Selasa, 06 April 2021

The misconception of intervention

Many people are wondering what to do when they are afflicted with someone they love with drug and alcohol addiction. They live horror stories that would be fiction in a movie but are actual facts in millions of people lives. What can we do?

Numerous family members are scared that if they do not give the addicts what they want she or he may leave and they will not see him again. Now where is the line? Am I enabling him or her? Am I not being a good mom? The people that enables are individuals that do not know what is going on in the abuser}s head or they do not care.

An user} will take any opened doors to use drugs. They will try to stay at ease at the same time as they are using drugs and alcohol. The dependence is putting a lot of pressure on the addict}. Family members have to put more pressure than the drug is putting on the individual. You probably have heard statements such as: He is not ready, He has to hit rock bottom, and " I cannot take the decision for him.

Lets look at this in another point of view, if your children are putting a pistol to their head. Would you try to encourage him or her to not kill themselves? Would you say that you cannot take the decision for them or they are adults and there is nothing you can do? This an excessive example but what is the difference? The difference is one will take longer to kill himself but nevertheless the user} will almost certainly hurt a lot of individuals on their journey to hell. How many mothers, fathers, children, wives and husbands have been hurt by an addict} or an alcoholic? Every person has multiple examples of themselves being hurt or suffering from someone who had a problem with drugs and/or alcohol.

One of the reasons of long term dependence is that the individual was enabled by an individual. I am not trying to take blame off the shoulder of the addict}. He is using the drug. I am just trying to tell family members and relatives that they do something about it. They just need to phone a expert who can guide them in the right path.

There are two ways to get someone the treatment he will need.

First, family can do an intervention by themselves. In typically needs a leader that will get the intervention coordinated with the rest of the family and also to keep the control of the events. There are a lot of prerequisites that has to be in place before the intervention is actually done. A person is also needed to lead the intervention when it is actually happening.

Secondly, the family can hire a professional interventionist that will perform the intervention from A to Z. Professional interventionist have success rates of 70 to 90 %.

An intervention with suitable planning and carried out properly will result many times in an abuser} agreeing to receive help. But you must admit the reality that eventually the abuser} may for whatever reason} say "NO". This scenario needs to be thought out in advance so that the family constantly moves to the proverbial -plan B.

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