Sabtu, 29 Februari 2020

XML Is About To Rock Your World

Envision a world in which you buy a newhome ... and it ... itself toall of your other ... and they ... how to work ... Went you ... movie player it orders the lig

Envision a world in which you buy a new
home appliance and it introduces itself to
all of your other appliances and they figure
out how to work together. Went you start
your movie player it orders the lights to
dim, the microwave to pop the popcorn
and the telephone to hold all your calls
until the movie is over.

This may sound like something out of a
science fiction novel, but it is just around
the corner thanks to an extensible markup
language called XML. It sounds like your
t-shirt size, but it is a powerful new addition
to the e- world and it is going to rock your
world good.

A relative of HTML, XML promises to
become the common language for PCs,
Macs and any other device that has a
computer chip. The possibilities are

This common language for all devices will
make it possible to have networked cars
and offices.

Automobiles that have all the components
talking to one other and making adjustments
based on the data received. Offices where
all the machines, not just computer terminals,
will be able to work together in a coordinated
manner that will make the whole system many
times more powerful and productive that the
individual machines working alone.

XML and the Internet.

The Internet became what it is today because
HTML was accepted as a universal language
for displaying images and text. The impact of
XML will first be seen in the great improvement
it will bring to search results on search engines.

Today's search engines produce a lot of
irrelevant results. That's because, to a search
engine, a word or phrase is just a pattern of letters
without meaning. XML will eliminate a lot of this
"garbage" search results by labeling content
more thoroughly.

This may all sound like something out of the
distant future, but it will become our reality
in the near future. The most amazing feats
resulting from XML are those that we can't
even image yet. The future will be an exciting
time to live and XML will play a large role.

Jumat, 28 Februari 2020

Choosing Faith, Choosing Fear, and Field of Dreams A Personal Story

Before What the Bleep . . . before The Secret and any other similar movie since . . . there was a film that provided The Key. And, it was so subtle (yet obvious, now) I only just got it nearly two decades later. And, just when I needed it.

If youre not familiar with the movie, Field of Dreams, I suggest you get it. The lead character, Ray Kinsella, is a man who has a wounded heart and mind. The wound filters into most areas of his life: though he has a loving relationship with his wife and daughter, he doesnt think much of himself or how his life has played out, isnt motivated by more than basic passions, and feels the dullness of an unfulfilled spirit.

Ray hears a voice that tells him, If you build it, he will come, and sees a vision to plow some of his planted corn and build a baseball field. No one hears the voice but Ray. It nudges him until he finally tells his wife that if he doesnt follow this crazy impulse, hes terrified of becoming just like his father: old and worn out before his time. He builds the field; and baseball greats appear out of the corn thats still planted, and the magic really unfolds.

Ray has removed and built what was necessary at the outer level; but theres more to be done at the inner level.

Finances are tight for Rays family; and having less corn to harvest and sell makes it even tighter. Plus, hes making spontaneous, costly-for-them trips to find people hes led to find through dreams and other means. When he returns home, hes watching a baseball game going on in his field . . . a game being played by beings only he, his wife and daughter, and a famous author who returned with him, can see. His brother-in-law arrives with a contract for Ray to sign that turns over his home and farm to the new mortgage owners. Ray holds the contract and pen and looks at the players on the field, then shifts so he can go eye-to-eye with Shoeless Joe Jackson. Shoeless Joe does what he always did (while alive) when the game was tight and a player was at bat: He shifted his position into a half-crouch and focused his attention to watch every nuance of the batter to anticipate the batters next move, in this case, Ray.

The reason this movie and one particular moment is being shared here with you is because of something that happened during my morning meditation. The Law of Attraction has worked for me for . . . well, always, if you understand the Law; but my conscious awareness and use of it started several decades ago. However, something was missing. Evidence of this was in my life experiences. Several weeks back, I stated to myself, Theres a switch that needs to be flipped inside me, and Im going to find it.

The last several weeks have been amazing, frustrating, scary, and filled with an intense inner exploration to find the switch. I did discover that doubt negates any affirmation we make; and I knew I had to find the key or switch that helped me remove doubt . . . which, based on how the Law works, meant I had to find a way to only hold doubts opposite: faith.

Im visual by nature. My mind plays with images at all times when I read or listen to someone speak. Naturally, when I meditate, I find its stronger for me if I play a movie in my mind with however many characters I need to cast. In my vision (which I use often) I have a cast of gazillions of ethereal, somewhat embodied beings that cheer me and support me. This morning, as I went to that space to discuss faith and fear with my primary helper, I found a contract awaiting my signature.

The contract was my agreement to embrace fear, worry, doubt, concern, dullness, lack, and any and every not-good experience and feeling you can imagine. This was a brilliant way to present this to myself because I know that faith and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time, and that Ill manifest some or all of whichever is strongest inside of me.

The choice seemed clear, dont you think? Before I continue, in whatever way works for you, imagine that contract in front of you now. Since no one is reading your mind, what are your honest feelings about signing it? Remember, this is a life-long commitment youre about to make. Think of the implications. How will you have to behave if you sign it? This includes how you choose, hold, and live your thoughts, words, feelings, and actions. Youre on the verge of signing up for Absolute Faith, always and in all ways.

This moment in my meditation is when the movie memory was triggered. You see, my gazillion team members, as a whole, took the position Shoeless Joe Jackson did when Ray stood there holding the contract (waiting and watching to anticipate my next move). I looked at them, then back at the contract. I felt the hesitation. It was that realization we believe we understand Ray to face: Sign and end the struggle of the moment OR risk the lenders taking his property, everyone in the county who already thinks hes not dealing with a full deck believe hes crazy and irresponsible, and trust what hes already seen and experienced that defies reality. The moment Ray refuses to sign, another message is delivered to him. Because he made his choice for absolute faith rather than fear, all that he needed, all that was waiting to come to him began to arrive.

Faith and fear cannot occupy the same space at the same time.

Your contract is in front of you, the pen is in your hand.

Increasing Popularity Of Transformers Games

Have you noticed that a lot of games that are created these days are based on popular movies? This has certainly become a very common practice in the past decade. One example of this trend revolves around the Transformers movie franchise. The more popular a particular movie happens to be, the more popular any derivative games that are created based on the movie will be. This helps explain the increasing popularity of Transformers games.

Have you noticed that a lot of games that are created these days are based on popular movies? This has certainly become a very common practice in the past decade. One example of this trend revolves around the Transformers movie franchise. The more popular a particular movie happens to be, the more popular any derivative games that are created based on the movie will be. This helps explain the increasing popularity of Transformers games.

When very few people realize is that major motion picture studios no longer think in terms of merely creating an entertaining movie that appeals to a summer audience. Instead, a lot of merchandising is also factored into the decision-making process. One huge component of this merchandising equation is games. Do you realize that the gaming industry generates billions of dollars in profits? Major motion picture studios will collect a royalty every time a game is sold that is based on a popular movie.

As it relates to the Transformers games, a relationship already existed between the studio and the game developing company. It's not really much of a surprise that the movie was exceptionally popular -- a lot of research and planning went into determining whether or not this is the type of movie that should even be made in the first place. What really surprises many industry experts is just how well coordinated the movie studio was with the game developing company.

Generally speaking, game development companies will lobby for the right to develop a game based on a popular movie. However, this typically results in their being a significant delay between the time the movie is released and when the game is available. The Transformers games are very different because they were created virtually at the same time as the movie. This enabled the game development company to coordinate the marketing of the game to coincide with a lot of the marketing that is being done for the movie itself.

It is important to understand how the game works in order to enjoy it. When we talk about action and adventure Transformer games, we are talking about an action packed journey seen through the eyes of the Autobots. Your journey is to save the world and all of humanity from the evil Decepticon. You play as the Autobot leader, Optimus Prime who has come down to planet earth from his home planet Cybertron. He is a brave, strong and very wise leader whose mission is to protect all life and humanity on earth. You venture through a series of action packed levels where you are presented with many challenges. You will find yourself constantly being attacked by Decepticon robots. With your hi tech armory, weapons and power you destroy your adversaries one by one - bringing you a step closer to saving planet earth. Don't forget, if the battle gets tough you are always able to transform into a truck and speed your way out of danger.

Not all transformer games are action and adventure based games however, you will experience a variation of games that are available for you to play. They can range from RPG games, racing games, fighting games and even puzzle games. Another popular variation are fighting games. These are two player games where you and your opponent fight against each other until one is destroyed. In these games you are given a time limit for your battle. You have a health bar that will get drained when you are attacked and damaged. Your objective is to destroy your opponent before he can destroy you. You can select your favorite Transformers persona who comes equipped with weapons that are unique to that character. Use your weapons and super powers wisely so that you can climb the ladder to victory.

As you probably already know, the Transformers movie is a franchise. There have been more than one. This creates a situation where even more money is made because the Transformers games can ride the wave of popularity and the buzz generated by the movie itself. So when we look and see the increasing popularity of Transformers games, it's not some random coincidence. This is the result of careful planning, expert execution, and a dedicated team of professionals.

Article Tags: Increasing Popularity, Transformers Games

How To Make Money From Home As A Mystery Shopper

How would it be if you could make money from home getting paid for what you eat, for shopping, for watching a specific movie, or to buy some products you get to keep for free.

How would it be if you could make money from home getting paid for what you eat, for shopping, for watching a specific movie, or to buy some products you get to keep for free? You can do just this as a mystery shopper. You can make some extra money in this online work. It can be a part time endeavor or you can choose to do this full time. It is easy and fun to do and costs you nothing.

Who Needs A Mystery Shopper?

Many companies need a mystery shopper as well as industries that produce products for the general public. The grocery stores, beauty stores, electronics stores, clothing stores, jewellery stores, fast food restaurants, department stores, banks, schools, and fine restaurants can all use the help of a mystery shopper looking to make money from home. They offer you the funds to go shopping or give you the products and you shop for certain items to try and to talk about later.

