Minggu, 30 Mei 2021

Organic Spas in Australia - from Dreaming to Luxury Travel

Organic spas are an integral part of modernluxury travel. The phrase conjures images of ultimate indulgence where allthat's required of you is to lie back and surrender to a level of pamperingthat was not so long ago reserved for royalty or movie stars. But the factremains that genuine organic spas are not found everywhere. While packing for aluxury travel destination, it might be worth pondering the merits of anauthentic organic spa experience.

When compiling a list of things to do on aluxury travel itinerary, a visit to an organic spa would come somewhere closeto the top and generously interspersed throughout, depending on the length ofyour travel. Well, the choices are many at most luxury travel destinations.Here's why a trip down under to Australiais worth serious consideration.

Ask anyone who has travelled to Australiaand they'll have tales to tell of the tough immigration policies that won'teven let you bring along a wad of gum from abroad. While immigration officialsare not the friendliest of folks, they most certainly do not derive anyperverse pleasure from denying you the right to bring along a pretty orchidfrom Singapore or your pet tarantula from Africa just to see the gloom flood your face. They are merely doing theirjob. And it is their job to protect the fragile ecosystem of this uniquelandmass, down under, from foreign organic matter that may disrupt or evendestroy the delicate balance.

For 50,000 years or more, the aboriginalshave inhabited this part of the world and lived in harmony with the land, thewater, the vegetation, the seasons, the wildlife, the rain, and the rock. Theyleft no footprint on any of these elements unless it was a playful hop, skip,or jump that benefited both ways. They lived off the land, on the land, and bythe land, as one with the land. They didn't have hypertension, strokes ordiabetes. What they had was clear skin and eyes that shone. They were Dreaming;the eternal truth that links the past, present, and future, and the people totheir land.

Now what would this have to do with luxurytravel, you might well ask. Having come to the sad conclusion that the fasterthe rat race the wearier the soul, people embark on luxury travel as a means ofsolace away from it all. They eagerly look around for new outlets, freshpastures, and healthier alternatives to achieve that nirvana. The good news forall is that the Dreaming has been re-discovered here in Australia.More and more people are turning to the ancient earthy wisdom of theaboriginals to figure out modern ills. What was once considered good at bestfor some novelty value has now come to be recognized for its intrinsic truth.Now isn't that the final destination of all travel?

The wisdom of the aboriginal way of life isnow increasingly adapted to main stream life, but nowhere as much as in theworld of luxury spas. The word organic that was bandied about as casually asbananas by monkeys, has now assumed its true significance. It has taken on itsauthentic avatar in the organic spas that are now standing apart from the crowdwith their understanding and adaptation of the Dreaming. Luxury travel has nowfound its newest pastureone that has fresh, natural, and least processedproducts that your skin and soul will be grateful for.

The other side of luxury travel is nowundoubtedly sustainable travel. It's time to show the door to petrol guzzlers,and institutions with monstrously big carbon shoe prints. In the world of personalcare, now is the time to bid adieu to parabens, petrochemical bi products,dimethicones, and a variety of chemicals also used by morgue technicians topreserve dead bodies. You have an alternative that is pure, natural, and nottried on some poor guinea pig in a cage. Organic spas guarantee the use of suchclean products.

Organic spas are all the rage in majorAustralian cities such as Sydney, Melbourne, and Brisbane which are also bigtime luxury travel destinations. A commitment to the well being of the planetand the welfare of the customers makes these ventures a strong link in thechain of sustainability. Some of these spas have extended businesses where theygrow their own raw materials. Great care is taken to preserve intact thegoodness of all materials used. Fair Trade practices are followed whereverpossible when goods are sourced from abroad. Active collaboration or advicefrom the aboriginal people is a great way of enhancing lives in more ways thanone. Organic farming of source vegetation required to create creams andemollients becomes a source of employment for aboriginal communities. In returnwe get the invaluable in terms of ancient wisdom.

Luxury travel in search of authenticrelaxation and spa treatments, where all side effects are of the benevolentkind, are made for each other concepts. 'Have money will spend' will havebetter outcomes when that money is spent responsibly. Giving back to naturemight not be on everyone's good deed for the day list. Mainly because mostpeople don't think that far, or if they do, they can't think of many ways to doit other than refusing the odd plastic shopping bag. Organic spas are where youcan give as good as you get. And down under is where it's at right now. Let'ssustain this blue marble we call home and replenish the natural glory as bestas we can.

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