Jumat, 27 November 2020

Paranormal Activity 2 Full Online Movie Review

Paranormal Activity 2 proves that a horror movie sequel canbe better than the original as long as the story is intelligent and the actingis good. The writers here were up to the task as this ...

Paranormal Activity 2 proves that a horror movie sequel canbe better than the original as long as the story is intelligent and the actingis good. The writers here were up to the task as this movie is the best horrormovie sequel ever made. Watch Paranormal Activity 2 online for free and enjoy atrue rarity in horror pictures a sequel that is better than the original.

This movie had all the markings of being nothing more than amoney-grab by Paramount Pictures. It was a sequel to a stunningly popularlow-budget movie, and it came out barely a year after the original. Add to thatthe fact that the gimmick of the first movie was already widely known, so itcouldnt possibly be effective the second time through. I was pleasantly provedwrong.

Paranormal Activity 2 is a classic horror movie that canstand on its own merits meaning that you dont have to have seen the first ParanormalActivity to enjoy this film. But for those that have seen the first movie, thisis a fantastic companion piece in that it further fleshes out events from thatmovie. And in one startling plot twist actually expands upon the reason for allthat happened.

The story depicted in Paranormal Activity 2 occurs 2 monthsprior to the events of Paranormal Activity 1. This prequel ties into anddovetails brilliantly into the first movie. This time the plot centers aroundthe family of Katies (from the first film, again played by Katie Featherston)sister Kristi Rey. The family includes Kristis husband Dan, their newborn sonHunter, Dans daughter Ali (from a previous marriage), the nanny/housekeeperMartine and their loyal German Shepherd Abby.

The movie begins with Kristi and Dan brining their newbornson Hunter home from the hospital. Their home is just around the corner fromwhere Katie and her husband Micah live in Paranormal Activity 1. As first time parents the video camera isconstantly on.

One day the family comes home to find the house ransacked.Items in every room have been tossed about and turned upside down. Every roomexcept baby Hunters which was left untouched. In addition not a single itemwas taken from the house. It doesnt appear that it was a robbery.

This event prompts the parents to install a fill blown,always-on security camera system in the house. Five motion detector equippedcameras are placed in strategically located places around the home one in theentryway, two in the kitchen, one overlooking the pool and one in the nursery. Every night after the family goes to bed theaudience cycles through all 5 cameras. Nothing happens on camera in those firstfew nights.

Gradually during the days Kristi begins to experience somefunny, then strange occurrences doors opening and closing on their own .window shades suddenly snapping up . pots falling off hooks, etc. Her husbandDan is skeptical even though he can see these events played back on camera. Heoffers up logical reasons to explain these occurrences. Before too long thingsbegin happening that are not so easy to explain away.

Then suddenly one evening something is captured on one ofthe security cameras while the family is sleeping. It happens quickly and thenits over. But it definitely occurred. Then the next night something elseoccurs that we the audience can see, but which is unknown to the sleepingfamily.

Director Todd Williams and writer Michael R. Perry thenbegin our decent into the world of terror. Each night the audience findsthemselves scanning all four corners of each security camera, looking for thenext happening. We watch as the pranks slowly turn from mischievous toworrisome to horrific.

Paranormal Activity 2 is reminiscent of the 1975 movie Jawsin that in the beginning much of the chills occur off screen, such as thefamily dog growling at something out of site, or the baby Hunter seeming tostare at something in the room that no one else can see. The danger of thesituation is initially only hinted at.

Then the safety of the daylight hours is shattered in adevastating way, and all heck breaks loose.

Paranormal Activity 2 is a well made, well acted horrormovie that is sure to have audiences talking about the violent and terrifying endingfor years to come.


For further reviews, cast information, trailers and more for this movie visit Paranormal Activity 2 Full Online Movie Links


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