Senin, 03 Mei 2021

Intuitive Magic: Losing To Win

Learn how to improve your luck at making the concepts in the movie "The Secret" work for you. Making your goals a reality is easier if you look at obstacles as illusions on the path to success.

You've watched the movie "The Secret," tried the concepts and you still wonder why you lose more often than win at the game of life. There is another secret to all of this. It is called "losing to win."

A couple of friends of mine had studied with the famous spiritual healer John of God in Brazil. After living in Brazil for about two months it was time to head back to the United States. Being astute metaphysicians they decided to manifest first class seat tickets home. They did their manifesting work and got into a taxi to the airport.

On the trip to the airport they experienced a major delay due to an accident. After that they had a flat tire. Of course, they missed their flight. When finally they arrived at the airport the later flight was suddenly cancelled!

By now they were getting rather weary. It seemed they were losing every step of the way. Rather than leave the airport for a local hotel, they decided to hold their ground. Within an hour, they were awarded first class tickets on an alternate airline's flight as a customer service effort by the airline!

The secret to winning is to realize each seeming loss in life is a step to success. If they had gotten discouraged and given up they would have missed their first class seats home.

If you begin accepting each and everything in your life as perfect, you will begin to see an energetic shift to it. You will experience "flow," where your desires and your experiences become one. Your life will take on the appearance of a magic carpet ride, doors will open for you automatically, synchronicities will abound and your desires will be fulfilled almost effortlessly.

Here are some steps to begin this process.

1. Meditate for at least five minutes every day. Quietly relax and clear your mind of all thought and obstacles. For those who have trouble focusing and clearing the mind, play the sounds of the ocean or better yet go to the ocean. Any repetitious quieting sound like wind, water, streams, rain can place you in a meditative state.

2. When a thought interrupts you, quietly say to the thought, "release," and go back to your sound.

3. When you have completed the meditation say out loud, "I command to you dear universe (you can substitute God, Angels, Spirits of The Eternal Light or whatever you consider to be your higher power) the following goal in my life." State at this point your desired goal, the time it is expected and give thanks that it is already done.

As the universe starts to go busily about its business of making your goal a reality, you might experience an obstacle, which could be construed as losing. But, aha! When life throws in a curve ball, accept it as a present, a treasure and a gift. Be infinitely grateful, for it is behind this gratitude your true wealth is hidden.

If you resist the seemingly negative, it will persist. But remaining in a state of infinite gratitude will release the treasure that is hidden behind the illusion of loss. It is possible to have what you want in life, but first you have to want what you have. This is the cardinal secret of "losing to win."

Article Tags: First Class

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