Kamis, 04 Maret 2021

A cigar box purse or handbag is a unique fashion accessory with a touch of old world charm.

Theres an unmistakable charm about a cigar box purse or handbag. Neat, petite and elegant, and decorated with romantic, quaint and quirky images from a bygone era, these design gems are becoming increasingly sought after fashion accessories. You can buy cigar box purses and handbags made from real cigar boxes, or they can be decorated with just about any image you can imagine, including classic movie stars, fashion photographs, dancers, animals, flowers or abstract designs. If you shop around online, youll find a huge range of cigar box purses and handbags, many of them uniquely designed and sold by the artist who created them. You can even have a cigar box purse or handbag custom made using a favorite image of a pet, a special place, person or thing, or perhaps a cherished old photograph of a great aunt or grandmother taken in a bygone era. Any image is suitable, so long as its your own, and there is no copyright existing in the photograph or artwork. Or if youre particularly creative, you could even make the purse or handbag yourself.

Making your own cigar box purse or handbag.

Its very simple to make a cigar box purse or handbag yourself, and youll have the satisfaction of having something which is absolutely unique. A handbag or purse youve made yourself also makes a lovely gift for someone special. You can buy a simple wooden box, or a real cigar box if you can find one, some paint and lacquer, and the hinges, corners, handle and clasp from purse hardware suppliers which youll find online. Of course, youll also need a photograph or piece of artwork to use on the box. Choosing an image, a color scheme and purse hardware pieces which work together artistically is great fun, and very satisfying when it all comes together. Its a very simple job to paint the box, glue on the image, cover the whole thing with a few coats of lacquer, then attach all of the purse hardware components.

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