Protecting Yourself From The Bad Programs

To make money from home, you need to watch for the problem programs on the internet. These programs will ask or say such things as:

This is a free service. We can offer it to you for absolutely no money from you and you will never pay a dime to be a mystery shopper.

If the company asks you to purchase a mystery shopping certification, stay away.

If the company asks for a fee to get access to the opportunity to shop lists.

If they ask a fee for the list containing the companies offering mystery shopper opportunities.

What Do You Get?

Not only can you make money from home with this, you get some really great products to keep for yourself. If you are asked to view a particular movie, you keep the movie. You might be asked to eat at a particular restaurant in which the meal is provided free, hotels may give a free night for you to try, and more. The type of product you try will be dependent on the company you are working for and what they specialize in. The job of a mystery shopper is fun and exciting. Your assignments can be worked around your schedule to give you the opportunity to work a full time job and do this on the side. You can even choose where you go and what companies you work for.

What Happens After The Assignment?

Once the assignment is completed, you will need to submit a report to the appropriate persons about what you thought or found with the products and services you tried. They want to know the full details on the product and services as it helps them to make it better or improve on the customer service of a particular store. It might help them to discover bad employees or to praise good employees. The whole reason for this make money from home opportunity is to give them a perspective from the customers point of view. This means how you felt about your experience overall.

Kamis, 27 Februari 2020

A Detailed Guide to Snappy Fixes for PS3 Freezing Issues

Owning this gaming device one gets full authority to unlimited hours of gaming and movie watching, in high definition. A much needed addition to our lifestyles has been cultivated by PS3, which allows the whole family a fun-filled opportunity to have quality time together. As all good things come to an end, PS3 may also outlive its hi-charged life by developing a freezing fault. Read more...

Owning this gaming device one gets full authority to unlimited hours of gaming and movie watching, in high definition. A much needed addition to our lifestyles has been cultivated by PS3, which allows the whole family a fun-filled opportunity to have quality time together. As all good things come to an end, PS3 may also outlive its hi-charged life by developing a freezing fault.

A Freezing error on the PS3

PS3 freeze is indicated by a sudden unresponsive screen on your PS3 right in the middle of a game or a movie, without any warning. You may try pushing the buttons on the console and the controller a number of times, before realizing the futility of this action.

How you can unfreeze the PS3 quickly

There is a small probability that your system might resume its function on being powered off and on again, fixing the freeze. It is worth a try to shut down the system and let it cool. Overheating of the console is caused by its extensive use. Ensure proper connectivity of the cables by unplugging them all once and plugging them back in. Still plagued by the infamous PS3 freeze? Get professional help, either from a repair guide to do it yourself or from the company itself.

Troubleshooting your ps3 freezing up error

Finally, you would think of having no other option but to utilize the repair services of Sony. The repair service from Sony would only be a feasible possibility for the ones who dont mind spending $150 along with shipment charges for these recurrent problems. A more affordable alternative is of course, getting it fixed yourself using a repair manual with detailed instructions of how to fix ps3 problems, including PS3 freeze. The repair manual eventually offers you permanent assistance in case or recurrent ps3 problem and proves helpful in keeping you from spending a fortune in the process.

Does the idea of Sony taking $150 dollars to repair your system rub you the wrong way? Never again do you have to send it off if you have an excellent step by step guide.

Never pay a cent again with the Rob Sheffield's ps3 lights fix Guide. Download now!

Cast Against Type: Actors in Unique Rolls Ending the Type Cast

Cast Against Type - Our favorite actors in rolls we never expected. Ending the Type Cast a new post from Movie Fanfare: Original article can be found at

Seeing ones favorite actor performing in a way youve neverexpected is a treat for viewers, and undoubtedly a welcome departurefor the artist himself. Whether its a normally affable star in atwisted turn or a glamorous performer reduced to pathetic or hideouscreature, here are some of our favorite role reversals.

Michael Keaton Batman

Lets face it, when thinking of tall, dark, handsome, broodingmillionaire/superhero Bruce Wayne the image of Michael Keaton does notimmediately come to mind. Back in the early 80s, the fact that Mr. Momwould take the lead as the Caped Crusader was truly appalling to fansof the comic, and they voiced their displeasure by sending tons of hatemail (reportedly 50,000 letters) to Warner Bros. But having just workedwith him on Beetlejuice, director Tim Burton agreed with producer JonPeters assessment that Keaton had an edgy, tormented quality thatwas right for the role.

Henry Fonda Once Upon A Time In The West

Pillar of the community, paragon of humanity, and dignified fatherfigure is how the general public viewed Henry Fonda for all hisrighteous film portrayals pre-Once. Fonda was adored by Sergio Leone,too, and the director desperately wanted to cast him. But he wanted toshow another side of Fondaa persona the public had never experiencedbefore. Imagine their horror when, in the very first scene, Fondamercilessly guns down an unarmed terrified little boy! Heres Fonda,himself, explaining his involvement:

Charlize Theron Monster

Its become almost de rigueur for any good looking actor to portraya wallflower, but Charlize Theron transformed herself completely forher biopic performance as serial killer Aileen Wuornos in Monster.Those who remembered the Sexiest Woman Alive as an alluring sexkitten in 2 Days in the Valley were shocked to see a face haggard byher rough & tumble life of street prostitution, accompanied by aguttural shot-and-a-beer & cigarettes voice. Charlize easilyscampered home with a Best Actress Oscar that year.

Fred MacMurray Double Indemnity

MacMurray is often remembered as the kindly, understanding father inthe long-running TV program My Three Sons or as the zanyabsent-minded professor in Walt Disneys flubber comedies. Thoughthose roles were not created until the 60s audiences in the early 40shad similarly regarded Fred as a genial character for the frivolousnice guy roles he played til then. He shattered that faade with thefilm noir classic Double Indemnity where he played a callous, coldlycalculating salesman involved in adultery, insurance fraud, and murder.

Robin Williams One Hour Photo

Appearances can be deceiving. Though no stranger to dramatic parts(Dead Poets Society, The Fisher King, Good Will Hunting) Williamsnevertheless is most strongly associated with his hysterically maniccomedic roles. In 2002, moviegoers mental picture of him was upsetwhen a much older, timid Williams character (retail photo clerk, Sy)appeared in One Hour Photo. Overtly shy & seemingly unremarkable,slowly Sy is revealed to be mentally unhinged, whose outer calm isbelied by inner turmoil. Check out the trailer:

Terrence Stamp Priscilla, Queen Of The Desert

Both in reel life and real life Terrence Stamp was quite the mansman. On screen, he effortlessly played tough guys as well asShakespearian characters; off, he was a fixture of Mod London,photographed arm-in-arm with Julie Christie, Brigitte Bardot, andsupermodel Jean Shrimpton. So hardly anyone could have expected therole he accepted in 1994. Terrence Stamp, on playing transsexual dragqueen Bernadette in Priscilla, Queen of the Desert: When the scriptcame in for Priscilla, I was so fearful about the whole project. Ithought it was a conspiracy to get me to make a fool of myself. We weredoing a sequence called Shake Your Groove Thing, and I thought whatam I doing here? I [was voted] the best dressed man in Britain. Im amiddle-aged guy. Im a scholar, a philosopher. I was the great Iago atmy drama school. And here I am in fishnet tights!

Kurt Russell Escape From New York

Disney signed a young, pinchably-cute Kurt Russell to a ten yearcontract in the mid-60s, and Kurt soon became a big star for the MouseHouse, most notably in the fanciful fun of the Dexter Riley trilogyof films. Despite that success, Kurt began searching for something thatwould let him grow up from those fresh-faced youth-oriented roles androte comedic movies that he felt he was getting typecast into. Luckily,director John Carpenter was able to look past Kurts lightweightstatus when casting for his gritty actioner Escape from New York. Whilethe studio honchos preferred either Tommy Lee Jones or Charles Bronsonto play its scruffy anti-hero Snake Plissken, Carpenter insisted onRussell. Perfect choice.

Jack Nicholson About Schmidt

Akin to Robin Williams, usually the Jack Nicholson characteryouknow the one: arched eyebrows and iconic Jack grinis frenzied,rebelling against all things normal. The tables are turned in AboutSchmidt, where Nicholsons newly-retired Schmidt has led an ordinary,drab, non-eventful existence. Confronted with his apparentlymeaningless life Schmidt asks what kind of difference have I made?What in the world is better because of me? The befuddled &beaten-down Schmidt duly recounts his newly realized vision of a worldlacking sense in letters to his African foster child, Ndugu. But whatgood will that do?

Deborah Kerr From Here To Eternity

In 1994 Deborah Kerr was bestowed an Honorary Academy Award whichlauded her as an artist of impeccable grace and beauty, a dedicatedactress whose motion picture career has always stood for perfection,discipline and elegance. This reflected how Kerr was often praisedearly on in her careernot exactly a good thing since for thefirst decade of her career she was typecast as either devout women orvery proper English ladies. That would change in 1953 with From Here toEternity. In perhaps one of the most famous scenes ever, she rolls inthe surf entwined with Burt Lancaster, with whom her character ishaving an adulterous affair. Her new sensual image was an eye openerfor many, which was a good thing as the roles offered to herfrom then on were much more diverse than the ones previously offered tothe English Rose.

Keanu Reeves The Gift

Reeves had some dramatic efforts under his belt, but was betterknown for his goofy teen roles or as the good guy in sci-fi thrillers.And, truth be told, despite a couple of meaty roles (My Own PrivateIdaho, Speed) nobody really was that enamored of Keanus actingabilities. That changed in 2000 with The Gift. In the supernaturalmurder mystery he played a wholly unsympathetic character, an abusivehusband and violent town thug. Silencing his many critics, Keanu pulledoff the menacing performance superbly.

