Rabu, 25 September 2019

Will video kill the display advertisement?

Anyone who has been an internet user over the last few yearswill have noticed the more and more ubiquitous showing of the online videoadvertisement. From TV show clips, movie trailers and funny videos, to CEOsgiving motivation to their staff or telling you why their company / website isbest; video is becoming one of the most sought after mediums in onlineadvertising.

But is it effective?

Well, the simple answer to that it seems is Yes. Earlierthis year, comScore (in conjunction with .Fox Networks) released their studyregarding uplift in brand engagement which looked at the impact videoadvertising and display advertising can have.

Although both were seen tosuccessfully increase brand engagement, when compared side by side it was videothat came out on top. Consumers were found to be 28 percent more likely tovisit the brand site after viewing a video than after a display ad. It was alsoseen that the first five exposures of the video had a larger impact that thatof the display ad.

With the focus of onlineactivity changing over the last few years to view the engagement factor inadvertising as more imperative than ever before; this is an area where videocan really impact.

Good video advertising shouldbe immersive and engaging and should have a far greater ability to create anemotional response from the consumer. Creating an emotional response is one ofthe key factors of online advertising due to its ability to trigger an action a self serving action such as a click-through or perhaps a forwarding actionwhere the video can become more viral. An emotional response to anadvertisement is one of the most effective ways to drive uplifts in traffic andbrand awareness.

With the development of videoanalytics we can also really measure the success of video campaigns and learnhow to continually improve and evolve the offering. Information such as videoviews, average viewing time and the percentage of video watched will helpmarketers understand and refine their campaigns with more depth and claritycompared to display ad analytics.

Of course engaging the consumeris only the first step. Whilst the best video advertisements will give youuplift in traffic and your online brand awareness, conversions will only followif the rest of the customer journey measures up the video only bringscustomers to your door, and with your website design, its up to you to letthem in!

For many people, videoadvertising has only now started to become a must have feature and medium.However, now established, it is an area that will continue to grow and evolveuntil soon well be watching 3D HD virals to choose our holiday destinations

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