Minggu, 27 Oktober 2019

Best Action Movies

Are you an action adventure movie fan? How many of thesefilms have you viewed?1. The Seven Samurai - Akira Kurosawa's epic The Seven Samurai' appeared in1954. According to people who care...

Are you an action adventure movie fan? How many of thesefilms have you viewed?

1. The Seven Samurai - Akira Kurosawa's epic The Seven Samurai' appeared in1954. According to people who care about this sort of thing, The SevenSamurai'is thought of as the first true action adventure film. This epic filmabout a squad of samurai freelancers defending a village invented manytechniques used in action movies today. Kurosawa's film was the first to useslow motion for dramatic effect, and introduced the world to the stand-aloneprologue. Akira Kurosawa is a master of filming battle scenes, and he pioneeredmany techniques for filming action and fighting that would be used for thesubsequent half a century. Using extreme close-ups during fight scenes justwasn't done before this film, and that particular technique is still usedtoday. The Magnificent Seven is the most obvious example, but many movies havebeen heavily influenced by The Seven Samurai.

2. The French Connection - This 1971 film exemplifies the golden age of harshand cutting-edge police procedurals. The 1970s was loaded with pulp and dirt,and for a time it seemed as if no film could be shot during the day. The FrenchConnection is one of these true story action adventure film dramas. The FrenchConnection was awarded three Oscars: Best Picture, Director, and Actor. Do notlet the awards fool you, this is an action adventure movie. We have gotfistfights, we have guns and ammo, we have pursuits and illegal drugs andeverything else an action movie fan might wish for. Gene Hackman as a NY policeofficer is tough and cool, the enemy of evil heroin smugglers.

3. Jurassic Park - Jurassic Park is a true action adventure film megahit injust about every way. Strand intriguing and likable characters on a weirdisland, add some machinations and luggage filled with money, and don't skimp onthe CGI and dinosaurs and you have got yourself an action adventure movie.Still thought of a special effects achievement, it is hard to recollect thatSteven Spielberg's Jurassic Park'was so far ahead of the game technology-wisethat it seemed like this one motion picture would alter the action adventuregenre forever. What's tense about this movie is how plausible it is. Youstart to think the technology underlying Jurassic Park' is not only obtainable,but easily so. Like Frankenstein and myriad other mad scientist plotlines,Spielberg's movie gives you all the action adventure you can handle. Dinosaurspursuing cars, dinosaurs pursuing other dinosaurs, and even irresistible childdinosaurs for the children in the crowd. Jurassic Park' is an action film/scifiallegory about genetic engineering and the perils of science without ethics.Besides, a lawyer gets bitten in half.

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