Charlie Chaplin Monsieur Verdoux

In 1947 Charlie Chaplin starred in the black comedy MonsieurVerdoux, a story of a man who marries, then kills, wealthy widows inorder to support his wife and child. In the wake of WWII and withpersonal scandals tainting Chaplins reputation at that time, thepublic was in no mood to see a film about such a distasteful topic,especially one starring the Little Tramp as a murderer. Not only werethere were boycotts of the movie, critics were unkind as well, so muchso that Chaplin famously opened one press conference with the wordsproceed with the butchering. Subsequent screenings in later yearshave bolstered Chaplins own contention that it was the cleverest andmost brilliant film of my career.

Rabu, 26 Februari 2020

Breast Implants - Not Just for Movie Stars Anymore

Breast implants are an increasingly common surgical procedure. Women, and some men, who receive breast implants usually do so for medical or psychological reasons.

Breast implants are an increasingly common surgical procedure that involves the implantation of a medical prosthesis that changes the shape, replaces or creates a breast where one did not previously exist. These devices are usually made at least partially of silicone. Many prosthetics consist of a silicone outer coating with silicone gel in the center, however some implants have just a silicone coating and other material, such as saline, filling the implant.

A properly implanted device looks and feels like a normal, natural breast. Implants are not exactly synonymous with breast augmentation, which is done for purely cosmetic reasons. Breast augmentations do use a prosthetic but they are just to enlarge the breast or change the look of the breast, either because a woman is dissatisfied with her natural size or for career reasons. Models and actresses often have the procedure done because a curvier figure often translates into more work.

The regular women, and some men, who receive breast implants usually do so for medical or psychological reasons. Some women are born with breasts that are very different sizes from each other, making the woman self-conscious and embarrassed. Women are also born with deformed breasts, sometimes due to birth defects, or they may start out with normal ones but a bad accident may leave them with very deformed or even amputated breasts.

A common cause of a missing breast that needs to be replaced is a mastectomy. Often the best treatment for breast cancer is to completely or partially remove the tissue. The implantation is often done at the same time the tissue is removed, but sometimes the prosthetic has to be implanted later for medical reasons, since in some cases the implants can interfere with some treatments.

Men can sometimes need breast surgery due to an accident or birth defect, but for the most part, transsexual men get implants to help them complete a transition from male to female. Many transsexuals find it very important for their psychological health to get the body parts of their chosen gender. Despite what is in the news about the latest Playboy bunny or actress getting bigger busts, most people who get the procedure are not doing so for career reasons or for vanity. They use breast implants to get back to normal or to correct a deformity or to create a breast where not existed before. After the operation, the vast majority of patients report improved self-esteem.

Article Tags: Breast Implants

How Tony Robbins nd Billy Joel Are Alike

Why do some things make people cry but the same exact thing can make another person laugh?

“Nothing has meaning except the meaning you give it”-Tony Robbins

“Well, I’m sure that I could be a movie star, if I could get out of this place”- Piano Man by Billy Joel

About a year and a half ago I had a doctor’s appointment for my annual checkup. It was on a work day and I could have gone in late, but I decided to take the day off. A “day off” sounds nice but in reality I had a ton of work to do. I had to edit my book, (Hopeless To Husband: How to Get Out Of the Basement And Change Your Life, available on Amazon- I know, shameless plug) and I also had to get my website up and running, ( last shameless plug) For the previous year I had been working feverously during my lunch hour at work and any spare time I had- which wasn’t much. The long term plan was to sell a million books and be able to work from home so I could take care of my future children. (If my boss is by chance reading this- sorry)

I’m a “Tony Robbins guy”. Tony talks about envisioning yourself being successful so instead of taking the “day off” I wanted to make the day a test run of when I would be financially independent. I started the day with a little exercise and having egg whites for breakfast as I wanted to make sure my new routine would be health conscious. As I was making breakfast I was listening to an interview with somebody who mentioned they were from Allentown Pennsylvania. “Just like the Billy Joel song – Well we’re living here in Allentown, and they’re closing all the factories down,” He said. I was reminded how, a few days ago, I had just put my best of Billy Joel CD on my new computer and as soon as the interview was over I started listening.

Of course I started off with “Allentown” and then listened to “Don’t Ask Me Why”. Throughout the day I must have listened to the mix a few times. I had an extremely productive day. I finished editing my book, had a phone meeting with my web designer, as well as made various other phone calls that I had been putting off or just didn’t the time to do. I was “in the zone”. I wasted no time throughout the day and worked as if it was a regular thing to work from home. I made a promise to myself to take more days off from work to concentrate on side projects that I had. The next day was business as usual as I returned to my 8-6 job.

As the next few weeks went by I still spent my lunch hour working on my book and website but I didn’t have enough free time to get the ball rolling on what I wanted to do. Driving home from the store one day I turned on the radio and Billy Joel was on. I immediately was brought back to the state of mind that I was two weeks previous of when I was “in the zone” To not let the moment be lost when I returned home I immediately did a few things that I had been putting off. In fact over the course of the next year whenever I was in a malaise I would just put some Billy Joel on my ipod and if nothing else I got some sort of motivation. The great part is he seemed t on be everywhere. He was playing on the New Years Eve show my wife and I watched and he seemed to constantly be on the radio. He was everywhere and he even started a gimmick where he played Madison Square Garden every month for the foreseeable future.

You can take one guess what I got my wife for her Birthday last year. In a coincidence the night that we went to see Billy Joel at Madison Square Garden it was the first day of my free download promotion to kick off the debut of the book. Not only that, but my book was the number one free downloaded dating book for men at the time. The night was surreal. As the “piano man” played, not only was I shocked at how great he sounded at 65 years old but when I looked back at my life over the last year I was amazed at how much I had accomplished. Not only had I reached my goals with my book, website, and doing self-help podcasts for single men, but my wife and I had purchased our first home together. At 38 years old I had never had a year in my life where I had attained so much.

I’m not giving Billy Joel or Tony Robbins for that matter, the credit for what I was able to do that year. But both of them served as anchors that would get me back on the right track when I would lose focus. In a coincidence I had picked a very popular singer, that whenever I heard his music; it would bring me back to a place where I was “in my zone.” The next time you accomplish something big; listen to some kind of music. It doesn’t matter who sings it or what song. I would recommend something popular since you have a better chance of hearing it more often. In the future when you hear that song, or artist, it will bring you back to that place where you got the job, scored the touchdown, or the woman of your dreams kissed you for the first time. It will bring you to a place where you feel you can do anything you want- and you can.

What do Billy Joel and Tony Robbins have in common? They have sold millions of CD’s, sold out arenas, traveled the world, and coincidently been married three times. But for me, they both can bring me to a state where I feel I can accomplish any goal I set in front of me. They both can get me “in my zone” By the way; I took a “snow day” off from work today to write this.

Article Tags: Tony Robbins, Billy Joel, Place Where

Ajay Devgan Singham movie will hit theaters in 2011 end


Selasa, 25 Februari 2020

What You Need for the Law of Attraction for Money to Work

So, you are one of the millions of people who have read about the Law of Attraction, seen the movie, or listened the audiobook over and over again. You think you know the theory of the Law of Attraction and money, but for some reason it is not working for you. Why is that?

The first question I have for you is if you truly believe that it works. Did you believe what you read or saw, or are you just trying it out to test it? Do you believe that if you work the steps and change your mindset and expectations that you can actually change your life? Your belief in the Law of Attraction is absolutely key to whether it will work or not.

Secondly, in order for the Law of Attraction for money to work for you, not only do you have to believe it, but you have to expect it. You have to know that it will happen to you and that it is eventually a matter of time. In other words, dont give up after the first attempt fails. Keep trying, or change your method until it does work because it will.

Perhaps the most important aspect of the Law of Attraction for money or any other thing that you want is that the belief has to go all the way down to your subconscious. You have to wake up every day, expecting that something good will happen to you. This is what attracts more good. By training both your conscious and subconscious mind to believe in the system, you will then be able to see it through to fruition. Like all good things, though, it can take a little work and some time, so dont give up if you dont get what you want immediately.

Senin, 24 Februari 2020

Article: tips on how to import PowerPoint to Windows Movie Maker?

A lot of people could would like to edit their favourite PowerPoint files in Windows Movie Maker, but only one or two understand how to import PowerPoint to Windows Movie Maker,. Upcoming, I'd prefer to share you tips on how to import PowerPoint to Windows Movie Maker for editing.

Method 1: save PowerPoint files as images

PowerPoint will allow users to preserve PowerPoint files into images.

1.Open PowerPoint file, click file and opt for save as, then opt for the picture format you wanted. You will discover 6 picture formats you may opt for: *.gif, *.jpg, *png, *tif, *bmp, *emf. Any 1 format might be ok.

2.After saved the slides as images, open the Windows Movie Maker, you may input the slide photos and crank out a beautiful video.

The disadvantage of this method is usually that it are not able to retain the audios and animations in original PowerPoint presentation. In order to avoid this, I'll explain to you the second method.

Method 2: convert PowerPoint to WMV

All we will need right here is usually a qualified PowerPoint to WMV converter. It could possibly convert PowerPoint to WMV likewise as keep the structure of original PowerPoint file, and in many cases retain all delicately intended aspects in PowerPoint.

1.Add PowerPoint files: kick off the PowerPoint to WMV converter and click on Add button to input the PowerPoint files.

2.Choose output: Press profile button to set output profile as WMV after which come to a decision the target folder in Output panel.

3.Make advanced settings: For building specific output, you may click the Settings button upcoming to Profile, and you can make advanced settings for profile, audio and video parameters from the pop-up Profile interface. Then click OK to conserve the current settings.

4.Customize the output effects: Hit the Customize button to define the output WMV file by yourself. This has Timing, Music, Audio, Slide and Conversion. Set each item while you will need, or stick to the default settings.

