potter would dump Divine and "turnnelly." As she explained to him, "I worry that you'll work in anoffice, have children, celebrate wedding anniversaries. The world of aheterosexual is a sick and boring life!" By the mid-'70s she moved outfrom behind the bar and opened her own thrift shop in Fells Point, Edith'sShopping Bag.

Following avillainous turn as Mortville'sevilQueen Carlotta in the Waters-style fairy tale Desperate Living, Masseyplayedcleaning woman-turned-heiress Cuddles, best friend to put-uponhousewife Franice Fishpaw (Divine) in Waters' Douglas Sirk spoofPolyester, where the line "Poor, poorFrancine" came out--thankstoEdith's unique accent--as "Purr, purr Francine."Alongthe way she also made a memorable appearance, asJohn Cougar Mellencamp'sdream woman, in his video for"This Time,"and co-starredin the sci-fi satire Mutants in Paradise. Edith also had a "singing"career as"Queen of Punk," releasing covers of"Fever" and "Big Girls Don't Cry" and the originalsong "Punks, Get off the Grass."

Shortly after moving to Venice, California for healthreasons, Massey passed on to that big playpen in the sky due to complicationsfrom cancer and diabetes in October of 1984.

Easy Movie Access Review

Every month people spend millions of dollars renting and buying movies. There is now an alternative. Easy Movie Access is an online movie downloading website that offers quick downloads of every movie...

Every month people spend millions of dollars renting and buying movies. There is now an alternative. Easy Movie Access is an online movie downloading website that offers quick downloads of every movie available today. I have used the product for 4 months now and below is a full review of its services.

The initial setup is incredibly easy. It took less than 3 minutes sign up and become a member.

Easy Movie Access has one of the largest movie databases available. With over 5 million movies from all over the world, it is easy to find the movie you want to watch. The service comes with unlimited downloads.

The movies are all digital quality. There is no way to tell the difference between a downloaded movie and a store-purchased one.

DVD Compatible
The downloads are easily burned to a DVD and watched on any DVD player. This is a great feature because some action movies need to be watched on a nice big-screen television to fully enjoy the experience of the film. I recently downloaded and burned I-Robot to a DVD and had some friends over to watch. No one noticed anything different about the movie since the quality is just that of a store-bought DVD.

Download Speed
Although the download speed is about the fastest available, it still takes a few minutes to download long movies. However, it will never take as long as going to the store and renting a movie.

It cost just over $1 a month. This one-time fee is all you will be asked to pay. There is no download fee for each movie or hidden fees of any kind.

Customer Service
Staff is available 24 hours a day, 7 days a week, 365 days a year. You can also email the technical staff with any questions and can expect a quick email reply.

Everything Else
The service also has a huge TV show database. It's great if you missed an episode of your favorite show or just wanted to quickly download a full season of a show.

Easy Movie Access is the best movie downloading service I've found. For unlimited downloads of movies and TV shows, paying just over $1 a month feels like I'm stealing it. As you can see, I don't have too many negatives to say about the service. If anything, the download speed is the only thing I can slightly complain about, but it's still saves time from renting a movie and gas money from driving to the store.

Article Tags: Easy Movie Access, Easy Movie, Movie Access

Jumat, 12 Februari 2021

Slavery Was Useful

The bulk of this chapter will be taken from a book about the War of 1812. I must deconstruct the generalities and interpret the meaning as it relates to our investigation of hegemony and cronyism or Synarchy. Officers in the wars of these times got a percentage of the booty their underlings took. They also were frequently aligned with the enemy or other side as you can see in the movie Braveheart. The Black Market in modern wars has a lot of the same kind of thing. This incentive to go to war has a lot of impact on us still. The British had just taken about 2,000 slaves or runaways from near Baltimore to be part of the workforce in the Canadian Maritime Provinces. As we have noted already, the American Enlightenment Experiment had come about when Nobles in America saw their British cousins were freeing their slaves. It was not the only reason to secede but it was probably more important than the reasons usually presented in American immigration exams or schools. Sometimes it is cheaper not to have to care for your workforce if you have a system that keeps them in place.

