Sabtu, 09 Mei 2020

The Hypnotic Power of Repetition

In the movie, "Good Will ... the ... played byRobin ... lovingly ... the ... young man inhis office with the phrase, "It's not your fault." After a pause, Williams again

In the movie, "Good Will Hunting," the counselor, played by
Robin Williams, lovingly confronts the disturbed young man in
his office with the phrase, "It's not your fault."

After a pause, Williams again says, "It's not your fault."

After yet another pause, he again says, "It's not your fault."

By the time the scene is done, the young man breaks down and
cries. The counselor and patient hug. A transformation has
occurred. It's a powerful moment in the film. It's

And it's hypnotic.


Scene Two:

My girlfriend and I are having dinner. We had gone out to see a
movie. Afterwards we drove through the city night, the top down
on my new BMW Z3, as we held hands and breathed the fresh, cool
air. Now, at dinner, we are feeling deeply close.

At that moment by girlfriend leans over to me, looks me right in
the eye, and asks, "Do you know I love you?"

I quickly nod and smile. Yes, of course, I know she loves me.

She doesn't blink an eye. She again looks at me and says, "Do
you know I love you?"

I laugh a little nervously. Yes, I know it, I reply.

She doesn't stop. She again says, "Do you know I love you?"

I'm silent this time. Now I'm *really* hearing her.

Suddenly my heart wells up with emotion. I feel an overwhelming
amount of love in my chest. I look at my girlfriend and
realize---truly GET---that she loves me. It's a moment I'll
never forget.

It, too, was hypnotic.


I've discovered that one of the most powerful tools of
persuasion any hypnotic writer can have is simply this:

Don't dismiss this concept. It helped Robin Williams heal a
troubled youth. It helped my girlfriend get into my heart. And
it can help you influence your readers to do what you want.

Repetition isn't new, of course. P.T. Barnum, maybe the best
marketing mind the world has ever seen, used this concept back
in the late 1800s. One of his ads had one line repeatedly


You can't help but take a quick look at Barnum's ad and know he
has TWO LIVING WHALES on display.

Advertising man and author Kenneth Goode, in his 1932 book,
"Advertising," wrote--

"As a matter of fact, the greatest of all advertising tricks is
that of persistently pounding away at the same suggestion while
still keeping the appearance of freshness of idea."

And Walter Honek, a mail-order genius who wrote the 1994 book,
"My Amazing Discovery," said:

"Do not hesitate to repeat key words and phrases. Repeat them as
often as necessary."

Repetition is hypnotic. It's what good hypnotists use to install
their suggestions in your mind. Their repeatedly saying "You are
getting sleepy...." is said because, heard enough times, you
WILL get sleepy.

The same thing can happen in your writing. Consciously choose to
repeat your main points. Don't be afraid to re-say something.
The more you repeat your basic offer or basic reasons to buy,
the more you will influence the reader's unconscious mind.

Repetition is hypnotic.

Repetition is hypnotic.

Repetition is hypnotic.

Just ask Robin Williams.

Or my girlfriend.

Article Tags: Again Says, Living Whales

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