5.Convert PowerPoint to WMV: Click on the Start icon to begin converting the PowerPoint presentation to WMV file. If the conversion is performed, click Finish to see the WMV files from the specified folder.

6.Final: Start the Windows Movie Maker and input the PowerPoint video for editing.

Article Tags: Windows Movie Maker, Windows Movie, Movie Maker, Powerpoint Files

Minggu, 23 Februari 2020

Three Reasons Why Now Is The Time To Offer Your Mobile App

Just as movie studios strategically pick when to host a premiere for a film, your mobile enterprise should consider doing the same for its next mobile app. What's more, now is one of the best times to unveil an app on the market.

Just as movie studios strategically pick when to host a premiere for a film, your mobile enterprise should consider doing the same for its next mobile app. What's more, now is one of the best times to unveil an app on the market. More specially, there are a number of reasons you should at least consider releasing your mobile app now. To better demonstrate, here are three of those reasons why now is the time to do so.

The Economy Is Doing Better

Whether you currently realize it or not, the economy plays a big role in the mobile app industry, and vice versa. Strategically releasing your app on the mobile market is becoming a more appealing idea as the economy continues to rebound. As more and more Americans are going back to work and making more money, they are in turn more likely to spend more money, which is likely to increase the buying of mobile apps. When it comes down to it, as the economy gets better, there is a higher likelihood that people will buy and use mobile apps. This is a primary reason why now is a great time to create and release such an app meant for the mobile market.

Mobile Device Users Are Becoming More Intuitive

One of the biggest hindrances of mobile technology and apps in general has been the mobile device users ability to use it. Now, however, as advanced technology is becoming more mainstream, app users are becoming more intuitive with their mobile device usage. This directly correlates to an increased opportunity for you to release your app on the mobile market regardless of its complexity. In other words, it is a win-win situation. If you have a complex app that users have had difficulty understanding in the past, then they, perhaps now more than ever before, will be more likely to understand how to use it.

Technology Is Evolving

Because advancements in technology continue to develop as we progress into the future, now is a prime time to get involved with the mobile app industry. In other words, working on an app and subsequently offering it to the mobile marker will grant you passage to an elite group of technologically intuitive people that are at the forefront of the industry. This is one of the greatest reasons why you should develop an app for the mobile market. It is doubtful that there will be a less optimal time for you to do so. The industry is only going to get more competitive and advanced in terms of mobile technology, which is why now is a great time to learn ropes and turn your vision into a mobile app.


While there may be many more reason why now is a great time for you to develop a mobile app and subsequently offer it to the market, the three aforementioned reasons are among the most popular and relevant. If you are indeed considering developing such a mobile offering, you should at least consider that the industry is only going to get more competitive and complex when it comes to advancements in technology. Whats more, as the economy is doing better and continuing to recovery from the recession, mobile devices users are more likely to spend money on apps, which will surely show dividends with your mobile enterprise.

Online Tutorial on Adobe Photoshop Photo Editing

AdobePhotoshop Photo Editing: If you had selected to understand about electronicphotography 20 years ago you would have had to understand plenty more aboutmovie speed...

You may have needed to have your own darkish room to be ableto create your images as well as requiring much more equipment to be able toget excellent images. Present-day flourishing professional photographer has itmuch simpler since the introduction of technology. While electronic photographyis still considered an amazing art it is much simpler to do.

To create images you had to cope with substances and a blowdrying process that was difficult. The substances were harmful and risky totake in. With the digital cams that are in use today we have immediate imagesatisfaction and can instantly see whether the image we took was good or bad.The easy act of connecting your electronic camera up to your computer willallow you to list your images with no more wait at the image handling stand.

Adobe Photoshop Photo Editing: While very few electronicphotography lovers actually use movie and darkrooms these days, every one ofthem still modify their images to create expert looking outcomes. No mattertheir expertise or the price of their electronic camera, electronic photographylovers hardly ever take images that require zero modifying. The key device ofelectronic photography lovers is Adobe Photoshop.

The amazing range of resources and features of AdobePhotoshop is what makes it number one among electronic photography lovers.

Photoshop contains all the necessary resources to turn anaverage image into images that looks as if it was taken by an established inthe best lighting style situation possible. Every device that a professionalphotographer would need to modify their images is included within this system.

One of the grateful elements about Adobe Photoshop is its simplicity.There are no risky substances or inadequate lighting style circumstances orsetbacks in development. Everything you need is readily available and quicklydiscovered.

No one can estimate the weather and lighting style issuesare one of everything that can damage images. Regardless of light style situation,you can create every image look as if it were taken under the best lightingstyle situation possible with Adobe Photoshop. Another prevalent problem isred-eye and Adobe Photoshop allows you to eliminate red-eyes quickly. You canalso eliminate things in the image as well as substitute it with something elseas if it was really there.

For example, you can eliminate expenditure electrical cablesfrom the images you take of a particular milestone. You can even eliminatecomplete guests that can possibly damage a perfect group image of your buddies.You can even change out the qualifications in a particular image with AdobePhotoshop.

Quickly and quickly recover valued photographs with a easyreader and the resources in Adobe Photoshop. Print your outcomes out on topquality image document and deceive your family with the actual age of the imageitself. The process is easy and is not difficult. This easy job is much simplerwith Adobe Photoshop than if you had to personally do it using a darkroom andsubstances.

Adobe Photoshop Photo Editing: These are only a few of theelements you can do with this system. If electronic photography is youractivity, then you will definitely see that Adobe Photoshop will be able tohelp you out in ways that you never thought possible. With this software, youcan be sure that you will be able to create any images you take look expert.

Cam Gigandet Workout And Diet Never Back Down Workout

Cam Gigandet workout and diet program was designed to make him look like an MMA fightrt in the movie "Never Back Down." Read this article and discover the secrets of his training!

The Cam Gigandet Workout and Diet program for the film "Never Back Down" got him into incredible -- muscular and lean -- conditioning.

Read this article and discover the "Secrets" of how he got his phenomenal body with some simple diet tricks and an easy to perform training routine

And more importantly how you can do it too.

As movies go... "Never Back Down" is not exactly an Oscar-winning film however, the conditioning that the villain in the film had (Ryan McDonald) was award-winning.

The type of physique he displayed, is the body... that women really love. Six pack abs, lean yet muscular -- it's a very similar look to what Brad Pitt served up in the movie "Fight Club."

Secrets of the Never Back down Workout

In order to develop that lean muscular look that Cam Gigandet had, here's what you need to do:

Cam Gigandet Workout Routine Schedule

Monday Chest

Tuesday Back

Wednesday Shoulders

Thursday Biceps & Triceps

Friday - Treadmill 45 minutes

Sat/Sun - OFF

That is what his workout schedule looked like.

The goal of this workout was to have Cam as ripped as possible. While the above schedule only reflects one 45 minute cardio routine, for most guys if your body fat is not already in the single digits you will need to do cardio 5 to 6 days per week.

Use a high-intensity interval training protocol to achieve the maximum fat burning effect.

The Cam Gigandet Diet

His nutrition program was a typical bodybuilder's diet. High protein and low in carbohydrates. If you're looking to become lean and ripped you will need to increase the protein intake in your diet, to approximately 1 to 1 1/2 g per pound of bodyweight and you will need to restrict your carbohydrates. That means no carbs after 6 PM and you will need to eat clean.

Here are some good diet choices to develop ripped six pack abs:

1. Skinless chicken breasts

2. Salmon, Tuna, Trout (these are all high in omega-3's which is a good fat.)

3. Baked potatoes, Brown Rice, Yams, oatmeal etc. should make up the bulk of you're carbohydrate foods

Most individuals don't have a lot of time to train like Gigandet. Exercise routines like this "Cam Gigandet Workout" are usually very intensive. The actors don't have a lot of time to get in shape and therefore they train -- many times for 2 to 3 hours (including cardio.)

However, you can get a great training session in the comfort and convenience of your home using resistance bands, dumbbells, or Isotonic/ isometric exercise equipment.

Don't use the excuse that you don't have time stop you from having that lean, muscular, six pack abs showing body that you want.

Sabtu, 22 Februari 2020

Spark Your New Years Eve With Enchanting Lights

New years eve movie is a mixture of love, hope, forgiveness, second chance and fresh start which gives out an appealing look to the viewers and the wide variety of combination ha made new year eve movie one of the biggest hits of 2011 in US and Canada.

New years eve movie has been one of the most entertaining and thrilling movies of the 2011. Movie production companies including the directors, producers and writers have been looking for new ways to make their films much more exciting and eye catchy. They have always been trying hard to push the boundaries and bring out something that is very new and attracting to the viewers. Keeping this in mind, new years eve movie has been directed by Garry Marshall. He was the director of the most successful film valentines day which depicted a series of holiday vignettes of the state of several romances.
New years eve movie is another creation of Garry Marshall. It is 2011 romantic comedy film in which the celebrations of love, hope, forgiveness, second chances and fresh starts have been presented beautifully. The new year eve movie cast of the film includes many academy award winners and academy award nominees which enhances the beauty of the film including halle berry, Jessica biel, Jon bon jovi, Abigail breslin, Chris ludacris, Robert de niro, josh duhamel, zac efron, hector elizondo, Katherine heigl, ashton kutcher, Seth Meyers, lea Michele, Sarah Jessica parker, Michelle Pfeiffer, til schweiger, Hilary swank and Sofia vergara.
The huge star cast of the film has superbly and excitingly entertained the viewers by adding a real life feeling to every scene in the film. This romantic comedy film new year eve opened in US and Canadian theaters with a huge bang and as a top movie of the year by making itself a biggest hit on the screens. The ticket sales of the movie were exceptionally awesome with over $ 13.7 which is probably a record. It is a movie that probably has something for everybody, just go for this movie and enjoy new years eve celebration, So, instead of having nothing by keeping yourself busy with the same old schedule, wind up everything else, and go for a new years eve movie with your loved ones to cherish lovely moments and bring out a few memorable moments of your life.
New years eve is hot entirely in an around new York city. From the plot of the movie, star casts, beautiful landscapes, screen shots, backgrounds, to the music, everything in the movie has played an important role in making it a biggest hit of the year. New years eve film is a date film, solely made keeping in mind top please the couples and film goers who look for romance and interesting scenes and plots in the movie. You can enjoy this movie at the time of your new year cruises vacation.
On the other hand, novelty wise, the film actually has nothing new to offer. Dialogues are quiet cheesy, great sex appeals, cute and sweet romance and unpredictable tracts are just enough to cause you diabetes. This movie is a definite feel good film to keep you entertained and happy throughout the entire story. Finding out a perfect film has always been challenging and trying to make it one of the biggest hits has been the most difficult and unpredictable things for the directors and the lead of the movie because all goes over to the audience.