New Orleans, located a hundred miles up the Mississippi River, was a particularly tempting target. With a population of almost 25,000, it was the largest city west of the Appalachian Mountains. It was also the principal outlet for western commodities, and millions of dollars of produce was blockaded in the port. Scottish naval officers like Cochrane were known to have a keen eye for booty, and the British brought large cargo ships with them to carry off their plunder. (1) Indeed, British prisoners of war and deserters claimed that the watch-word and countersign on the morning of the Battle of New Orleans was beauty and booty. (2)

Initially British officials saw this campaign as a means of taking pressure of Canada. But by the time the operation got under way, the objective had changed. General Rosswho was supposed to lead the expeditionwas instructed To obtain command of the embouchure [mouth] of the Mississippi, so as to deprive the back settlements of America of their communication with the sea and to occupy some important and valuable possession, by the restoration of which the conditions of peace might be improved, or which we might be entitled to exact the cession of, as the price of peace. Ross was to encourage the free inhabitants to revolt but was to make no binding promises about the future. [Y]ou must give them clearly to understand that Great Britain cannot pledge herself to make the independence of Louisiana, or its restoration to the Spanish Crown, a sine qua non of peace with the United States.(3)

As a preliminary to the main expedition, in May of 1814 Cochrane dispatched a shipload of arms to Indians on the Apalachicola River in Spanish Florida. (4)

So we are able to ask a lot of questions at this juncture I hope.

We know that the race card was being used by Britain in this war and there are reasons to think that the founding of the United State had more to do with slavery in the first place than any Tea Party or taxes. Britain had outlawed slavery a decade before the US was created. Slavery in Greece was worse than at any time in the US or elsewhere, although Columbus (an agent of the Holy Alliance and Hibernian or Alumbrados forces) certainly did more than most Greek states in this regard. He was engaging in mass genocide on purpose so I do not consider it mere slavery.

That is not the whole reason for the creation of the United States and there could be a good argument made for the forces of the so-called New World Order acting to make the US what it has become. I have shown the Indians are often agents for the Synarchists or elite and secret societies in many books and you can find the Sioux acting on behalf of them in this book. Joseph Brant and Sitting Bull are part of the same continuum including the Mediwiwin Society which was Masonic before the arrival of the explorers and some people think Abraham Lincoln was a Melungeon. I think the Bairds are similarly connected to the Huguenots we will see a religious Baird of the 19th Century wrote extensively about. But all of this intrigue is just the icing on the cake or superficial factoids of public sensationalism. The fact is far more sophisticated and the forces of power are using a play both ends against the middle or Hegelian Dialectic.

The British were able to enter Pensacola with the assistance of the local Spanish officials. But the Spanish did not like Major Nicholls recruiting slaves and calling on all slaves to rebel against their imbecile governments. He then tried to take Mobile which had been taken by the Americans in 1813. I ask you to think long and hard about Jean Lafitte and his role as a Spanish agent at this juncture. Was he really just a businessman engaged in slavery? Why did he work with the Americans and were the Spanish not unlike the French in their sale of the Louisiana Purchase at a high level? I remind you that the Spanish Government was a mere vassal state for the Vatican since long before Rodrigo Borgia held the Papal Bull addressing incest over the heads of Isabella and Ferdinand.

Most important to consider is a secret arrangement between Britain and Rome that apparently was last expressed at the Treaty of Verona. This agreement is called the Holy Alliance and some people think the Maritime Laws are part of it. I am sure they are a mere and simple example of the whole gambit however. It is connected with the Treaty of Tordesillas and the make up of the New World Order. The elite have in fact managed both sides for far longer than this and therir are certain families who have used nations as mere fronts for a very long time. It goes back long before what we call history. Same people - all the time - in every century for at least the 5,000 years James Joyce referred to as a 'nightmare' as quoted by Campbell in Gimbutas' Language of the Goddess.