Senin, 15 Februari 2021

What Goes Into A Great Action Movie?

What Makes a Great Action Movie? Everyone has their ownopinions, but usually its hot chicks, hot cars, blood and action. But, look atthe key factors of a movie to really know the meaning of acti...

What Makes a Great Action Movie? Everyone has their ownopinions, but usually its hot chicks, hot cars, blood and action. But, look atthe key factors of a movie to really know the meaning of action and to put amovie in that category.

There has to be a plot line of something that is going to happen. Maybe itstarts off with someone being shot and killed or a bomb goes off or a hostagesituation. That is a good sign there is going to be action and drama. Who arethe bad guys and what do they want or need?

It cannot be an action movie without a chase. The more daring the better. Likehanging out of an airplane at 20,000 feet beating up the bad guy and jumpingfrom building to building. Even better are the car chases where they are flyingover bridges and death defying stunts.

Just the actions of the characters will define action. Maybe its sexy, cooland the way they dress with style or one liners with scary meaning or comicrelief along with what they drive or the type of weapon or gun that is used.

You got to have a little romance going on while on the run, chasing the badguy, or doing kick butt action. A woman that is cunning but gets you to trusther and provide enough action to smoke up the screen.

A great action movie is definitely a chase, catching the bad guy, a hot chick,and lots of explosions and gunfire.

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