Jumat, 21 Februari 2020

For the Movie Watcher Who Cant Get Enough

You love movies. Thats obvious or you wouldnt be here. Youve got a good system where you can watch your movies. Thats also obvious. Now comes the fun part, what do you watch? Because youve seen s

You love movies. Thats obvious or you wouldnt be here.
Youve got a good system where you can watch your movies.
Thats also obvious. Now comes the fun part, what do you
watch? Because youve seen so many movies, the local movie
rental store may not be giving you a decent supply of films.

Besides, who wants to drive to the movie store, pick through
the (possibly) meager selection, wait in line, drive home,
and still be saddled with late fees because you didnt want
to do that all over again in a few days?

In steps the online movie rental site. No driving, no late
fees, and a selection to die for. Plus, for a flat fee you
rent what you want as often as you want. Theres no doubt
that for the busy (or lazy), online movie rentals are the
way to see every movie on your must see list.

Just in case youre unfamiliar with online movie rentals,
heres a brief summary. For a monthly fee, you can rent a
certain number (many times, unlimited) of movies per month.
You can only have a few DVDs out at any one time, but as
soon as you send one back, the company will automatically
send you the next movie on your preference list. Almost
always, there are no late fees. You can hold the movies as
long as you want, but realize that you dont get new movies
until you return the old ones.

Here are some of the most common questions (and their
answers) concerning online movie rentals.

How do I pick movies? The DVD movie rental website will
list all of their available DVDs to rent. When you open an
account, you set up a preference list of 10-50 titles that
you would like to see. Setting up the preference list allows
the movie rental company to know what to send you next,
without having to check with you every time. If the first
selection on your preference list isnt available, youll
receive the highest DVD on the list that is available.

What do I pay for shipping? All of the companies that I
have reviewed pay the postage to send you the movies.
Likewise, they all send a return envelope so that you can
return the DVD without having to pay for postage.

How long before the movies arrive? Each company has a
different policy. Depending on where you are located in
relation to one of the companys distribution centers, the
shipping can take anywhere from 1 to 6 days.

How long can I keep the movies? The simple answer is, as
long as you want. Thats the beauty of online DVD movie
rental. Whenever you return a movie, the company will
automatically send you the next movie on your list. As noted
before, while there are no return deadlines, for as long as
you keep a movie, youll never get a replacement for that
movie. Likewise, because you pay a flat monthly fee, the
more often you exchange one movie for another, the higher
the value of the service.

As you can see there are a number of advantages to using an
online rental service. With monthly plans starting at just
over $10, youre sure to find a deal that fits your budget.

Just to recap, online movie rental services might be for you
if: -You rent more than 3 or 4 movies per month. -You tend
to rack up late fees for your DVD rentals. -You are looking
for movies that your local rental store doesnt carry. -You
can plan ahead just a bit in order to get the movies you
want at the right time. -Youre too busy or lazy to drive
to the local rental store.

Now that youve got the basics of online DVD rentals, make
sure you check out the list of the best rental sites online.

See our list, plus more frequently asked questions at:

In the mean time here's wishing you success, fun, and happiness
in doing that which you love.

Scott Foreman

This article may be reprinted for use in newsletters and
websites provided that the information box is kept intact.
Email notice of intent to publish is appreciated but not

Sucker Punch Movie From Zack Snyder

Occur within the dreary, CG-heightened 1950s, Sucker Punch is all about a new female protagonist named Babydoll (Emily Browning, who replaced Amanda Seyfried in the role) who retreats right into a fan...

Occur within the dreary, CG-heightened 1950s, Sucker Punch is all about a new female protagonist named Babydoll (Emily Browning, who replaced Amanda Seyfried in the role) who retreats right into a fantasy globe to escape hard truth: that in only days, her evil stepdad will have her lobotomized.

Based on the trailer, Babydoll's "real" planet is a dark and gloomy mental hospital in Brattleboro, Vermont, the place where a Polish-accented Carla Gugino tells her in voice-over that she can escape into her fantasy world. "What you're imagining at this time," she purrs, "that spot is as actual every pain."

With Gugino's encouragement, Babydoll plans to escape -- and she or he takes her hot fellow mentally insane patients (Abbie Cornish, Jamie Chung, Jena Malone, Vanessa Hudgens) along with her into...

... a fantasy globe in which the girls, interrupted are now living in a brothel as glamorous burlesque performers. You'd believe that couldn't survive so poor, but then they apparently must leave this fabulous brothel destination for a complete various motion movie tasks, equipped with big guns, B-52 bombers, fighting techinques skills, samurai swords, and knives as sharp as their skirts are short. Via some tasked challenges, this guitar rock band of deadly young women will ostensibly earn some sort of "freedom" -- and we the crowd is going to be about the receiving end of some cinematic sucker punch we never saw coming.

Somewhere in all this awesomeness, there will be musical numbers. Elaborate, glitzy, cabaret-style musical numbers serving up song and dance alongside all that motion and killing. Stylized trench warfare and burlesque -- two great tastes that taste excellent together?

Let's keep an eye on in the characters of Sucker Punch, as dreamily (or nightmarishly?) conceptualized by photographer Clay Enos within the first batch of character posters. Each individual piece depicts another Sucker Punch lady and, presumably, her respective signature outfit and weapons of preference -- combined with specific setting which could prove considerable for her inside the film.

Emily Browning as Babydoll is really a schoolgirl vision in blonde pigtails along with a sassy stare who wields a pistol in one hand plus a samurai sword in the other. Snow falls around her as she stands facing a pagoda, suggesting her huge challenge can come fighting the huge samurais we see in the trailer.

Abbie Cornish's Sweetpea evokes medieval maiden by having an edge -- a pantless, armored dragon slayer shown with a castle in the background.

Amber, played by Jamie Chung, appears to be a WWII-era fly gal who likes lollipops, wears chaps, maybe flies a B-52 bomber and fights with a massive robot. A robot using a bunny face.

Vanessa Hudgens as Blondie isn't blonde. She does, nonetheless, wear a slick, slightly much more updated outfit that somewhat resembles a ninja cowgirl. And also the gun. She's got a large, big gun. One thing here is clear: Hudgens says way too long to her High school graduation Musical days.

Jena Malone's Rocket is harder to see, but she does hold a knife at her side, which promises stabby action. Also, fishnets. Her scene occurs by using an alien planet using a helicopter.

Article Tags: Sucker Punch

Kamis, 20 Februari 2020

FREE Movie Downloads? Are they REALL FREE?

Is there such a thing as FREE MOVIE DOWNLOADS?Simply put..NO. It is very rare that you get anything for FREE these days. Movie downloads are no exception. Ultimately you will be sold on something. ...

Is there such a thing as FREE MOVIE DOWNLOADS?

Simply put..NO. It is very rare that you get anything for FREE these days. Movie downloads are no exception. Ultimately you will be sold on something. You may be asked to join a newsletter first before you make a purchase, and then may eventually purchase something that interests you from the newsletter. Be sure that the company is reputable. How do you do this? Some simple signs are:

  • Company has a privacy statement
  • Customer service links are present
  • Look for phone numbers if you have a product query or technical question on how to download movies or at the very least have access to customer service email
  • Check (Alex is run by for the traffic ranking of the site. All you have to do is type in the web address and view the ranking. If the company is at least below the 2 million mark, then the site gets a fair bit of traffic. Remember, traffic is a great indicator that the merchant is serious and is providing a service that is in demand, and is of quality. Not all companies can be at the topthose who are have serious marketing budgets to get traffic and loads of staff to market the site (and a great big I.T. department) such as Google, MSN, Yahoo, Amazon, CNN, and the like.
  • Any affiliations with better business bureaus, and links to other reputable sites (or more commonly know as business partners)
  • The site offers payment via all major credit cards AS WELL AS PayPal. PayPal is vastly becoming one of the most preferred methods of payment via the internet as you can use your credit card or funds debited from your own bank account and deposited into your PayPal account to use freely on the net. No fear of credit card fraud here. Good thing to watch out for!

Movie download sites and their marketing campaigns will get you to click on their ads (paid advertisements) thinking that you will get free movies. The actual movies may be FREE after you have paid the sign up fee. The initial FEE to join a movie download site is charged so you can download the software required to download movies of your choice. Charges range from $20 USD through to $100 USD depending on what you want access to. Once you have paid the fee, then you will usually have UNLIMITED MOVIE DOWNLOAD access for life, or as long as the company is in business.

If you do come across a site offering FREE movie downloads, and they are current movies, then chances are they are pirate copies. You will usually notice that the movie you downloaded is poor quality, not in digital format, and is acquired by someone taking a video camera into a movie theatre and recording the movie. Pay close attention as you may see a flicker or pause in the film that denotes someone hitting the pause button in order to hand the recorder to a friend so they can go to the bathroom. Better still, you may see someone in the theatre get up out of their seat and move across the screen! Not unusual. You may have even been to a cinema and experienced someone in there crouching discreetly so that you do not notice them filming the movie!

