Sabtu, 03 April 2021

How a Hacker Developed a Winning Golf Swing

This is about a business client of mine who had used Mind Movies successfully to help him develop his career. He then asked me if it would be possible to develop a golf Mind-Movie which would help a real 'hacker' like him to develop a good golf swing.

I'm probably erring on the side of understatement when I say that Bob was a hacker. By his own admission he was: one of those players who've never really had a proper golf swing.

The way he told it, his main concern was to give the ball a 'good whack'. As a result of his lack of technique, Bob had spent much of the ten years that he'd been a golfer searching for his ball in woods and long grass. High scores and a high handicap seemed to be his inevitable fate.

Bob and I first met when his employer asked me to coach him to develop his business and leadership skills. When we were working on 'communication' I used a technique that I call Mind-Movies. I taught Bob how to groove pictures into his imagination which showed him making successful presentations.

Mind-Movies are a technique that I developed for empowering clients when I qualified as a Certified Master Practitioner of Neuro-Linguistic Programming (mind-language programming).

One day when Bob had just reported making a very successful sales pitch with the aid of a new Mind-Movie, he asked me, in that slightly shy way of his, Do you think we could develop a Mind-Movie that would help my golf swing?

I immediately knew that we could do this. It took a while to work out how best to program the correct images into Bob's mind. And I also had to work out how to string those images together into a golf swing Mind-Movie. Then it was just a matter of finding ways that he could program himself to reproduce the correct physical and emotional feelings which are an essential part of effective Mind-Movies.

By the late spring we were ready. Bob couldn't wait to get going. He was hungry to to start winning. There were a lot of people on whom he was keen to take revenge.

He devoured the script I had written for him to study and learn.. However, he knew from his previous experience with Mind-Movies that in order for it to work he had to make sure that he installed this new program properly into his mind.

The very first round he reported 'noticeable improvements'. He was hitting the ball further and straighter. It was only the odd wayward shot that prevented him posting a really good score. He knew he was on the right track. It was the first time that I've felt like I had a proper golf swing, he told me excitedly.

Over the next few weeks Bob improved steadily until he felt up to entering a competition. He deliberately chose a mid-week event where he knew that the field would be smaller. He finished fourth in a field of thirty seven players and his handicap was cut by two strokes. This was by far the best result he'd ever had. He was over the moon.

A month later he felt ready to challenge for one of the major championships at his golf club. He didn't win that one but three weeks later he rang me late one evening to proclaim: I won!

At the end of the month I was his guest at the prize-giving where he received his silver cup. From my experience with Mind-Movies I feel certain that his game will continue to improve.

After Bob's success I decided to publish The Golf Mind-Movies Power Pack at And I now know from the feedback I'm receiving from other golfers that Mind-Movies are also working for them.

The fact that the search term 'golf mind-movies' is already number one on Google tells you how many golfers are seeking out this e-book. If anyone you play with shows sudden signs of improvement you may now know why.

Please do your golfing friends a favor and tell them about this book. Send them a copy of this article today.

Article Tags: Golf Swing

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