Rabu, 15 Juli 2020

Mental Movies That Sell!

When you watch a scary movie you get scared andyour body tenses up. When you watch a sad movieyou feel sad and even cry ... When youwatch a funny movie you get happy and even laugh.As you can s

When you watch a scary movie you get scared and
your body tenses up. When you watch a sad movie
you feel sad and even cry sometimes. When you
watch a funny movie you get happy and even laugh.
As you can see, your subconscious mind can't tell
what's real and what's fantasy.

You can create mental movies when people read
your ad copy. Mental movies can change people's
emotions and some of their physical actions. You
can alter their emotions and physical actions with
words alone. Your words need to explain and
describe what they see, hear, feel, smell and taste
so it triggers their imagination.

Most people don't realize that simple words can
trigger mental scenes or movies. If you see the
word "daughter" and you don't have a daughter
you may just think it's somebody's kid. If you have
a daughter, you will probably picture your own
daughter. Do you see what I'm saying? You need
to really think about what each and every word
means to your target audience.

Any kind of visual can also create mental movies
in peoples minds. It could be graphics, pictures, art
work, web site designs, etc. One simple picture can
trigger hundreds of different emotions, feelings,
moods, physical actions and visualizations. A single
visual can create a mind movie that could be worth
a thousand words.

If you see a picture or even the word snake you
may twinge or look away if you have a phobia of
snakes. On the other hand, if you love the taste of
snake meat you may actually salivate.

In conclusion, you really need to think about what
effect each and every word/visual will have on your
target audience. It could be the difference between
making or losing a sale.

Article Tags: Mental Movies, Physical Actions

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