Kamis, 09 Juli 2020

Wanna Watch A Movie? A Mind Movie That Is

Have you been to the movies lately? You know, the big screen movie theatre where you get the good popcorn and soda. Picture this for a second. You are in the movie, sitting comfortably in your rock...

Have you been to the movies lately? You know, the big screen movie theatre where you get the good popcorn and soda. Picture this for a second. You are in the movie, sitting comfortably in your rocker seat, leaned back, starting at the big screen, dark and quiet all around. The movie just started, what does your mind immediately do? It starts to anticipate what's gonna happen next, right?

You anticipate who's gonna get caught, who's gonna get the girl, who's gonna get killed, who's gonna get rescued. Your mind anticipates all the way to the end, if its a good, mind-capturing, exciting movie.

What if the movie is dull, boring, unexciting, not attention grabbing? Your mind says to heck with this, you get bored and probably leave.

This mind feature is called MIND CONCLUSION PROGRAMMING. You see, your mind is always working toward a conclusion. Conclusion based programming is an automatic built-in feature of the subconscious mind. What type of outcome do you think your life will have if it's focused on a dull, boring, unexciteful ending like that movie you just walked out of? You guessed it, a dull, boring, uneventful life.

Have you ever thought about why your life my be dull and boring and uneventful? It's because that's the movie playing in your head. As my old friend from Jersey used to say, "Hey Ford, you gotta learn to manage your voices." If you mind voices are playing a dull, boring, uneventful movie in your head, then that's gonna be your life. Played right before your very eyes, a dull, boring life. Nobody wants that right? So how do we change it?


The key to living the excited, full, action packed life is to get your mind to MAKE A MOVIE of exactly that. If you can get your mind always in a state of excitement and anticipation of what's to come. Just like the movie you were watching with your popcorn and soda, all relaxed and anticipating the next move and the conclusion.

If you can learn how to direct your subconscious mind to mind conclusion programming then you will be in control of how you see the task at hand.

When you constantly and consistently anticipate that exciting, thrilling conclusion of your life and focused on the outcome of where you want to be, then your life will be very exciting. Contrary, if you focus on all your problems in life, and all your worries, and all the bad stuff you think exists in your life, that's exactly what your mind movie will give you.

So if the human mind is always working toward a conclusion, let's make OUR MIND MOVIE one of excitement, action packed, full of life of where you want to go and accomplish.

Remember, its YOUR MOVIE playing in your head. Is it a dull, boring, unexciteful, walk-out of the movie theatre type movie? Or is it an exciting, full of anticipation of what comes next, eager to get to the end type movie?

Article Tags: Mind Movie, Who's Gonna, Dull Boring

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