Sabtu, 01 Mei 2021

Watch Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 Full Online Movie Review

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) is thebeginning of the long goodbye to the most popular and successful movie seriesof our generation. This chapter is dark, bleak and totally unc...

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows (Part 1) is thebeginning of the long goodbye to the most popular and successful movie seriesof our generation. This chapter is dark, bleak and totally uncharacteristic ofthe 6 films that preceded it. It is also utterly fantastic. Watch Harry Potterand the Deathly Hallows Part 1 online for free and see this first of the twopart ending to this amazing series.

In intense close-up, the Ministry of Magic (first timePotter actor Bill Nighy) bellows that our world has faced no greater threatduring a thrilling hellfire and brimstone opening. Whom he is referring to ofcourse, is the embodiment of all things evil Lord Voldemort (awesome Ralph Fiennes).

At the end of the last film (Harry Potter andthe Half-Blood Prince) Voldemort and his soldiers, the Death Eaters, killedHarrys mentor Professor Dumbledore. Since then, Voldemorts armies have seizedthe government and are on the verge of a complete takeover. Unleashingrepressive measures against 'Muggles (non-magic people) and 'half-bloods (amixture of magic and Muggle), one cant help but be reminded of Nazi Germany asVoldemort begins to persecute allnon-wizards.

But Lord Voldemorts most pressing objective isto find and kill Harry. Wanted posters with Harrys picture are tacked upeverywhere. Once found Harry will be killed, eliminating the last obstacle in Voldemortsplan to rule everything.

Harry (Daniel Radcliffe) and his friends Hermione(Emma Watson) and Ron (Rupert Grint) are forced to flee Hogwarts since it is nolonger a safe-haven with Dumbledore dead. With Voldemort and his armies inconstant pursuit, the trio must elude capture (and certain death) whilesearching for the items that could defeat Voldemort.

These items are the Horcruxes. Scatteredthroughout the land, each hold a small portion of Voldemorts soul. As theseare what make Voldemort immortal, they must all be found and destroyed beforehe can be killed.

HarryPotter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 is by far the most violent and unnervingof all the Potter films. There are many scenes of maiming, torture, death anddestruction. Harry, Hermione and Ron are constantly battling for their livesand pushed to the limit as the DeathEaters find them no matter where they go. This movie is definitely not foryounger viewers as they will almost certainly have nightmares afterwards. Theremay even be a few adults who see Death Eaters in their sleep.

Theacting in Deathly Hallows Part 1 is superb. The Potter films have alwaysboasted a Whos Who of top English actors. Richard Harris, Maggie Smith, AlanRickman, Bill Nighy and others have been essential in supporting roles. Butthis is the movie where Radcliffe, Watson and Grint really come into their own.

As Harry, DanielRadcliffe has never been better. He is totally believable as the adolescentwizard trying to save his friends from unimaginable evil. His facialexpressions and movements are spot on when conveying both terror and bravery.The scene that has all the critics talking though has nothing to do with evilor danger. It is a quiet, tender sequence where Harry and Hermione dancetogether in a tent. The background music from an old radio is O Children from Nick Cave.This scene very sweet and will have many viewers tearing-up. Daniel Radcliffeand Emma Watson are just great.

Emma Watson shinesin another scene. Fearful for the safety of her family now that Lord Voldemort willstop at nothing to get them, Hermione makes a moving sacrifice. She whispersthe word obliviate, and slowly their memory of her fades and then ultimately disappears.The audience sees this as her images fades from all the pictures. Hermione isnow all alone except for her two friends.

Rupert Grint isexcellent as Ron, particularly when he slowly begins to suspect that his twobest friends have feelings for each other. Grint displays just the right amountof anger and envy to make his emotions believable.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 might be a bitlong at 2 and a half hours, especially since the middle third of the film seemsto drag some. But overall this movie is thrilling and suspenseful, and iscertainly a great setup for what is sure to be an epic conclusion when thesecond installment is released in July 2011.

For further reviews, cast information, trailers and more for this movie visit Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows Part 1 Full Online Movie Links

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