If you are looking for physical DVDs to purchase, then do not join one of these sites.

Review the movie download recommendations.

Happy Movie Viewing!

Rabu, 19 Februari 2020

Auditioning for an Acting Role: What to Expect

This article is about how to prepare for auditions. Auditioning has become the best way of testing the actors' performances before they are given a role in any movie production. The role may be a minor or a major one, depending on the skills the aspirant has shown during the auditions.

The first thing you have to pass through while seeking an acting profession is audition for acting. Your successful attempts in acting auditions will embark your journey as an actor. However, an audition may simply not be a test of your acting skills. You may be a good actor, but some untoward behaviour or gesture may blow up your chance while auditioning. Facing the casting director in an audition you should be wary of some facts such as nervousness, confidence lack, inability to understand the role of the character, etc that might interfere your performance. Whether it is auditions for serials or bollywood auditions follow the same guidelines for your success.

Enter the audition room with confidence. Keep your head up and maintain eye contact with those auditioning you. If you are a little nervous inside, don’t let it show outside. Your body language should exude confidence and this doesn’t mean you become stiff. Keep your shoulders relaxed but not sloppy. Your confidence will build up your charisma.

Be punctual and prepare for the audition date beforehand. Remember that before you the auditioners have already seen many other performances repeating the same lines and doing the more or less same acting. They might be getting tired or bored so try to make the job easy. Give brief introduction, don’t speak too much and have a readiness to follow the instructions. Keep your resume and headshots ready. If you are auditioning for commercials be ready to look your best as you will be chosen as a salesperson for a brand. For TV serial audition, theatrical or films auditions be prepared for unexpected events. You may be required to walk, stand or sit while reading a script.

You can politely ask for a little study time if you are handed the script right at the moment you are facing the auditioners. If you can’t memorize the script you can read it directly while acting the part. Pronounce carefully but don’t lose heart if you make some error. You can apologize and ask permission to do the lines again. Remember that your concentration should be entirely in acting the role as per your best understanding. Sometimes it’s required to deliver dialogues addressing to another person who is not present. Unless specified by the auditioners, you may look at the reader (if present) while he or she reads out the lines of the other character. This will help you to keep your focus and communicate. Imagine that there are only two of you in the room. Ponder over the characters, both yours and the other. Absorb the responses and think how you would communicate in case of such a relationship and situation. In case of delivering monologues you should focus on whom your dialogues are addressed to.

If you are at doubt with your understanding of the character don’t worry. It can give you a chance to show your unique interpretation. Act on the point of view of your character. Adopt the body language and tone accordingly.

Now get ready for auditions, and if you stay in Delhi look up for upcoming auditions in Delhi.

Indiana Jones Rocks

Indiana Jones is a popular movie and is now moving into the game world. This is a great game for all ages since the movie is so versatile. It would make a great gift for a friend or family member.

Indiana Jones has been a Hollywood icon for nearly thirty years and with a trio of classic movies, I cant include last summers debacle, Dr. Jones is trying to take over the video game market as well. There have been a couple of games over the years based on the Indiana Jones franchise, some good like the one that was a PC exclusive, but is available on the Wii disc, and some that were not so great.

The game actually fell through the cracks a little bit. It was supposed to come out on PS3 and Xbox 360 too but then it was downsized to only Wii, PS2 and DS.

Since everyone had really high hopes for the game, it seemed to fall alittle bit short or their expectations.

With the release of a few very good games based on popular movie franchises like Ghostbusters and X-Men Wolverine and the King Kong game, you would think that a developer with a big name franchise like Indiana Jones would put a little more effort into it. The whip mechanic works fairly well and there is a little variety in the way it works, but the game never feels any better than a second rate version of something you used to love.

I guess its fitting after the fiasco that was the last installment of the movie franchise, its just disappointing when you were actually looking forward to something. It feels like getting punched in the stomach by your best friend.

Selasa, 18 Februari 2020

How To Download Free Movies - 2 Easy Tips

Downloading all the best free movies seems to be the talk of the town these days. It appears like everyone is interested in getting their hands on the latest movie downloads but as odd as it seems, many people don't know how to download movies for free without exposing their computer to viruses. This is a common problem faced by a large number of people and it makes sense for all of us to protect ourselves against all the nasty spy ware designed to harm our computers. Thats why it might be a good idea to learn more about my easy tips on how to download free movies.

The first thing you want to do is make sure your computer is protected by the best up to date anti virus soft ware you can possibly get your hands on. If spending a couple dollars on the latest anti virus soft ware available to you is an issue, you can always go to and get hold of a few free anti virus programs that will protect your computer when you are downloading movies for free. This is one of the most important steps you'll have to take while you're discovering how to download free movies online.

The next thing you want to do is go to Yahoo and search for the best sites that let you download movies for free. Once you do this, you will notice a red warning flag informing you of how many potential sites on that page have dangerous movie downloads on them. I strongly suggest paying extra attention to this tip on how to download free movies because if you download any of the movies from the sites with dangerous downloads, your computer will get infected.

Article Tags: Download Free Movies, Download Free, Free Movies, Anti Virus

Senin, 17 Februari 2020

Analysis of Movie Head-On

This film has received several awards: Best Film and the Audience Award at the 2004 European Film Awards. Fatih Akin is an internationally acclaimed film director whose works include Visions of E...

This film has received several awards: Best Film and the Audience Award at the 2004 European Film Awards. Fatih Akin is an internationally acclaimed film director whose works include Visions of Europe, Crossing the Bridge:TheSoundofIstanbul and others. Head-On is thrilling and in general, it has an excited atmosphere and the good music that makes understandable the whole movie even without words. Moreover, the film emphasizes the theme of foreignness that is so familiar to its director. This movie has simple structure and clear plot. It is a richly entertaining film that colorfully evokes the music, dance, sexual life, and the concept of foreignness. The film is full of dramatic and realistic scenes. Moreover, it is full of dramatic theme and the theme of otherness or foreignness.

Personal life of major characters from the film cannot be called happy. The foreignness influences their lives. This does not mean their lives are the worst ones but the problems, which they face, are serious ones. Moreover, the culture is different in a foreign country and the film characters have to accept another type of society. The characters find it difficult to live in a foreign country, even for a short period of time. They remember that all changes are difficult and they need to go through all the difficulties in order to value everything they have. Both movies have received awards owing to the great performances of the characters. They are worth seeing as the play of characters is successful. All the parts of these movies have their brilliance.

A good movie usually has a simple plot. Head-On is a good example of simplicity. Head-On is a melodrama that will not leave you indifferent to it. It is worth seeing by all people who like movies of such kind. Head-On is shot in German and Turkish languages. In my opinion Head-On is one of the best dramatic films ever made. It has depth, emotion that makes the spectator think about the life and his actions. This is an affectionate film, salute to the magic of the movies, which recreates the experience of cinema in Germany and Turkey. It raises questions about the place of cinema and the meaning of love and realistic events in our life.

This film reveals the concept of foreignness, otherness that is so familiar to the director of the film. The performance of the cast is great. Birol Unel shines in this great film. He has the role of the 'lost soul' playing a 40-year-old Cahit who is a patient at a German psychiatric clinic. The film is the study of important events in our life, of the significant events people face being at the crossroads between the illusiveness of life and the uncertainty of the future.

download songs of Tees Maar Khan 2010

Tees Maar Khan is a forthcoming Bollywood movie directed by Farah Khan. The film features Akshay Kumar[1], Katrina Kaif[2] and Akshaye Khanna[3] in lead roles. The movie, currently being filmed, is expected to go on the floors in March 2010.The music of the film is composed by music duo Vishal-Shekhar and lyrics are penned by Javed Akhtar. The film is slated for 24 December 2010 release.

Priyanka Chopra was also rumored to play the part of Anya, but that rumor was later dropped after Katrina Kaif was chosen to play the female lead.Tees Maar Khan is a forthcoming Bollywood movie directed by Farah Khan. The film features Akshay Kumar[1], Katrina Kaif[2] and Akshaye Khanna[3] in lead roles. The movie, currently being filmed, is expected to go on the floors in March 2010.The music of the film is composed by music duo Vishal-Shekhar and lyrics are penned by Javed Akhtar. The film is slated for 24 December 2010 release. Priyanka Chopra was also rumored to play the part of Anya, but that rumor was later dropped after Katrina Kaif was chosen to play the female lead.Tees Maar Khan is a forthcoming Bollywood movie directed by Farah Khan. The film features Akshay Kumar[1], Katrina Kaif[2] and Akshaye Khanna[3] in lead roles. The movie, currently being filmed, is expected to go on the floors in March 2010.The music of the film is composed by music duo Vishal-Shekhar and lyrics are penned by Javed Akhtar. The film is slated for 24 December 2010 release. Priyanka Chopra was also rumored to play the part of Anya, but that rumor was later dropped after Katrina Kaif was chosen to play the female lead.Tees Maar Khan is a forthcoming Bollywood movie directed by Farah Khan. The film features Akshay Kumar[1], Katrina Kaif[2] and Akshaye Khanna[3] in lead roles. The movie, currently being filmed, is expected to go on the floors in March 2010.The music of the film is composed by music duo Vishal-Shekhar and lyrics are penned by Javed Akhtar. The film is slated for 24 December 2010 release. Priyanka Chopra was also rumored to play the part of Anya, but that rumor was later dropped after Katrina Kaif was chosen to play the female lead.

Motorcycle Leather: A Purchasing Guide for Leather Motorcycle Apparel

The leather motorcycle jacket, a style made popular by such movie icons as James Dean and the Fonz, not only serves as a fashion statement, but is an essential piece of equipment to any serious biker for keeping warm, dry, and in one piece. A good riding grade leather jacket combined with motorcycle chaps or leather pants, will act as a second skin between you and the road, and can quite literally save your hide.

