Selasa, 23 Februari 2021

Women Influencers: How Do You Pay It Forward?

Change that begins with one person can have a huge impact.You may be familiar with the movie based on the bookPay It Forwardby Catherine Ryan Hyde. The premise of the story is that people who are on the receiving end of a good deed, in turn, pay that forward by doing good deeds for three other people, thereby creating a chain of good deeds that eventually spread around the world.

You may be familiar withthe movie based on the book Pay It Forward by Catherine Ryan Hyde. Thepremise of the story is that people who are on the receiving end of a gooddeed, in turn, pay that forward by doing good deeds for three other people,thereby creating a chain of good deeds that eventually spread around the world.

Change that begins with one person can have a huge impact. I love the idea ofpaying it forward, especially teaching our children this principle to live by.In fact, there is a Pay It Forward Foundation that does just that. They showchildren, parents and teachers what it's all about. What a wonderful way toinspire our next generation!

I've often been on the receiving end of someone who has cared enough to dosomething really nice for me without being asked or even knowing who I am. AndI return the favor many times over. In this day and age, people want morepersonal connection, as technology and our fast-paced world typically drive usapart. Don't you find there's nothing worse than trying to have meaningfulshared experiences while on the run? It's like catching glimpses of what'sreally important in life - the time we spend with each other and the ways we loveand support each other.

Aswomen, we have an innate sense of giving, so in many ways, we are programmed tonaturally pay it forward. Here are some thoughts on how you can make aconscious effort in your everyday life to make a difference to those around youby paying it forward:

1. Mentor ayoung woman. The world can seem a little scary to our female teenagers andyoung women. Their families may be a good source of support but as they growand start to become who they are, they can use all the guidance they can get tounderstand life and make choices that will serve them well today and in thefuture. Do you have a younger sister in high school, a niece in college thatyou cangive your time and advice to? Is there ayounger colleague at work you could take under your wing? As well, there are a lot of community organizations like BigSisters that are ideal for helping our younger counterparts.

2. Perform a random act of kindness. This concept can sometimes make usthink we need to get on board with a majorly important cause like helping thehomeless. But little acts can still go a long way. Your neighborhood and yourcommunity are all great places to start. Do you know of an elderly neighbor whostruggles with getting to the grocery store? Maybe you can organize someone totake them (if you don't have time). Next time you're on the bus and someonedoesn't have enough change to make the fare, pay it for them. Even just helpingsomeone reach the top shelf of the pasta aisle in the grocery store fits thebill!

3. Become a Volunteer. Volunteering is one of the most recognized waysto pay it forward. Oftentimes volunteering in an area of personal interest canbe very rewarding and satisfying. Do you have a hobby you can share withsomeone? If you're a rower, offer to help the local rowing club to publicizetheir events or be the one in charge of the inventory. Love to dance, garden,or read history books? Whatever your interest, there is bound to be a groupthat could use your help. But again, you don't have to go the group route. Youcan find connections with like-minded people in so many places; at work, at thenight school course you're taking, at the gym, etc. Just offering to help oneperson get ahead with what they want to accomplish has plenty of pay it forwardstyle!

Paying it forward in whatever way you choose is a great way to help others and win friends and influence people at the same time. As the oft-described female Dale Carnegie, Ihighly recommend it!

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