Rabu, 03 Juni 2020

The Check From The Universe

Have you ever heard that story about how Jim Carrey wrote himself a check for $10,000,000.00 when he was a struggling actor? He carried it around in his wallet every single day. Each time he opened his wallet, he couldnt help but look at it, and when he did, he would envision what it would feel like to make that much money on one movie.

Needless to say, Jim Carrey has gone on to make $10,000,000 per movie, and much, much more. Hes one of the highest paid actors in Hollywood. Ive been using this same principle for a while, as it relates to my business. I used to say to myself, I am a happy, healthy multimillionaire helping others but I found that sometimes I couldnt connect to that feeling place right away. Sometimes, multimillions seems a little out of reach for me.

So, I decided to make it more tangible for me, more realistic and less of a stretch.

As Napoleon Hill said, what you can conceive and believe you can achieve. My goal this year (and practically every year) is to make twice as much, working half the time. Trust me, I know Im successful now, by most peoples standards, and Im super grateful for that.

I know that I add value to peoples lives, that I give them not only the TOOLS to succeed, but help them give themselves PERMISSION to succeed. I know that its a good thing to make money, because you then enrich others by hiring them, by using peoples products and services, and you can support the charities you really care about (for me, its Self Esteem for Women.)

Whenever I make more, I enrich others more, and that feels good.

But I also know that Ive worked my butt off to make that happen. Long hours, lots of back-to-back coaching clients, almost too many for any sane person.

This year for me is about helping many, many more people than Ive been able to when all I did was private coaching. Its about having lots of leveraged income (groups and events vs. one-on-one coaching) so I can add more value to more people, while being more successful and having more down time to create more content.

NOTICE your own limiting beliefs around the work ethic, notice your money gremlins, and understand that the very same thing OR MORE is available to you too, right now. You just have to believe that it can happen, one way or another.

Write your own check. Here are the elements to make sure you include:

1) Be specific with the NUMBER you have in mind
2) Make it clear that you are willing to receive it NOW or SOON (not 10 years down the line)
3) Make sure you state that it wasnt about working your fingers to the bone, but rather, working less.

Another way to use this check to attract a perfect client is to include it in your Empty Client Folder exercise we talked about earlier.

1) Figure out how many clients youd like to attract this month. (Well use 3 for this example.)
2) Then, get clear on how much youd like to make for each new client youre trying to attract this month. (For this, well use $5,000.00.)
3) Then, write out 3 checks for $5,000.00 each.
4) Once youre done, put one $5,000.00 check in each Empty Client Folder.

This exercise tells the universe youre essentially being VERY specific with about what youd like to attract and you are making your intention very strong. Do that today, OK? It only takes a minute and it is SO powerful

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