Rabu, 18 Maret 2020

How A Movie From 1939 Could Save You From Financial Ruin

Learn How A Movie Classic Can Show You How To Avoid The Biggest Financial Mistake Most Americans Make. The Secret To Real Prosperity Begins Here...

How A Movie From 1939 Could Save You From Financial Ruin

It's a Twister Dorothy!That's what they said towards the beginning of the classic movie, " The Wizard of Oz". Then, of course, all of the family ran for cover in the storm cellar, after they released the livestock and horses. Dorothy, didn't make it to the shelter that afternoon, and Auntie Em was really worried.Well, I am right there with Auntie Em. The only difference is that the "twister" I am worried about is the effect baby boomers are going to have on the two pillars of security that we call Medicare and Social Security. Now, that particular twister is going to do a lot more damage than the one in the movie. In the movie, little Dorothy's house was pulled off it's foundation, and dropped on the wicked witch all in one piece. The damage was minimal. At the end of the movie, Dorothy had a small lump on her head, but was otherwise un-harmed. All in all, there was a happy ending.The Baby Boom "twister" is real, and it is coming, and we had better start to get prepared. Especially since we are being forewarned once again. The Social Security program, along with Medicare have, once again, been "reviewed" by their respective "Trustees" to determine how soon they will be insolvent. It would appear that Medicare will become insolvent around 2019, and Social Security will be broke sometime around 2041. As a "card carrying member" of the Baby Boom generation, Medicare will be toast about seven years before I would be eligible for benefits. I can't tell you how thrilled I am to keep paying in to it knowing all of this.The Social Security Program, however; appears to have a little longer life span than Medicare. It wasn't too long ago the date was predicted to be sometime in 2032. So, I guess I should be happy about that tidbit of good news, given the way Medicare is working out for me. No matter how you look at it though, the message is pretty clear if you simply read between the lines. For those of you who don't, please allow me to decipher for you:The message is: Don't Count On Us.Just like Dorthy discovered, the Great Wizard (the government) cannot really magically provide a heart for the Tin Man, or a brain for the Scarecrow, nor can he provide whatever actually puts the "hot" in Hottentot, otherwise known as Courage. In fact, the Wizard pretty much told Dorothy and her companions that the very things they sought to obtain were already in their possession. They needed only to realize it and to believe it.Our government is, once again, telling us that we need to fend for ourselves because there is a storm coming, and we would be wise to get prepared if we hope to make it through. Not in so many words of course, but that's about it in a nutshell.For me, that means we need to save our own money, become debt free as fast as possible, and be self sufficient. You know, all the things your Auntie Em ( your parents and Grandparents)probably told you were smart things to do with your money. So, pay no attention to that man behind the curtain! It is only me. But, if there really was a "wizard" , I suppose we would learn what we really already know; that the average American family can be come debt free without hurting their budget. Furthermore and henceforth, from this day forward, they shall have the power to do so, if they realize that they cannot plan for their future while they are so busy paying for their past.How much money you make is not as important as; how much of what you make will you actually keep? Getting out of debt is, without question, the single most important financial decision you must make in today's world. Maybe, we should listen to Auntie Em and not depend on Uncle Sam, especially if we want our story to have a happy ending?

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