Kamis, 11 Maret 2021

Thrive Movie Review by Edgardo

In the last two thirds of the movie, controversial topics (some political) come up. Both branches of the political orthodoxy in America will be outraged. Foster Gamble has been an insider. He doesn't hide the photos of himself as a young man hobnobbing with presidents and other elites.

As a documentary "Thrive" is one of the most exquisitely produced documentary films I have ever seen. Production is Hollywood Studio Quality, and the issues it raises have never really ever been formatted in such an attractive manner.

Foster Gamble and his wife Kimberley have put together this multi-million dollar documentary using in major part their own money. Foster happens to be the great-great- grandson of James Gamble. Yes, the co-founder, along with Proctor of one of the worlds largest companies, Proctor and Gamble. This has, of course raised a few eyebrows among some of the less trustworthy sort, but as for myself, I believe in giving an individual a chance to prove himself, and set the record by his own actions and beliefs. And so far there seems to be no discernible flaw in this movie. For example, Alex Jones, well recognized as perhaps the king of alternative news and information, exposer of government, official , corporate and global corruption is selling the movie on infowars.com. Foster Gamble has been an insider. He doesn't hide the photos of himself as a young man hobnobbing with presidents and other elites.

The documentary starts in ancient history and correlates the synchronicity of different civilizations from all over the world in regard to alien life forms, so-called Gods of the sky, and energy sources that involve sacred geometry and what is called a "Torus"(a universal energetic form involving space and time) and how this can unlock to provide free energy. This only lasts for the first part; there is much more to come with a screen time of over two hours. The crop circle segment is especially beautifully presented. Astronaut Edgar Mitchell, Nassien Harimein, and also a former head investigator of the FAA and many others, appear to substantiate UFO's, crop circles and apparent alien attempts at contact. And "Thrive" exposes some of the enormity of the cover up operations that are still ongoing in all these areas

One thing that commends the movie to me, is the utterly predicable reaction that the orthodox left and orthodox right wing reaction has had to the film. In the last two thirds of the movie, controversial topics (some political) come up. Both branches of the political orthodoxy in America will be outraged. If the Kool-Aid drinkers at the extremes of conventional orthodoxy don't like something, well there's no higher commendation than that! The conventional left will not like the stand on global warming, and low taxes and personal liberty and the right will not like the exposition of the Federal Reserve and the financial shenanigans of the international bankers.

The film is sure to raise hackles as well for exposing the medical system and big pharma, and the rapacious health system it propagates. Cures and treatments have been suppressed? Interviews with Deepak Chopra and other luminaries of the alternative and complementary health world follow.

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