Minggu, 06 Oktober 2019

Fahrenheit 9/11

I watched ... 9/11 a few days ago and found many aspects of the movie ... Some of the ideas ... within the movie I had heard before. Many from ... and others from news rad

I watched Fahrenheit 9/11 a few days ago and found many aspects of the movie interesting. Some of the ideas discussed within the movie I had heard before. Many from newspapers and others from news radio shows or CNN.

The movie starts out showing the 2000 Presidential Election. It goes through the Florida debacle and shows video clips of what happened on the Senate floor. There were several people who testified on behalf of the people in Florida about the wrong doings. However since no Senator had signed the petition it could not be heard. By all recounts that occurred in Florida Al Gore won. The race wasnt even close.

The next segment showed George Bushs limousine driving down the middle of Washington doing the famous walk to the White House. However the limousine did not stop. It actually kept driving because of the largest protest ever was occurring, people throwing vegetables and eggs at his car every chance they had.

After this, it went through the part of George Bush going on vacation... For those of you who do not know George Bush has spent more time away from the White House than any other President has. Not by visiting other countries or taking new conferences (which he has done the least by any president in history) but by visiting his ranch in Texas.

The film then goes onto September 11th. It explains what happened that day by showing a series of videos. It shows where Bush was at the time and actually shows exactly what he did as well. While the video showing Bush sitting in a classroom full of children while the second plane hit the World Trade Center a series of other videos show, it introduces the Bin Laden family.

The Bin Laden family knew George Bush Jr. and George Bush Sr. way before either became president. The Bin Laden family had money put into Mr. Bush, several million dollars in fact. Since George Bush Sr. would not help Bush create his own business he instead got help from the Bin Ladens. Around eight businesses were bought for Mr. Bush, but only one succeeded. The one then was sold to another company where Bush was left on as CEO.

The clip then goes back to George Bush sitting in a classroom eight minutes after he was told about the tragedy that happened in New York. He did nothing but sit there in front of the children and read to them. Some might think this was a good thing where he could comfort the children, however they did not know and couldnt conjure what had happened. Also Bush did not address the American citizens during this time where the American people needed to hear from their Commander and Chief.

The movie continues to show the connection between the Saudi royal family and the Bushs. Where Bush Sr. is the only president ever to receive secret CIA information after he stepped down from president and then continued to visit the Bin Ladens.

After 9/11 many of the Bin Laden family was still within the USA. But the United States did not bother to question any of them, even though Osama was suspected as masterminding the attack. Instead the family was flown back to Saudi Arabia just two days after the attack (it was the only plane allowed in US air at the time). The FBI and CIA did not bother to question the family; they just whisked them away to safety. Isnt this ironic? Even in a murder investigation the first people that are talked to by the police are the suspects family members. So why not them? Could it be that Mr. Bush helped the family for helping him with money in his time of need?

The movie then goes on to other things that happened during his presidency. Such as the Iraq war and social security and taxes. The part about the Iraq War is very emotional. Children shown bleeding to death or with missing limbs from American bombings. The children did nothing wrong, so why should they have to suffer? The segment also shows interviews with American soldiers in Iraq. It shows their real concerns and real feelings towards the war. Not all soldiers agree with it, but since there is a media censorship in the military much can not be said, the soldiers are only allowed to say good things about the war and cannot say anything else.

Many have actually stepped down and in fact a group of people rebelled when asked to take supplies to another part of Iraq when their vehicles were not properly equipped.

The movie also shows interviews with Iraqi citizens before and during the war. It showed their true feelings for it and what really happened during the war. Tens of thousands of children are getting hurt and killed in Iraq even today. These children are not getting hurt or killed from other Iraqis, but by American soldiers who shouldnt be there.

When someone says this movie is just liberal bias and is nothing like how it is. How could it be? The movie is made up of videos where Michael Moore only comments on certain things, it doesnt dub over what someone says or does. It shows what really happened. This is just another part of conservative censorship and it needs to be put to a stop. Watch Fahrenheit 9/11 and see for yourself.

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