Jumat, 10 April 2020

Being Cute and Its Amazing Powers

If you have ever seen the movie: Shrek 2, then you will be familiar with the evil cat that became the cutest cat in the whole wide world. I wanted it dead but something happened that changed my mind for the entire duration of the film. He, no longer IT! took on a new form, a new personality and a new character. He looked so helpless and in need of love from me. I felt we personally connected . He looked like he was saying: "I like you and would like to be your friend. I am totally harmless." He used the amazing powers of being cute-

He is cute. I like him -He is hired!Sounds unreal? Read on...

The word cute really means attractive. It can be considered the same as adorable, charming, delightful, beautiful, pretty or pleasant.

The word takes on a life of its own and makes its owners look captivating, appealing and wanted. To have this power, is to acquire the ability to have people fall on their knees just to please you and make you happy.

What qualifies people to be cute? Well thats easy. It is all based on their ability to be wanted by another. Objection! but not everyone is born with cute physical qualities. Thats not true, everyone has the ability to come across cute either using their physical features, personality or character. It all boils down to how attractive these features are to other people or more importantly, the person/people you are trying to win over.

This is where research comes in to play. Remember, cute really means attractive. if you are applying for a job, make your application cute to the employer. Give them what they want to see, what they are looking for and more. Rather than sending a standard resume or CV, tailor it to the exact specifications of the job requirements and talk about your features and benefits. When you are then invited to an interview, amplify your cuteness by looking sharp, presentable, willing to learn, willing to be trained, submissive to the ethics and vision of the company, and show that you are really passionate about the job by dramatising your keenness for the role. Look at the little kitty above, it does not look desperate it looks submissive, willing to be a part of the team, wants to learn and make you happy. If the employer feels this way about you, you are hired. Be cute, it really does work.

By Keji Giwa http://www.careerinsights.tv

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