Kamis, 08 Oktober 2020

Roman Marketing ... or,

How to Build Your Own Empire in 5 Easy ... before the movie ... hit the ... ... people have been ... with ancient Rome. More than15 ... after its fall, the Ro

How to Build Your Own Empire in 5 Easy Steps

Long before the movie "Gladiator" hit the theatres, millions
of people have been fascinated with ancient Rome. More than
15 centuries after its fall, the Roman Empire continues to
profoundly influence world history. But few have ever
explored how Rome marketed itself to greatness. It wasn't
all blood and guts, gladiators and chariots, togas and
swords. There was a strategy and a mission, too.

After all, how could an ancient class of poor farmers rule
most of Europe? Why would people leave their farms and their
families to travel into unknown territories and fight
barbaric wars? They were basically self-sufficient. They
didn't even have a need for money until the third century.
What's the deal here?

Roman Marketing was the key. In short, it was a powerhouse
strategy practiced by the greatest emperors to instill
hypnotic confidence in soldiers, allegiance from the public,
and victory over almost all enemies.

And you can use it today to build your own empire.

Here's how Roman Marketing worked:

1. Create a mythology.

Rome did not have an inspiring past. Since it lacked the
rich mythological sources of the ancient Greek, Rome filled
in the holes by making up their own culture. They created
their own legend. They told stories of Rome being founded by
the survivors of Troy. Another story said Rome was founded
by Romulus and Remus. These stories awakened a sense of the heroic in people.
It gave them pride and confidence. It helped soldiers agree to fight for a country
that was "the glory of Rome." Battle wounds became symbols of pride. It's
no accident that Rome's principle god was Mars---the god of
war. With that kind of deity on your side, why *not* go into

2. Share your wealth.

In the early days of Rome, citizens had no choice but to
serve in the army. And they might serve up to 20 years. Why
would they agree? Because Roman leaders made it worth their
while. Soldiers were given land and later, when it was
useful to have, money. Whenever an enemy was defeated, the
goods were divided among the soldiers as well as the
leaders. A happy soldier was a loyal soldier. Generosity was
a trait adored in Rome. In later years, when greedy Roman
leaders were more reluctant to share their wealth with their
troops, soldiers were more reluctant to fight---and Rome

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