Since the dawn of the age of motorcycling, it was apparent that something was needed to protect the exposed human body from the elements. The natural solution was leather. The leather motorcycle jacket, a style made popular by such movie icons as James Dean and the Fonz, not only serves as a fashion statement, but is an essential piece of equipment to any serious biker for keeping warm, dry, and in one piece. A good riding grade leather jacket combined with motorcycle chaps or leather pants, will act as a second skin between you and the road, and can quite literally save your hide. With all this in mind, lets explore the things to consider when purchasing motorcycle leathers.


The most common material for motorcycle leather is cowhide, chosen for its strength and durability. Buffalo hide, another high quality leather, is made not from the U.S. buffalo, but the water buffalo most commonly found in India and Pakistan. Many leather products come from this part of the world, and the Pakistanis are world renown for their expertise in the manufacturing of leather garments. Whichever type of hide you choose, you must understand the tanning process, and how it adds or detracts from the quality of the leather.


Leather was of course once the skin of an animal, and therefore must go through a tanning process to strengthen it, and to keep it from decomposing. Tanning makes the skin stable and rot proof without sacrificing its structure and strength. The tanning process involves several stages, including the removal of the hair and the outer layer of skin, as well as the fatty part of the flesh. The hide is then stabilized by one of several methods using animal oils, alum, chrome salts or vegetable tanning. How it is actually finished determines the quality, or riding grade, for our purposes.


Types of Leather

To fully understand the types of leather available, one must first know the term grain. The grain is simply the epidermis, or outer layer of the animals skin. While imperfections such as cuts, scars, and scratches will exist, the grain in its natural state has the best fiber strength, and therefore the best durability. The grain also has natural breathability, resulting in greater comfort to the wearer.


Finished Split Leather

The middle or lower section of a hide that has been split into two or more thicknesses. A polymer coating is applied and embossed to mimic grain leather. Finished splits should only be used in low stress applications because they basically have no grain. If the polymer coating is left out it is often used to make suede. Not considered to be riding grade, but can look good nevertheless.


Top Grain
Top grain leather has been sanded to remove scars and imperfections, then sprayed or pasted for a uniform look. The smooth side is where the hair and the natural grain used to be. Top grain is not the same quality as full grain or naked leather, but thicknesses of 1.2-3mm make this type of leather a very strong and durable riding grade material.


Full-Grain and Naked Leather

Full-Grain leather is made from the finest hides, and has not been sanded to remove imperfections. Only the hair has been removed. In the case of Naked Leather, where nothing other than the dye is added; this very soft leather requires no breaking in period. Hides are typically 2mm thick, and must be hand picked for uniformity.  The natural full-grain naked leather will wear better than other leather, and will actually improve over the years. This type of leather is the ultimate riding grade; the most sought after, and consequently, the most expensive.


Now that we know what type of leather we want, we must understand the fact that leather is hot, and understand the options that we have for the climate we live in. For winter biking, a jacket with side laces and a belt will allow you to adjust the jacket to fit snugly against the upper body. Of course, being able to fully zip up only adds to your protection from the wind.  You can also wear a leather vest underneath your motorcycle jacket for extra warmth. For hot summer days, a leather jacket with air vents allows the air to circulate underneath the jacket and around your body. For an all year round jacket, consider one with a zip or snap out insulated lining.


Leather is not meant to get wet, as that tends to deplete the natural oils, and it is advisable to wear a rain suit over your leathers in inclement weather. However if they do get wet, allow them to dry naturally away from extreme heat. If the leather seems to be losing its luster, it can be oiled to improve its appearance. This supplements the natural oils in the leather itself, which can be washed out through repeated exposure to water. Frequent oiling of leather with mink oil or other commercially available products will keep your leathers supple and improve their lifespan dramatically.



Now that you have found the perfect biker jacket, take care of it, and it will reward you with years of wear. The typical lifetime of a heavy textile jacket will be from 3 to 6 years at the most. A well maintained top quality leather motorcycle jacket will easily give you 10 years and more of riding pleasure!

Minggu, 16 Februari 2020

Erra Bus Telugu Movie Review and Rating

Erra Bus telugu movie review, Erra Bus Movie review, Manchu Vishnu Errabus movie review, Dasari Errabus telugu review, Erra Bus movie review, errabus rating

Release date : Nov 14, 2014
AuthorRating : 3/5
Director : Dasari Narayana Rao
Producer : Dasari Narayana Rao
Music Director : Chakri
Starring : Dasari Narayana Rao, Vishnu Manchu, Catherine


Rajesh (Vishnu Manchu) is a software engineer whose primary purpose is to go to the United States. One day it falls on Raji (Catherine Teresa) and falls backwards for her. In the normal course of time, even Raji accept his love and decide to marry. Meanwhile, Rajesh receives an offer to move to the United States, and decided to spend a few days with his grandfather (Dasari Narayana Rao) before going there.As expected, Dasari starts living with his little son. As time passes, his actions and habits start irritating the people around him. One day, he also became the only reason Rajesh losing both its US offer and his girlfriend. How a Rajesh anger at his grandfather? and what happens to her love story? This forms the rest of the story.

Plus points:

Dasari is fit in the role of an innocent grandfather and his chemistry with Vishnu is superb. Its action in the climax is great because it gives an emotional performance. Vishnu has to be credited for having left his star image and go with the script of the film. It looks beautiful and is characterized by a mature performance.Catherine Teresa Vishnu many compliments, and is fit for his role. emotional scenes in the film are impressive and will certainly connect with the public of the family. Climax of the film is well designed and performance of Vishnu Dasari and take to the next level.


The major negativeof this film is the line of the basic story. We have seen the melodrama movies like these earlier too. Running Time is another major drawback that the film could easily be trimmed at least 30 minutes. There are many logical flaws in the film as the Vishnu visa scene.Comedians are wasted and not used to their potential. Brahmanandam comedy track is unnecessary, and looks outdated. Although the peak is high on emotions, it may not connect to the regular commercial audience.

Technical aspects:

Dasari Narayana Rao has once again shown that he is a master at making family dramas. He did a decent job with his leadership and extracted the good performances of its cast. Dialogues in the film are emotional and have been written well.Chakri's music is good, but it should focus more on his background score. Anji cinematography is decent as all the songs were shot beautifully. The publisher would have trimmed the film by at least 30 minutes that the scenario meanwhile suffers much time.


Overall, "Erra Bus" is out and out a film Dasari all the way. It is well supported by the memorable performance of Vishnu and emotional climax only adds to the establishment. But a predictable story and excess length spoil the mood of the film that is only intended for a family audience.

Resident Evil 4 Afterlife 3D Full Online Movie Review

Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D is the disappointing 4 editionof this zombie franchise, first started in 2002. Afterlife is so boring anduninspired that its hard to believe there could possibly ...

Resident Evil: Afterlife 3D is the disappointing 4 editionof this zombie franchise, first started in 2002. Afterlife is so boring anduninspired that its hard to believe there could possibly be a 5thedition.

First of all, I never figured out how the owners of thisfranchise were ever able to squeeze 2 sequels out of the first movie, let alonethis third one. The original Resident Evil was a nice surprise when it cameout, and quite good too. There were plenty of zombies to kill, and theyeliminated them in some truly imaginative ways. But unlike George Romero andhis Living Dead series, the makers of these films had nothing new to say in thesequels. Just more zombies to kill.

In Resident Evil: Afterlife, director Paul W.S. Andersondoesnt even give us that. Inexplicably, the viewer doesnt see a single undeaduntil 30 minutes after the movie starts. And there is a considerable amount ofdowntime between action scenes. This translates into boredom for the viewer.

To give this film its due, it must be said that the openingsequence is pretty darn good. Resident Evil: Afterlife begins not long afterthe previous movie, Resident Evil Extinction leaves off. Alice (Milla Jovovich)has gotten comfortable with her clones and now she is ready to fulfill herpromise to wipe out the Umbrella Corporation, the company responsible forunleashing the T-virus and turning most of the Earths inhabitants into brain cravingzombies.

Alice and her clones raid theUmbrella Corporations underground facility in Tokyo and decimate it. But instead of seeingone Alice perform impossible stunts we see about15 Alices makeunbelievable fighting moves as they fight to the death. If only the rest of themovie was as good as this.

Through an absurd and convenient plot device, Alice loses her superhumanpowers and then loses her clones. Suddenly shes on the run and headed to a supposedsafe haven in Arcadia, Alaska where her friends headed to. But whenshe arrives there all she discovers isan empty landing field and a deranged Claire Redfield (sexy Ali Karter) who is underthe control of some weird biomechanical device. Alicesaves Claire and then the two proceed to Los Angeles where they encounter another group ofsurvivors holed up in a prison. With the prison gates swarming with zombies anda new dangerous giant axe/hammer wielding threat heading their way, Alice,Claire and the survivors must find a way out as soon as possible.

This is probably the worst installment in the "ResidentEvil" series. Its just so pointless. The action sequences (except theopening raid) aren't anything amazing and I felt as if I was watching "TheMatrix" most of the time. It over-uses slow-motion way too much to thepoint where it gets really annoying.


For further reviews, cast information, trailers and more for this movie visit Resident Evil Afterlife 3D Full Online Movie Links


Sabtu, 15 Februari 2020

The Secret to Fresh Looking Skin

No matter the time of year, going out for the evening whether for dinner, drinks, dancing or just a movie, fresh looking skin is desirable. Even if you have worked all day at home or the office, when it comes time to present yourself at night, you want to look fresh, vibrant and well rested.

No matter the time of year, going out for the evening whether for dinner, drinks, dancing or just a movie, fresh looking skin is desirable.

