Sabtu, 24 April 2021

Build It.......(the Relationship) and They WILL Come!

Build ... ... and They WILL ... Terri ... you ever heard the line from the movie: "Build it and they will come"? Well, this might not hold true for a website, b

Build It.......(the Relationship) and They WILL Come!
Copyright Terri Seymour

Have you ever heard the line from the movie: "Build it
and they will come"? Well, this might not hold true
for a website, but I do believe it is true for "The

When working an online business, you must start and
build a solid relationship of trust and respect with
others. This will establish you as a knowledgeable
and accessible professional, which in turn will benefit
your business greatly!

This can be done in several effective ways.

Ad Swaps - Contact as many publishers as you can and
invite them to do an ad swap. This is a great way to
meet your associates, make new friends and expand
your networking circle.

Link Exchanges - Similar to ad swaps. Invite other
webmasters to exchange website links. This can be
a great way to make new contacts.

Message Boards - Take some time to visit a few boards
regularly and get your name and business known. Follow
the rules and do not flame or spam!

Email Discussion Lists - Similar to the message boards
only the messages come right to your inbox. Help people
and answer questions and offer advice whenever the
opportunity arises. Excellent form of relationship -
building! Again, follow the rules and post accordingly.

Email Etiquette - Answer all emails as quickly and
efficiently as possible. Encourage people to keep in
touch. Ask them questions also to get them to write
back. Answer their questions as thoroughly as possible.
Spell and punctuate properly. Make your email warm
and friendly, yet professional.

Writing Articles - I have had so many people contact
me because of one of my articles. This is a great way
to open the door to new relationships. Write articles
that are helpful and easy to understand. Do not try to
impress people with big words. They want useful and
helpful information and resources, not big words!
Make sure you have your email or a link to your email
in the resource box so you can be easily contacted!

There are many other ways to meet people and begin
building the all important relationship with them.

To anchor all this together and bond these relationships
you should be publishing an ezine. This will enable you
to keep the connection with your readers and to cement
the trust and respect that you have started.

Be consistent and be there for your readers. Get to
know them and let them get to know you. You will
learn that the more solid and reliable the foundation,
the stronger and longer lasting the relationship.

You know the MOE Motto - Treat others as you would
have them treat you! Do not use people for your own
gain. Be true to them and to yourself. Build a
business you can be proud of and that people will
respect and trust!

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