Even if you have worked all day at home or the office, when it comes time to present yourself at night, you want to look fresh, vibrant and well rested.

Men have it easy they can hop in the shower, shave, splash on a toner, finish with a moisturizer and voila they are set for the evening. Women on the other hand require poofing and other subtle niceties that pamper their bodies and their faces.

Long, luxurious baths, loofas, and rich, hydrating potions cosset and coddle not only our bodies but our psyches as well. Going out for the evening is special and if we want glowing, radiant skin we must pay attention to our shoulders, arms, hands, dcolletage as well as our faces.

The secret to better looking skin begins with daily routine maintenance that excludes harmful chemicals when we wash our hair and our bodies. Remember, your skin is the largest organ of your body and protecting it from excessive chemicals keeps you healthier longer.

Sesame oil is a wonderful substitute for chemically laden body moisturizers. Use organic oil from either your grocery or vitamin store (keep it only in glass) and apply it ten minutes before showering. It deeply penetrates the skin and what's most interesting about using this oil is that soap is not required. The yogis believe sesame oil possesses great healing power.

We definitely want to put our best face forward when we desire dazzling skin.

But what if your face looks gray, worn and tired? What if your eyelids are droopy and your eyes no longer sparkle? How can you perk up your cheeks without using tons of blush and ensure that your face glows with youthful radiance?

Making a last minute stop at the drug store to buy a new mascara or foundation hoping that these items will freshen your look will most likely leave you disappointed.

Brighter, younger looking facial skin is possible. Dullness is usually a result of an accumulation of old, dead skin cells maybe decades worth so thick not even udder cream could keep your face moist.

Dermaplaning is an excellent way to remove dead cells that gray our skin; this procedure is performed by a professional such as an aesthetician or registered nurse. With a scalpel positioned at an angle to the skin, the back and forth motion certainly removes layers of dead, environmentally damaged skin cells. For most, this procedure is a luxury.

Daily at home care is vitally important if you want your facial skin to look healthy and bright. You can begin right now by adjusting your eating habits so that you consume a lot less sugar, more vegetables and fruit, hydrating your body daily with filtered water, using less alcohol and salt, regular exfoliation and exercising your face.

Facial exercise can lift sagging facial muscles. Exercise creates a radiance that is deeper than skin care and makeup. When you exercise your face, you will see and feel the difference immediately as oxygenated blood is forced through the tissues. You can actually feel the muscles respond to the lifting movements.

This all natural cosmetic enhancement has many benefits over surgery and injections; in fact, facial exercise is so reliable it makes plastic surgery seem barbaric.

Think about it does cutting healthy tissue and then piecing it back together seem odd?

There is more than a healthy amount of trust required to allow someone to use sharp instruments to surgically alter your face. Your long term health could be adversely affected if there are unforeseen complications from excessive vomiting, over-use of prescription drugs, an undetected medical condition and more.

Even the finest surgeon cannot predict the outcome of your surgery or give you a money back guarantee if you are dissatisfied with the results. If you hate surprises, plastic surgery is not for you.

A word regarding serums that plump and paralyze; if you believe these expensive injections will stop your aging face, think again. Paralyzed and artificially filled faces continue to age. Do you really intend to fill your face and your body with unproven substances for the rest of your days? Your body may rebel resulting in sickness or even death.

Stick with facial exercise instead. You can easily develop the look of a natural facelift one that does not require cutting, injections, sutures or recovery. The radiance you create will greatly become you as your confidence soars and your youthful face returns.

Fresh glowing skin isn't just for evenings now that you know the secret.

10 FAQs Answered For Free iPod Games Download

Every one of us is interested in getting free ipod downloads without breaking the bank. So we start searching for the free ipod downloads or specifically for free ipod games downloads. If you are a movie or music fanatic then surely you would be searching for a free iPod music videos download membership site.

Got an iPod? Here is a list of top 10 frequently asked questions) FAQs answered in detail

1. Members Area: You get an instant access of the members area of the iPod downloads membership site. Once you sign up the membership site you will be given a username and a password within minutes of sign-up. Then you need to enter into the members area by logging with your username and password, you will find all of the latest tools for accessing the iPod downloads.

2. Difficulty Level: Even if you are a newbie, you will not face any difficulty in accessing and downloading your favorite iPod games downloads. All the members have access to the necessary tools to search and download all kinds of files for your iPod or computer. This includes music, movies, videos, games, software, wallpapers, and much more.

3. Extra Cost: The membership site permits the members to download unlimited free iPod music, videos, movies, TV shows, games, images, wallpapers, screensavers, and software. All sort of iPod downloads are available at one single place with no extra cost.

4. How to transfer files to your iPod: One can download all your favorite iPod movies and transfer them to the iPod machine. If you find any difficulty in transferring iPod movies to your iPod, you will get detailed tutorials that will show you step by step instructions to transfer files to your iPod.  

5. Viewing On Computer: Say if you are really in love with an iPod movie and want to watch on a big screen, then you can download that iPod movie on to your computer and watch it again and again.  

6. Services On 56K Modem: Every iPod user may not have a broadband connection. But one can access the downloads using a 56K modem or using dial-up connection with out any problem but with a lower speed. However the free iPod music video download sites recommend the iPod lovers to use a broadband connection while downloading videos at a faster rate.

7. Firewall Blocking: It is very common that usage of firewalls block some sites. It does happen with the membership sites too. However, they suggest that you to unload your firewall, especially when you conduct your first search. After that, the free iPod downloads sites software will be recognized by the firewall and either will grant access automatically, or you will need to do it manually.

8. Extra Software: Buying the music machine iPod itself is a costly affair. The iPod users may be of the opinion that one needs to have extra software for iPod downloads. In fact the membership site will itself give you everything that is needed to download free iPod downloads. You will receive everything that you need in your member's area.

9. Recurring Billing: Say if you are signed up now the other question that comes to mind is will I be billed again. The top iPod downloads sites are not subscription sites, in fact, they collect a one time membership fees to offer lifetime access. Once signed up the members are never billed again. There are no hidden charges and no per download fees.

10. Secured Payment:   Finally joining the membership sites is very easy. They accept all major credit cards, checks and paypal account to pay the one time fee. All the memberships are processed manually and your login details are securely sent to the email address you give while joining the free iPod Games download membership site. You are assured that your information will be 100% confidential.

Vincent Price's Ultimate Horror!

Vincent Price was always of two minds about his horror movie career. On the one hand it was a way for an actor to age and keep working. But the gourmet cook and art ... often felt that these fil

Vincent Price was always of two minds about his horror movie career. On the one hand it was a way for an actor to age and keep working. But the gourmet cook and art collector often felt that these films were beneath him.

Always looking for extra publicity the Saint Louis born thespian pulled many stunts to get attention for his films. One time he went to the Hollywood Wax museum and disguised himself as his wax dummy likeness. Standing motionless with a hypodermic syringe he would wait patiently for unsuspecting people to watch by, and startle them by reaching out and squirting them with water.

Vincent 's ultimate horror involved the world's most famous pop star. He was thrilled to be hired by Michael Jackson to record the narration for the song Thriller. He agreed to do it for a small fee. But when Thriller became the greatest hit of all time he wanted more money. Michael Jackson refused to compensate him and Price was furious.

About 8 years later Vincent was sitting around his house quietly watching TV, not feeling well under a blanket to keep him warm. The TV show Hard Copy came on. There was a segment about Michael Jackson and a little boy. Vincent shocked the household suddenly shouting," Oh my god! Oh my God!" His wife Coral came running into the living room,"Vincent, what's the matter?"

The Old man pointed at the TV," He's doing to the little boy what he did to me!"

Article Tags: Ultimate Horror, Michael Jackson

Jumat, 14 Februari 2020

Accepting our Rejected Thoughts

... we are in a position to look into the lives of other people. It could be through a book, or a movie, or a story we hear, or ... it could be someone that we meet. ... when this

Sometimes we are in a position to look into the lives of other people. It could be through a book, or a movie, or a story we hear, or occasionally it could be someone that we meet. Sometimes when this happens, we see qualities that we truly admire, and we think that we would like to have those qualities. Perhaps we just look at the person and think that we would like to be like them. Maybe we hear what they have said and think that we would like to be able to say things like that. It could be that we would like to have what they have, or do what they do.

When this happens, what we are thinking about are our own rejected thoughts. Sometime in the past we have rejected a thought or thoughts, that the person we are admiring has accepted.

When, perhaps when we were very young, we rejected the thought that we could have what we have just been admiring in someone else, we accepted a lesser thought, and allowed that lesser thought to become part of our self image, and therefore part of our definition of ourselves.

Our self image lives in our sub-conscious mind. Because of the way the sub-conscious mind works, we can only have one self image with regard to any particular quality. If we really want to have the qualities we are admiring, and there is no reason why we cant, then we need to change our self image.

The first step is to be prepared to do just that. Think about this for a minute. Are you prepared to let go of what you have learned in the past, that you believe is true about yourself? By that I mean to examine the ideas that you know are true about yourself, and then to take the new idea that you are considering, and to examine that idea, entertain that idea, to see if it will improve your view of yourself. Will accepting that new idea, and rejecting the idea that you currently know, result in a happier, healthier or more prosperous life. If the answer is yes, and you are prepared to do it, then you have the possibility to change your self image.

The methods we use to change our self image is outside the scope of this article, but taking the above actions is the first step.

If you are prepared to go through this process of examining what you know about yourself, and deciding to reject what you know and replace it with a more empowering fact, when you see a quality in someone else that you admire, why not do it more often?

Rather than merely listening to the messages, questions and statements that flow past you every day, why not think? Ask yourself what could this mean to me, how could I apply this idea in my life. Forget the questions you have asked in the past like Is this right?, or Is this wrong? and ask instead Could accepting this idea improve my life in any way?